Chapter no.39 The Nameless Old man

{ A.N : Everyone I wanted to ask , what is your least favourite series in general be is manga , anime , novel e.t.c.

For me it's Against the Gods or Martial Peak or Apotheosis : I still can't decide which one is my least favourite , in ATG in the beginning I kinda like the no shit give attitude of Scum Che but after 40 or so chapters it became repetitive as every new character introduced had to have some beef with the MC because of this or that which if you take a moment to think about is stupid and scum Che isn't helping it as he picks fights with every new young master he meets ... in Martial Peak at first the premise was interesting and I was invested in the plot but as the plot went on , they started to introduce new concepts and characters and story arcs that didn't interest me at all .... in Apotheosis it was MC has so much broken plot armour that even the MC himself questions if he can do what he can do because he is blessed by the heavens , a training arc then a tournament arc then a training arc then a tournament arc rinse and repeat . The plot is meh , the characters are easily forgettable , the over all story made me cringe after a few hundred chapters }


[ POV Change ]

Dipping her brush in the blood of a Black Water Slug , Xiao Ning'er channeled soul force into her brush .

Sweat dripped down her face as she drew the 56 foundational patterns of the Water Prison Talisman .

A few hours ago , Lin Lingtian had Bezalel and tempest search for Alderblood trees .

She had shown quite an interest in inscription array and surprisingly when Lin Lingtian had shown her the 10,000 basic characters that are used in the Inscription Arrays of Snow-wind Era.

Lin Lingtian had described Inscription Arrays as a language that causes the soul force stored within the materials used to make up the inscription arrays to act in a way that correlates to the pattern drawn .

" Beautiful , you have misdrawn the thirty sixth character of the inscription array ."

" Huh ! ..... Y...Your right ."

" Beautiful , don't be discouraged it is your 10 time failing ."

"Lin "

" Yeah "

" Your supposed to cheer me up ."

" I am cheering you up ."

" No your not "

" Yes , I am"

" Prove it then ."

" How many mistakes did you make during your ninth time ?"

" 5 "

" How many mistakes did you make during your tenth time ?"

" 1 "

Then the realization hit , Xiao Ning'er as she looked at the inscription array she had drawn on the alderwood paper.

" Thanks " Xiao Ning'er said with a smile .

Lin Lingtian didn't say anything as a black bone sickle formed from his hand .

( ~ Swisssh ~ )

Lin Lingtian perfectly cut the alderwood block into cleanly cut strips .

The ability to form shadow bone sickles was gained after he had absorbed the shadow devil into his army .

The Shadow Devil was an interesting demon spirit because even though it was trapped in the shadow devil lamp for a thousand years it acted like an obedient child maybe when it was born from a demon beast egg it was swiftly trapped within the spirit lamb and was trapped there in suspended animation for a thousand years , that was his theory that could explain the behaviour of the shadow devil .

Lin Lingtian reckoned that if anyone had normally absorbed the shadow devil's demon spirit form due to it's obedient and child like behaviour , it will never act out against its host ever .

( A.N : Did you guys ever find it weird that the shadow devil , a rare and powerful demon beast never once tried to even fight against Nie Li inside his Dantian while the Fanged Panda which was a weak demon spirit to begin with always tried to fight against Nie Li ? )

Placing the strips in a Criss cross manner , Lin Lingtian clenched his fist as gravity squeezed the Criss cross strips of Alderblood tree to form into pieces of paper .

Water dripped down on the ground as Lin Lingtian placed the paper with the others .

" Beautiful ."

" Yes"

" I have weird question for you ."

" what is it ?"

" Do you have any siblings ?"

" ... Yes ...."

( A.N : This is an actual fact , go look up Xiao Ning'er's wiki page )

" Really ."

" Yes but they were my step brothers , we were never close to one another as we had the same father but different mothers ."

' oh yeah ! polygamy is normal in this world .'

" I think they were jealous of me ."

" Why ?"

" When I had shown greater talent in Cultivation then my brothers , father gave me more attention and I guess they were jealous . Don't know if they were jealous of my talent or that father gave me more attention . I try not to think about it ."

" ..... "

" Done ."

Xiao Ning'er held up inscription array to Lin Lingtian who carefully observed and then nodded .

" Use it ."

Xiao Ning'er smiled and then channeled soul force through the talisman .

Lin Lingtian commanded the mutated Demon Horned Sheep to stand Infront of Xiao Ning'er .

Throwing the talisman towards the demon beast , Xiao Ning'er saw that the talisman stopped mid air and a veil of water covered the demon beast trapping it in a cocoon of water .

" Yes !"

" Congratulations ."

A few minutes go bye as Lin Lingtian said now let's test out how much force it can withstand .

( ~ Snap ~ )

( ~ Thud ~ )

( ~ Splash ~ )

" So it can handle one physical attack from a 1 star black gold rank ."

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er ," Want to make another one ? "

" .... No , give me something else to practice on ."

Lin Lingtian closed his eyes as he searched through the memories to find an inscription array talisman that was easy for beginners .

" Ah ! Yes , Let me show you the Smoke Cloud Talisman ."

Lin Lingtian picked up the brush and began to form 40 Foundation pattern on the pages .

" Lin ."

" Yeah ."

" Where did you send , the shadow devil ?"

" Oh ! I ordered him to do a task for me in Glory City ."

" Oh ! "

" You know I still haven't forgotten how you held me so tightly back in the underground palace ?"

A blush covered her face as she looked downward picking up the brush and began drawing in the inscription arrays.

Chuckling , Lin Lingtian shook his head as he asked Xiao Ning'er ," I am going cook us a meal , wants something ?"

" Hmmm 🤔 how about Guizhou sour fish soup ?"

Xiao Ning'er said with a bright smile .

Lin Lingtian shook his head as he stared at Xiao Ning'er .

" What ?"

" You really like sour dishes ."

" No , I don't ."

Lin Lingtian stared at Xiao Ning'er as if an adult was looking at child lying .

Xiao Ning'er's eyes turned to the side as she continued smile at Lin Lingtian

Lin Lingtian sighed and began to prepare dinner .

" I don't like sour dishes that much ."

" Sure ... Sure ."














Lin Lingtian stared at the fire as the amazing smell of the soul filled the air .

Looking at the fire , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but think about his current dilemma .

The Dao Scriptures .

Unlike the Wood Dao Scripture in which he used plants as a medium since the plants were alive they created their own soul force he never really had any problem with it but when he had used just one Technique of the Chaos Dao Scripture and how he had exhausted almost all his soul force . It was troubling to say the least . If he wants to the use the techniques of the Dao Scriptures then he needed to increase the amount of Soul Force in his dantian .

Currently the only way to increase his soul force was through alchemy .

Even though he had the memories of the Alchemists of the Snow wind Era , it would take weeks of practice to actually form pills needed for cultivation but there was one problem . He had absolutely no interest in Alchemy . Lin Lingtian sighed , he really needs to find an alchemist willing to work for him .

Speaking of the Dao Scriptures , to Lin Lingtian it was weird to say the least . He could feel it that the Wind Dao Scripture and Lightning Dao Scripture were just within his arms reach yet something was stopping him .

( A.N : Comment , what should the conditions for the Wind Dao Scripture d Lightning Dao Scripture should be ? )

Looking at the fire infront of him , Lin Lingtian amusingly thought that the conditions for the Fire Dao Scripture were to understand the true meaning of fire .

' Fire is destruction and creation . With fire , humans were able to gain the ability to create but fire is also destructive , destroying anything in it's path . ' Lin Lingtian thought but didn't feel any change in his War God Technique .

' Maybe a scientific approach is needed .

Fire is the product of fuel , heat and oxygen ' Lin Lingtian thought and still didn't feel any kind of change in his War God Technique .

' ( Sigh ) Figures it wouldn't be so easy . '

' Wait a minute , the soul shard of creator of the Lævateinn must hold some clue as to what the condition of the Fire Dao Scripture should be . I am pretty sure a man who could created the Lævateinn must be well verse and experienced with fire as I don't think the Lævateinn would be created over a normal flame . '

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian projected his astral form in his soul sea as he flew towards the Spiritual Stone Tablet .

Touching the center of the tablet , Lin Lingtian could feel memories flowing of the expert who created the Lævateinn .






Finding himself in a room , Lin Lingtian saw a handsome man with noble clothes speaking to a child .

" My child , Li Meng , you have shown the talent that is needed to become my successor ."

Lin Lingtian looked to his side as he saw a child peeking through a small gap in the doors . Tears flowing out of his eyes .

" Why father ? Why ? Is it because I am not as talented as brother Ming ?"

Lin Lingtian looked at the back of the retreating child .

' So the expert that would create the Lævateinn was a child who was disregarded by his family as the position of successor was given to his little brother .'









Lin Lingtian stared at the child training relentlessly . He could see blood dripping down the child's knuckles .






The child was bullied by his little brother everyday yet he never said anything .

The books that he borrowed from the family library were ripped apart by the little brother causing the child to be denied access from the family library .

' What are you going to do now ?'










Lin Lingtian with a confused expression looked at the child now at the age of an 17 .

He had seen all the memories of this child but all he did was meditate and meditate . The little brother tried to bully him yet the child was like a true monk delved in the art of meditation .

A guard came to the 17 year old meditating .

" You have been called upon by the family head . Go to the family hall immediately ."

The 17 year old stood up and went towards the family .

Lin Lingtian standing on the side frown .

Even when someone walks they release a small amount of soul force yet when looking at the 17 year old , he couldn't sense even a small amount of soul force emitting from his body .

Looking back at the spot where the 17 year old was meditating .

' Where you meditating and containing soul force to be within your meridians so that the soul force doesnot leek out but for what reason ? '

Floating into the family hall , Lin Lingtian arrived when the family head declared ," For today onward you will not carry the name of Li , get out of my sight you failure , you trash ."

Lin Lingtian looked at the expressionless 17 year old who said ," Can I at least get a weapon ?"

Out of pity , the family head threw a spear at the feet of the seventeen year old who picked it up and began to walk away while ignoring the sneers that were directed towards him .

Lin Lingtian flowed the 17 year old as he climbed a steep cliff but the amazing thing was the 17 year old was climbing the entire cliff without ever using his hands as he jumped from one ledge to another .

On the top of the cliff , the 17 year twisted and turned his spear .

Lin Lingtian stared at the unimpressive display .

The 17 year old nodded and rested his spear on his shoulder .

Lin Lingtian looked at his unimpressed as he suddenly felt a sense of danger .

The 17 year old slashed forward towards the sky with his spear .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The entire spear cracked into pieces as the 17 year old sighed and began to climb back .

Lin Lingtian stared in awe as he looked towards the sky . A cloud was split into two .

Lin Lingtian was staring in awe because the 17 year old was not even a 1 star bronze rank and yet he had split a cloud in the sky with his physical strength or was it something else ?







( ~ Splash ~ )

" Leave !" A cranky middle aged man screamed at the 18 year old standing infront of his shop .

It had been 7 months since he showed up infront of his shop .

Lin Lingtian continued to stare at the 18 year , impressed beyond belief . It took him a few " weeks " of trying to sense the 18 year olds soul force but he had actually done it and what could he say it was impressive .

Soul force was contained in the meridians of the body to such a high degree that not a sigh wisp of soul force escaped out of his body .

Lin Lingtian knew that the 18 year old infront of him had so much control over his soul force that he could look at him in awe .







" Get in ." The cranky old man shouted at the 18 year old .

Lin Lingtian continued to observe the life story of the creator of the Lævateinn who he had named as nameless .






" Bow to the heaven and earth ."

" Bow to your elders ."

" Bow to each other ."

( ~ Clap ~ )

( ~ Clap ~ )

It has been 7 years and now nameless had gotten married to the daughter of his blacksmithing master .






( ~ Clang ~ )

( ~ Clang ~ )

Lin Lingtian stared in sadness as he looked at nameless expressionlessly using a hammer to create a sword .

His wife had cheated on him and had left a few days ago leaving the poor man heart broken .




( ~ Cling ~ )

( ~ Cling ~ )

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but be impressed as he stared as the emerald green fire dancing in the hands of the 30 year old nameless .

He knew it . No ordinary fire would be used to create the Lævateinn .








Lin Lingtian stared at the 42 year old expressionless man running from a horde of poison yin dragons .

Lin Lingtian still gazed in awe at nameless's technique . His control over soul force was so perfect that even though this was just a memory he felt danger and his War God Technique circulated when he stared at the battles that nameless had fought in .

Lin Lingtian was pretty sure if he didn't have the suppression status he would surely have already broken through to the gold rank .

As to why he was not preparing for a breakthrough in the real world was because by suppressing his breakthrough his foundation became much more stronger and the more stronger foundation , the more soul force he could contain in his soul sea.






Lin Lingtian continued to stare at the old man infront of him . He had seen more than 200 years of the old man's life .

He had seen so many new things through these memories .

The Abyssal Prison Realm .

The Fire Cloud Cave .

The Starlight Tower .

The creation of spiritual flames .

The benefits of perfect soul force control .

The creation of the Sparkling Heavenly Knifes .

The creation of the Lævateinn.







( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

Black clouds covered the sky as lightning danced on them as a hail dropped to the ground , an old man could be seen effortlessly climbing up a steep slope of a cliff .

The nameless old man placed the Lævateinn in it's spear form on his shoulder .

Taking a deep breath , the old man channeled soul force through his body .

Even though Lin Lingtian had seen it done a thousand times , it was still awe-inspiring as always to see how just the act of perfect soul force control could change how a small action was done .

( ~ Wisss ~ )

The old man slashed at the sky and then stabbed the spear into the cliff .

With a smile of his face , the old man closed his eyes .

Alone in this cruel world as he died without a name but he had lived his life as he had wanted .

Lin Lingtian looked up and with a smile on his face as he stared at the entire sky which had been split in two .

" Rest in piece , nameless old man ."











" Hey Beautiful ."

" Yeah ."

" What would you choose ? To live your life alone , obsessed with one thing that makes you happy and you die with a smile on your face alone or To live your life surrounded my many , living your life as it goes on and on until death but your name is still remembered by many ."

( A.N : The above paragraph is also for you guys . what would you choose ? )

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )