Chapter no.36 The Hidden Artifact : Yata no Kagami

Lin Lingtian's gaze fell to the center of the hall. At the center of the hall lies a huge stone coffin that was three meters long and about one meter in height. The surface of the coffin was covered with mysterious inscription arrays .Those inscriptions were quite familiar, but he was unable to recognize it out.

'What are these inscription array?' he asked himself.

Moving closer to Emperor Kong Ming's stone coffin, Lin Lingtian felt a mysterious force rushing towards him. It felt, as he stood beside the stone coffin, like he was standing in the middle of the roaring ocean and could fly out any time. It was no wonder that those who died around here did not get close to the stone coffin.

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian frowned as he sensed something trying to search his soul .

Space bent around him as Lin Lingtian appeared a few meters away from the stone coffin .

[ Appraisal level 7 ]

[ Item : Space Artifact ( Deactivated ) ]

[ Rank : Unknown ]

[ Description : An item belonging to Emperor Kong Ming as he left behind it for his successor . Containing artifacts, scrolls , talismans , pills collected by Emperor Kong Ming over the years ]

Lin Lingtian clicked his tongue as his eyes narrowed at the surface of the stone coffin . The inscription array was a hidden mechanism that only responded to the successor of Emperor Kong Ming .

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian began to think and analyze the inscription array inside his head .

That stone coffin was a space artifact meaning if he destroyed the protection array on it's surface then this artifact would more then likely get destroyed and in response a extreme amount of soul force would be expelled out of it . Maybe a few items may be left behind and that was a big maybe .

Taking out a few pages , Lin Lingtian redrew the inscription array of the stone coffin on the pages .

If he couldn't break the seal then he could mimick what the inscription array was Searching for to confirm whether someone was the successor or not .


Lin Lingtian stook a deep breath , this was not going to work .

The conditions for the successor were something that were within the soul of the successor of Emperor Kong Ming .

That Inscription array would only properly respond to someone that had something left behind in their soul that indicated that they were the true successor of Emperor Kong Ming .

Looking at the stone coffin , Lin Lingtian had to admit even if that man was a shitty leader or not it remained to be seen as with the current memories he had , passing on a judgement didn't feel right but one thing was clear . Emperor Kong Ming was truly a mysterious man .

Lin Lingtian continued to look at the inscription arrays . He felt like he had seen them before .

Then it clicked ... taking out the temporal page Lin Lingtian compared and he couldn't believe it . The central Inscription array on the stone tablet was the exact copy of a water down version of the inscription array on the temporal page he had in his hands .

So , Emperor Kong Ming had personally created this item after studying a temporal page he must have gotten his hands on .Meaning the fluctuations he is feeling from the temporal vine are linked to that stone coffin that most likely has a temporal page inside it .

An idea formed inside Lin Lingtian's head .

What if he just displaced the inscription array that checked if he was or wasn't the successor of Emperor Kong Ming ?

Taking a look at the inscription array on the surface of the stone coffin .

' This I going to take some time .'

" I am going to check out the remaining underground palace ." Xiao Ning'er exclaimed .

" Sure ."


Looking over the entire inscription arrays , Lin Lingtian had carved into the pillars of underground palace . It took Lin Lingtian quite a while to dissect the entire inscription array on the stone coffin .

Channeling soul force through his inscription array , the entire hall was covered in a crimson glow as the stone coffin lit up in a shower of gold .

The Security Inscription Array on the stone coffin began to disappear and reappear on the pillars of the underground palace .

( ~ Huff ~ Puff ~ )

" Done ." Lin Lingtian said while swiping away his sweat .

Walking towards the stone coffin , Lin Lingtian drew blood out of his thumb and placed it on the stone coffin as he channeled large amounts of soul force through it .

The blood was a medium to form a connection between the stone coffin and himself .

[ Space Artifact is forming a connection with your soul sea . Soul force is flowing into the space artifact to form a connection .]

[ To Complete the connection a name is required ]

Lin Lingtian thought for a few minutes and said ," You will help me find out the truth about Emperor Kong Ming so I bestow upon you the name " Yata no Kagami " "

Lin Lingtian smiled at that name , when he was on Earth his favourite character was Itachi Uchiha and when he heard that Itachi had a weapon known as the Yata mirror and to his surprise when he searched for what the Yata mirror was he found that in Japanese mythology , Yata no Kagami represents truth . As this artifact will show him the truth about Emperor Kong Ming hence to Lin Lingtian this name was appropriate for this artifact .

[ ADDED STATUS : Bloodline Connection ]

[ Bloodline Connection : This Artifact can only be used by members of your bloodline ] [ Duration : ∞] ( - )

The Stone Coffin began to shine brightly as Lin Lingtian squinted and covered his eyes . The Stone Coffin's form began to shift into it's awakened form ....

Roots of tree sprouted from the ground as the twisted and interlocked with one another forming a circular mirror in the center of the room replacing the stone coffin .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Lin Lingtian instinctively knew that this was the space artifacts awakened form .

Placing his hand on the surface of the mirror , Lin Lingtian found no resistance as his hand began to disappear into the mirror .

This mirror was a gateway to the pocket dimension hidden within it .

His perception distorted as a sense of vertigo hit Lin Lingtian's mind .

Taking a few breaths to calm his mind down , Lin Lingtian looked around .

He found himself in a platform inside a building . There were carved draconic statues and old Chinese architectural designs around the room .

Walking out of the room , Lin Lingtian saw that he was in a building .

Gravity began to ignore him as he was floating in the air to get a better view and his jaw dropped .

It looked like he had arrived in a completely different world .

Lakes , plants submerged in clouds made of soul force .

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but gulp . The density of soul force was so much that he could physically touch it .

Lin Lingtian could identify from a far , medicinal and Spiritual plants that were extremely rare to come by in massive bulks .

( A.N : The pocket dimension )

Landing back at the platform , Lin Lingtian instinctively knew how to use this space artifact .

' Show me where Emperor Kong Ming kept the treasures .'

Space shifted as Lin Lingtian found himself in a library .

Millions of books scattered all around him .

( A.N : The Library of Emperor Kong Ming )

Walking to a pedestal , Lin Lingtian picked up a book that was Emperor Kong Ming's personal journal .


Entry no. 1 :

Senior Li Hua has gifted upon this lord this item for me to write upon my queries .

Flipping to the last page , Lin Lingtian sat down and began reading the last pages . --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Entry no.200000

I have decided to leave this kingdom behind , with the Great Change Heavenly Technique I have determined that a catastrophe will strike humanity . It doesn't matter to me as I , the Great Emperor Kong Ming in this lifetime, gifted with extraordinary talent. Started to comprehend at the age of ten, splitting mountains and scattering stones. Comprehended the gentle realm at the age of thirteen, drying a river at the wave of a hand. At the age of sixteen, comprehended the profound of the demon spirits, and broke through the Legend rank realm. At the age of thirty, no one under the sky can withstand three of my strikes, battling all supreme experts around the world and have never tasted defeat. Comprehended the realm of man at the age of forty, opened the wisdom, knowing the past and present. At the age of fifty, sensed a calamity arriving, abandoned the throne and left.


Lin Lingtian threw Emperor Kong Ming's Journal as he left the library in a hurry with a scowl on his face .

" Show me the treasury ." Anger was evident in his voice as he felt his blood boil at Emperor Kong Ming .

As someone who felt the pain of the people of the Sacred Empire , his blood boiled in anger when it was confirmed that the man , the leader who was the last hope for the people left like a coward even when he was the most strongest in the world was jarring to say the least .

Space shifted as Lin Lingtian found himself inside hall filled with many many treasures .

To distract himself from his anger , Lin Lingtian used appraisal on the treasures that had been collected by Emperor Kong Ming


[ Appraisal level 7 ]

[ Item : Diamond Talisman ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : A forbidden artifact that used soul force until death to form a layer of armour that increased durability of the body to the power of magnitude of the durability of diamonds ]


[ Item : Soul Lantern ]

[ Rank : Dharma ]

[ Description : A lantern made using black distortion jade . A living soul is captured and refined using yin soul force so to not dissipate . Yang soul force gives it a corporeal body . The souls don't have consciousness and will seek out even more souls . These souls are converted into ghosts that can change shape into that of beasts with ferocious nature . That's why they are called soul beasts ]

Infront of Lin Lingtian was a black lantern with a gaseous green human skull inside it .

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Soul Controlling Plate ]

[ Rank : Common ]

[ Description : Made out of soul Jade . It is used to mark a soul with an Inscription Array for identification that can allow an individual to bypass barrier arrays ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Pouch of a hundred Treasures ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : A pouch with that is a connection to an independent space . It can be used to transport items , artifacts , weapons and living creatures]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Sealing Soul Sphere ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : Made of soul Jade and ceramic glaze . Used to seal and store ghosts ]

[ Item : Soul Sealing Scroll ]

[ Rank : Common ]

[ Description : Manufactured from a dead pagoda tree or certain age to form high grade paper talisman . It has a subduing soul incantation drawn on it with spirit ink made with soul Jade powder ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Astral Wind Essence Disc ]

[ Rank : Common ]

[ Description : Decorated with Jade carvings of an Inscription Array with a cloud pattern . Channeling soul force through it forms a protective barrier from astral essence isolating an attack ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Fiendish Weapon Breaking Armour Talisman ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : Formed using black tiger blood with chaos soul force . A talisman capable of shifting into a chain , spear , hammer e. t. c. ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Phosphorescent White bone dagger ]

[ Rank : Common ]

[ Description : Made from the tooth of an underground abyssal spring slug . Refined under a nether flame for 3 days and 3 nights . The weapon has the ability to telekinetically float without creating any form of noise ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Ice Wind Ghost Faced Gloves ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : Has offensive and defensive qualities of water and wind attributed soul force . Can create a water crystal shield and wind blades ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Blood Eye Corpse ]

[ Rank : Common ]

[ Description : Using a living corpse , the seven orifices are sealed with a special technique covering the whole body with talisman made of blood of demonic beasts and cinnabar . ]

( A. N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Bone Crusher ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : Forged from a piece of meteorite , weighing 27kh. Due to the blood of the dead soaking it for hundreds of battles it has been it , a bloodthirsty aura has engulfed it causes future users to gain a bloodthirsty aura that can effect their sanity ]

( A.N : Imagine this )


[ Item : Demon Spirit Stone ]

[ Species : Black Armoured Spirit Devouring Spider ]

[ Attribute : Chaos , Yin ]

[ Growth rate : God / Divine ]

[ Description A demonic beast that has the bloodline of the ancient ferocious beast Hundun ]


[ Item : Frost Crystal ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : An item used to give properties of snow attribute to armours and weapons ]


[ Item : Shadow Binding Talisman ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : Uses yin soul force to give form to shadows that can immobilize anyone within a 10 meter radius ]


[ Item : Jade Scroll ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : An instrument used to record things with soul intents ]


[ Item : Demon Spirit Stone ]

[ Species : Iron Feathered Oriole ]

[ Attributes : Earth , Yin ]

[ Growth Rate : Extraordinary ]

[ Description : A demonic beast that is covered in iron feathers capable of producing gales and effecting the weather ]


[ Item : Purple Flame Blue Patterned Cauldron ]

[ Rank : Trash ]

[ Description : An auxillary refining tool made from finely cast melted bronze . Engraved with a fire green gold pattern on the outside ]


Lin Lingtian walked through the rows of artifacts as he came to a stop . Infront of him was a blue crystal gem but what caught his attention was the temporal page beside the gem .

Picking up the temporal page , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but smile . Placing the temporal page found in this space artifact with the temporal page found from the Heavenly Marks Treasury .

Lin Lingtian exclaimed , " Show me an artifact best suited for combat ."

Space began to shift as an eriee glow engulfed the halls . Lin Lingtian's eyes couldn't help but widen when looking at the artifact infront of him .


{ A. N : Everyone I want you guys to suggest what this best weapon of combat for Lin Lingtian should be ? }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )