Chapter no. 37 The Symbiotic Weapon : Lævateinn

Lin Lingtian exclaimed , " Show me an artifact best suited for combat ."

Space began to shift as an eriee glow engulfed the halls . Lin Lingtian's eyes couldn't help but widen when looking at the artifact infront of him .

Embedded in the shards of dark crystals , laid their a blade . It's aura showed how many lives had been lost to it .

( A.N : Imagine this )

[ Appraisal level 7 => 8 ]

[ Item : Lævateinn ]

[ Condition : Unawakened ]

[ Rank : Heavenly ]

[ Description : A symbiotic weapon that can shapeshift into any weapon the user desires . This weapon is formed from an alloy made of Divine Crystals and Purple Soul Jade . It will serve those that are worthy of wielding it in battle and as they die their souls are eaten by this blade ]

( A.N : Lævateinn is a weapon forged by Loki to slay the rooster Viðofnir atop the Mímameiðr tree in order for the seeker to achieve his quest . This weapon is never clearly stated to what it really is as due to it's association with Loki who is a well known shapeshifter I thought hey that name is perfect for Lin Lingtian's weapon that can also shapeshift )

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but whistle , now this was a weapon that he needed to have .

As Lin Lingtian took a step forward , the bloodthirsty aura of the blade began to concentrate on one point ' Lin Lingtian ' .

Stopping dead in his tracks , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but grin . His desire to wield this weapon was growing .

Lin Lingtian began to casually walk forward as if not even effected by the bloodthirsty aura of the weapon .

Each step , Lin Lingtian took ..... the aura got much much stronger .

This weapon was made 10,000 years ago and for the day it was created to the day it fell into the hands of Emperor Kong Ming who was afraid of using it . This weapon has only seen War , Blood and Death .

Having reaped the lives and absorbed the demon spirits of billions of demon beasts , this weapon has formed a sword soul . Waiting for a day it's true wielder would show up .

To Lin Lingtian the bloodthirsty aura of the Lævateinn was causing illusions to form in his head .

[ The lingering soul intents of the beings killed by the Lævateinn are effecting your mind ]

[ Added Status : Devouring Illusionary Spirits ]

[ Devouring Illusionary Spirits : Illusions of the dead would form in your mind to battle you so they can destroy your sanity ] [ Durations : 24 hours ] ( - + )

( ~ Roar ~ )


Lin Lingtian looked up to saw a tidal wave of demon beasts running towards him .

One could even see millions of humans mixed in the tidal wave .

He could easily cancel the Devouring Illusionary Spirits status but why should he when he looking a gift horse Infront of him ?

As the tidal wave of demon beasts came closer and closer , he could feel the War God Technique , War God Battle Instincts in his body circulate .

Soul force erupted from Lin Lingtian's form as his soul Katars lit up in a bright crimson glow .

Taking a step forward , Lin Lingtian's grin didn't leave his mouth as he began to run towards the tidal wave known as the billions of Illusionary enemies .

The killer intent of billions clashed against the mind of Lin Lingtian who could feel the War God Technique began to circulate more and more .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

Lin Lingtian's soul Katar cut through the first enemy as he turned carrying his momentum in a Spinning motion Lin Lingtian's katar had sliced apart multiple enemies apart . Their being dissipating into mist .

Jumping up , Lin Lingtian looked to see humans and demon beasts using each others as platforms to reach him .

Using his inertia , Lin Lingtian entered the tidal wave with more vigor and enthusiasm .

He was enjoying this .

From every corner enemies charging at him .

His blood boiling in anticipation .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Screech ~ )

( ~ Clash ~ )

Lin Lingtian twisted and turned , jumped and ducked under the attacks of the enemies . His body moving through the enemies as if he could see through their attacks .

Lin Lingtian's katar met the spear of a human soldier as Lin Lingtian's arm twisted and slashed the wrists of the soldier .

The soldier couldn't even scream before his head was split in two by Lin Lingtian .

( ~ Clap ~ )

[ Wood Dao Scripture : Pholeo's Forest ]

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Hundreds of meters long roots erupted from the ground interlocking with one another as any enemy that came closer to the Lin Lingtian would dissipate into mist .

Taking a deep breath Lin Lingtian channeled soul force into his soul katars as began to slash and hack at the forest in every direction .

( ~ Woosh ~ )

Space bent and folded as Lin Lingtian's relentless slash's destroyed the forest and dissipated hundreds of thousands of enemies .

( ~ Huff ~ )

( ~ Puff ~ )

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath as sensed killer intent from every direction .

Millions of enemies were encircling him .

Feeling the danger , the war God Technique began to circulate more and more faster .

A beat of sweat dropped to the floor of his mindscape as if it was a signal for the race to start as enemies from every direction charged towards Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian was going to bend space and escape but stop when he felt a change in the War God Technique .







Millions of enemies charged towards a lone figure standing in the center of this tidal wave that seemed to engulf the light .












A voice rang out that seemed to have silence everything .







[ Chaos Dao Scripture : Heavenly Spiral ]

In the epicenter of everything , Lin Lingtian stood with a dark spiral circle in between his hands .

( A.N : Imagine this )

( ~ Ting ~ )

As if a bell had been rung , a wave of chaos attributed soul force covered Lin Lingtian's mindscape .

The wave of energy began to form into rings that covered all the illusionary enemies .

( ~ Shake ~ )

The entire mindscape began to shake as the rings turned white .

( ~ BOOOOOM ~ )

Millions of enemies in an instant were dissipated into mist as only the aftermath remained in it's wake .

Lin Lingtian's mindscape was covered in trenches of spiral shaped as every illusionary had been destroyed except for one .

( A.N : Imagine this )










( ~ Huff ~ )

( ~ Huff ~ )

[ Self Suppression of Cultivation Rank : The surging soul force is being supressed causing it to be impossible to ascend to a higher rank ] [ Duration : ∞] ( - )

Lin Lingtian's body was covered in sweat as he found this one Technique draining almost all his soul force .

He checked the interface and couldn't help but sigh in relief . Thank God he had suppressed his advancement to the gold rank or the ancient orchid ruins would be bombarded by a Heavenly Tribulation .

Lin Lingtian gazed upon the jade ethereal silhouette of a figure standing from a far , in the silhouette's hands was a spear .

Lin Lingtian looked at the figures chest and saw that it had a soul shard in the center of its chest .

Lin Lingtian's mind twisted and turned as he gazed upon the dissipating figures of the enemies that had previously encircled him .

' None of these illusionary beings had a soul shard so this figure must have been special . Maybe the previous user ..... no the appraisal stated that the weapon absorbs the soul of it's user so ..... the figure must be the creator of the Lævateinn .'

Lin Lingtian smiled at the silhouette of the creator of lævateinn .

" This would normally be a very hard fight were I the successor would overcome the previous user but .... unfortunately I don't fight fairly and with so called honour ."

Lin Lingtian's heart glowed a golden light as an ethereal ankh's cross formed infront of him and instantaneously the ethereal ankh's cross had shattered the silhouette of the creator of the Lævateinn .

( P.S : The creator of lævateinn is the same guy that created the sparkling flying knife set that Nie Li bought in the Abyssal Prison Realm )








[ You have completely resisted against the Devouring Illusionary Spirits . ADDED STATUS : Iron Will ]

[ Iron Will : Complete immunity to fear and Illusionary abilities ] [ Duration : ∞] (-)

Ignoring the interface , Lin Lingtian swiftly moved forward as his hands grasped the hilt of the Lævateinn .

The sword began to melt into a black and crimson liquid metal and as the sword melted into a fluid it began to merge into Lin Lingtian's body .

If viewed through an MRI , one could see that the black liquid was merging and forming complex inscription arrays on the bones and meridians of Lin Lingtian's body .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )