Chapter no. 40 Óðr's Physique

{ A.N : Sorry for not uploading these past few days , my wifi connection had a severe problem and I had not been online for the past few days }


[ POV Change ]

( ~ Slurp ~ )

Xiao Ning'er stared at Lin Lingtian in wonder as he slurped down his soup.

' Why is he in such a hurry ? '

" Ah ... Lin maybe slow down a little ."

" I want to try something ."

" Can't it wait ."

" No ."

( ~ Sigh ~ )

( ~ Slurp ~ )

Lin Lingtian placed his bowl down and walked towards the center of the camp with Xiao Ning'er enjoying her sour soup as she stared at him in interest as to what was so important that he was so excited ?

" Izabel , stand Infront of me and when I open my eyes , attack me ."

" Yes ! My Lord ."

( ~ Thud ~ )

Standing a few feet away from Lin Lingtian , Izabel stood there ready to attack Lin Lingtian .

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian closed his eyes .

What he needed now was to recreate how the nameless old man did his Technique of channeling all his soul force through his meridians and not let any of it expel out of his body ?

Well unlike the old man he had something that could help him .











Soul Force began to flow out of his dantian and into his meridians .

Outside his body , soul force erupted out of him like a tsunami effecting everyone in the surrounding as the unrestrained bloodthirsty aura of the lævateinn was weighing down upon everyone .

The temporal Qilin " Tempest " stood protectively over Xiao Ning'er who was gritting her teeth , her body was completely paralyzed in fear .

Clenching her fist and almost drawing blood , Xiao Ning'er communicated with tempest to stop using his soul force to ease the pressure effecting her .

[ But Why ?! ]

[ If I can't withstand his aura then how am I to stand beside him ]

[... ]

Tempest stopped flowing soul force into protecting Xiao Ning'er who felt the pressure of being stared down by a billion enemies .








Soul force followed through the 12 principle meridians of the body.

A crimson red soul force flowed through the yin and yang meridians of the Heart , Lung , Pericardium , Large intestine , Small Intestine and the Triple Burner.

A frown made it's way on Lin Lingtian's face as he found that trying to contain all his soul force within his meridians.

{ ~ Breath in ~ }

{ ~ Breath out ~ }

' Calm .'

' Calm. '




The 12 principle meridians began to glow as that acted as capacitors .

The murderous aura began to die down as Lin Lingtian's soul force began to form into an equilibrium as his statuses refilled his soul sea while the soul force leaving his soul sea was being stored inside the 12 principle meridians .

Lin Lingtian was only able to do this process so fast due to his 1000% Increased Enlightenment.







( ~ Huff ~ )

( ~ Huff ~ )

Xiao Ning'er stared at Lin Lingtian . His aura had completely disappeared .

Everything was back to normal but when she stared at him . It felt like she was standing in absolute calm waters but instinctively staring at the current Lin Lingtian , she unconsciously took a step back . He was much much more dangerous then before .

Staring at the shivering Qilin , Xiao Ning'er telepathically asked ,' Why are you shivering ?'

' It's my lord , he feels more dangerous , like he was standing before a calm abyss .'











[ All 12 principle meridians of Yin and Yang are being stimulated by Soul Force ]

[ Equilibrium of Mind and Body has been achieved ADDED Statuses : Óðr's( * ) Physique]

[ Óðr's Physique : The power of the body and soul will increase proportional to order of magnitude of soul force stored in the 12 principle meridians , ADDED Skills : Perfect Soul Force Control , Mind's eye level 1 ] [ Duration: 5 seconds ] ( + - )

[ Óðr's Physique : The power of the body and soul will increase proportional to order of magnitude of soul force stored in the 12 principle meridians , ADDED Skills : Perfect Soul Force Control level max , Mind's eye level 1 ] [ Duration: ∞ ] ( - )









Clenching his hands , Lin Lingtian felt something that couldn't be described in words .

He could feel everything inside his body .

The air that flowed through his nostrils to his lungs .

The division and death of new and old cells inside his body .

The digestion of food and it's breakdown into energy .

Lin Lingtian could feel his very being ..... the feeling of being one ..... the feeling was something he had no words for .

His head turned and a black armoured fist was coming towards him .

Looks like Izabel was attacking him but the weird thing was he could see the entire motion of Izabel punching him in slow motion .

Small dots that looked like stars were scattered all over the fist and arm of Izabel .

Lin Lingtian's hand moved in one swift motion as his grasped Izabel's hand .

The weird stars changed positions .

Lin Lingtian's hands jerked and as the stars shifted , Izabel's hand was ripped off.

Izabel jumped back as Lin Lingtian saw the same stars all over Izabel's body shifting positions.

[ H** did he d* t**t ? ]

Lin Lingtian's eyes shifted towards Xiao Ning'er as he could hear her surface thoughts but how ?

His eyes narrowed as the same small stars were also scattered all over Xiao Ning'er's body .

His head moved to the side .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Dodging Izabel's punch , Lin Lingtian's pointer finger moved forward as he saw a star just on the tailbone of Izabel .

( ~ Swish ~ )

A red and black crimson needle was sticking out of Izabel's back .





Xiao Ning'er stared in wonder as she looked at Lin Lingtian and Izabel or whatever was left of him .

The fight was over so quickly and throughout the entire fight she couldn't feel a drop of soul force emitting from Lin Lingtian .

The fight just consisted of Lin Lingtian catching Izabel's punch and ripping out Izabel's arm but what was weird that Lin Lingtian had done this all with little to no effort and she could feel soul force emitting from Izabel's arm like the soul force flowing through Izabel's meridians had a sudden change of path and it had caused his arm to explode .

Is this what Lin Lingtian was excited for ?

Xiao Ning'er stared at Lin Lingtian looking at his arms over the headless body of Izabel .

" So those small stars were Crux of Soul Force (*) " Lin Lingtian said while staring at the body of Izabel .

" Status "

[ Name : Lin Lingtian ]

[ Age : 13 ]

[ Race : Human ]

[ Spiritualist Rank : 5 star silver rank ]

[ Fighter Rank : 2 Star Gold Rank ]

[ Soul Realm : Green Soul Realm ( 89.88%) ]

[ Soul Attribute : Attributeless , Chaos , Wood , Fire , Snow , Wind , Lightning ,Earth , Yin , Yang ]

[ Soul Form : Nine Nether Dragon ]

[ Law : ------- ]

[ Soul Force : 9999 ]

[ Cultivation technique : War God Technique : Army of the Heavenly Monarch ]

[ Skill : Appraisal level 5 , Demon Blood Seal level 2 , Wood Dao Scripture level 2 , Fire Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Earth Dao Scripture ( locked ) , Chaos Dao Scripture level 1 , Snow Dao Scripture (Locked ) , Wind Dao Scripture ( locked ) , Lightning Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Yin Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Yang Dao Scripture ( Locked ) , Mind's Eye level 1 , Perfect Soul Force Control ]

[ Positive Status : Nine Nether Dragon Soul Resonation , War God Chant level 7 , Body Strengthening , Hearing Enhancement , War God's Battle Instincts level 9 , Heavenly Dao Flower , Soul Nurturing , Heavenly Lightning , Bloodline Connection,Self Suppression of Cultivation Rank , Óðr's Physique ]

" Interesting "

[ Mind's Eye Level 1 : Connection of Equilibrium of Mind and Body has given Hyper awareness , Telepathy ( level 1 ) , Panoptes (*) ( level 1 ) Telekinesis ( Unlocked ) ]

" That explains a lot ."











[ Nether Realm - Black Rock City ]

[ POV Change ]

A black light flashed as a youth with silver hair floated down towards the Dark guild base .

" Lord Gui Sha ." A couple of members of the dark guild greeted the 3rd in command of the dark guild .

" Have you broken through ? " A voice called out to Gui Sha .

" Lord Long Sha ." The members of the Dark guild bowed to the 2nd in command of the Dark guild .

" Yeah , I had encountered that blasted Ye Mo in Glory City and I have brought back some bad news ."

Long Sha frowned and asked ," What is the bad news ?"

" The Sacred Family and all the members of the dark guild stationed in Glory City have been killed ."

" What ?! Had the Snow Wind Family caught on to the alliance between the Sacred Family and us ?"

" No ."

" Then who killed them ?"

" It was ...

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(*) In Norse mythology, Óðr ([ˈoːðz̠]; Old Norse for the "Divine Madness, frantic, furious, vehement, eager", as a noun "mind, feeling" and also "song, poetry"; Orchard (1997) gives "the frenzied one" or Óð, sometimes anglicized as Odr or Od, is a figure associated with the major goddess Freyja

(*) The Crux of Soul Force : Within everything is a flow of soul force and naturally there is a crux to that flow and even the slightest of strikes to this crux will disrupt the flow of soul force and reduce the targets intended output .

These cruxes are constantly shifting with each movement of the body .

Lin Lingtian views these crux as small stars on the body and with Panopte he could see them . Due to his perfect control he could shift these crux into changing the flow of soul force inside someone's body to cause damage from the inside out .

(*) Panopte : The Epithet of the primordial giant , guardian if heifer nymph " Argus Panoptes " . Panoptes means " All seeing ."

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )