Chapter no.41 Yang Xin's Entreaty

{ A.N : In the next 10-15 chapters , Lin Lingtian is going to gain his Law . What should be Lin Lingtian's law ? }


[ POV Change ]

[ Glory City - Alchemist Association ]

The Alchemist Association is a vast construct. The courtyard pavilion alone took up a huge amount of space. The hall in front had lots of alchemists wearing different coloured robes walking in and out.

The Alchemists Association had been on a rise ever since Nie Li had given them the ancient pill formulae, one can see how glorious the Alchemist Association is based on the magnificent construct.

( A.N : Imagine This )

Alchemists are differentiated into Apprentice, Master, and Grandmaster. Every rank is then further split into Primary, Intermediate, and Senior levels. Apprentices would wear grey robe, Masters would wear white robe and Grandmasters would wear silver robes. Most of the alchemists that walked in and out were apprentice ranks. As for the master rank, they are rarely seen. Only one or two of them are normally seen.

[ Alchemists Association - Director's Office ]

The director of the Alchemy Association is a women called Yang Xin. Although she's only 25 years old, she achieved success at young age. Yang Xin is only a gold rank demon spiritist,and, although it could not be considered outstanding, her achievements already surpassed some of the older guys in the Alchemy Association.

As she is very beautiful, when she just started as the Director of Alchemy Association the people in Alchemy Association all thought that she used her looks to get that position, But as Yang Xin slowly revealed her talent, those who gossiped about her shut up quickly.

( A.N : Yang Xin )

Yang Xin stretched her tired arms . With the help of Nie Li , the Alchemist Association has been on a rise in both power , influence and popularity , many members of different noble families have been submitting applications to become Alchemists but they were so unqualified as they hadn't even memorized ten books of Foundation Alchemy .

" YO ! "

Hearing the sudden voice behind her , Yang Xin froze as her mind raced ,' Who ?! No ... that's not the point if someone was able to sneak into my office even with the black gold rank guards , he/ she must be an expert but why bother ? If he/she is an expert then the Alchemist Association would have given them the best treatment .... then was the expert from the dark guild ... no .... if the expert was from the dark guild then I would have been dead so who was it ?'

Taking a deep breath , Yang Xin turn to saw no one .

" Behind you ."

Again she twisted her hip and turned to saw no one .

' Was the expert messing with me ?'

" Look up ."

Yang Xin looked and couldn't believe what she was seeing .

A handsome young man was drinking a cup of tea with his hands on a table upside down on the ceiling .

" .... "

( ~ Slurp ~ )

" Yo ! "

It took a few seconds for Yang Xin to identify Lin Lingtian . As the director of the Alchemist Association she knew what Lin Lingtian had done as sweat dripped down her forehead .

The Killer of one of the three major families was infront of her drinking tea upside down on the ceiling .

( A.N : For those of you wondering in Glory City , no one knows that there was an alliance between the sacred family and the dark guild as Lin Lingtian had vaporised the bodies of the Dark guild members with the his concentrated yin Yang blast )

( ~ Slurp ~ )

Lin Lingtian smiled and threw a journal towards Yang Xin . With his mind's eye he knew what Yang Xin was thinking . Well only her surface thoughts but Lin Lingtian knew this was the perfect time hence he threw that fake journal of Shen Hong he had created towards Yang Xin .

" Read it and then we talk "

Yang Xin slowly nodded as she grasped the journal in her hands .


[ POV Change ]

[ Glory City - City lord's Mansion ]

( ~ Creek ~ )

Ye Ziyun opened the door to her room .

( ~ Sigh ~ )

' So , Ning'er was with that Lin Lingtian .'

" Hello , Ziyun ."

Ye Ziyun looked at her dark room as suddenly she saw all the lanterns in her room lit up with blue flames .

Sitting in the middle of her room was Xiao Ning'er with a scroll in her hands .

Ye Ziyun continued to stare at her .


Being stared at by Ye Ziyun , Xiao Ning'er regretted ever listening to Lin Lingtian .

' It will be epic he said , it will be be cool he says .'

[ I thought it was cool ]

[ Thank you , Izabel ]

" Ning'er ." Ye Ziyun said in disbelief

" Can we talk ?"

" YES ... ( Ahem ) I would love to ."

Xiao Ning'er smiled at Ye Ziyun . She was still the same even after all these years .


[ Glory City - Alchemist Association ]

[ Director's Office ]

" Senior Lin Lingtian , I want to thank you for bringing this evidence before me ."

" ( ~ Snort ~ ) First of all don't call be senior , it is weird being called that from an old woman ."

" Hey ! "

Lin Lingtian's gaze moved downward to Yang Xin's heavenly valley and then to her beautiful face .

" Oh! Sorry , it is weird being called a senior from a woman that is almost in her fifties ."

A vein bulged out of Yang Xin's forehead .

' This brat .'

" Hey , quick question does alchemy allow you to put a knife on your face ?"

{ A.N : In Korea , Putting a knife on your face means having plastic surgery }

" What ?! " Yang Xin looked at Lin Lingtian in confusion .

' Oh yeah ! Forgot this place doesn't have plastic surgery .'

" Forget it so I have a question for you ."

" Ask away senior ."

" Don't call me that ."

" Ask away brother Lin Lingtian ."

" Aren't you a little too old to call me brother ?"

Yang Xin gritted her teeth while looking at Lin Lingtian smiling innocently ,' This brat is just messing with me .'

" Ask away ."

" What is the thing you most care about ?"

Yang Xin frowned ,' Why would he ask that ?'

" You don't have to answer if you don't want to ."

Lin Lingtian said with a smile .

With the mind's eye , Lin Lingtian had found out what was Yang Xin's most cherished item that she had thought of unconsciously when he had asked that question .

Lin Lingtian's mind raced to formulate a plan into getting Yang Xin on his side as an Alchemist working for him . While not the biggest fan of manipulation , Lin Lingtian knew what had to be done .

" Miss Yang Xin ." Lin Lingtian said in an extremely serious voice.

Yang Xin back straightened when she heard Lin Lingtian's serious voice .

" Yes ."

" I have a task that needs to be done and in exchange I am willing to give you 20 ancient pill formulae from the Snow Wind Era ."

Yang Xin took a deep breath as her mind began to race .

Lin Lingtian covered his mouth with his hand as Yang Xin with a professional smile asked ," May I know what the task is ?"

Lin Lingtian snapped his finger as the entire office was covered in soul force.

Space bent as before Yang Xin's eyes , her entire office was covered in gold coins , jewels and demon spirit coins all obtained from the city lord's Treasuries and the ancient orchid ruins.

A voice rang into Yang Xin's ears ," Use all of this money to help the orphans and people of Glory City that cannot rise up ."

Yang Xin's mind began to race as so many thoughts filled her head .

Lin Lingtian with the mind's eye found his tactic had left quite the impression on Yang Xin's mind .

" Why ?" Yang Xin absentmindedly said as she regained her composure ," Please ignore what I said ."

Lin Lingtian smiled as he answered back ," You asked me why "

Lin Lingtian's face turned to the window .

" When I look at Glory City it's reminiscent of the hell I had experienced within the Sacred Family Even after I had destroyed that hell , my mind still can't forget about that part of my life so I plan to travel this world maybe out of guilt or my desire but I don't want any other one to experience the hell I had experienced so I came here to ask someone I know will help the orphans of Glory City ." At the last moment , Lin Lingtian closed his eyes .

Yang Xin's mind began to race as she looked at Lin Lingtian .

He was an enigma to her .

While Yang Xin's mind was racing with her thoughts , a smile bloomed on Lin Lingtian's face hidden within his hand covering his face.

He had found out that even subconsciously Yang Xin placed Glory City as the most important thing .

A random thought filled Lin Lingtian's head ,' Does Glory City use some kind of propaganda or something for people like her to even subconsciously place this city as the most important thing in her life ? Whatever the case it has helped me .'

Lin Lingtian found that everything was according to plan . He found what Yang Xin desired the most and now he was using that knowledge to get her to view him in a positive light as he knew she didn't believe in that fake journal of Shen Hong .

Yang Xin shook herself out of her thoughts but before she could say anything Lin Lingtian cut her off and said ," I want to ask again ."

Yang Xin's body froze as she sensed multiple Legend ranks surrounding her but as she gazed at Lin Lingtian . Her senses told her that he was much more dangerous then the legend ranks surrounding her as she felt she was looking at the abyss itself .

Sweat dripped down Yang Xin's forehead as she found herself feeling the pressure if multiple Legend ranks but it paled in comparison to the feeling of death she felt from Lin Lingtian who was smiling at her .

" Will you do the task I had asked of you ?"

Yang Xin nodded as the pressure on her body disappeared .

( ~ Thud ~ )

A stack of pages hit her tables as Lin Lingtian said ," These are the 30 pill formulae from the Snow Wind Era ."

( ~ Snap ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Space bent and formed a portal in the director's office as Yang Xin stared at Lin Lingtian's retreating back .

Lin Lingtian telepathically ordered the shadow devil to initiate plan B.

Behind Yang Xin , the shadow devil demon beast began to whisper into Yang Xin's ears.

Normally Lin Lingtian doesn't like the concept of manipulation of others but he knows it is necessary in this case if he wants Yang Xin to work for him as an Alchemist as some of the pills that he wants are not something he can create as one must have years of experience in Alchemy to create those pills and raw talent can't replace the experience required for such tasks .

In response to the whispers of Shadow Devil , Yang Xin's mind subconsciously began to agree as for the protection of Glory City, for the protection of humanity , they needed his power .

" Wait ! " Yang Xin exclaimed and continued ," I want to make an offer. "

" I am listening ." Lin Lingtian stopped and turned towards her .

" In exchange for you protecting Glory City I will offer you my skills ."

Lin Lingtian snorted and said ," In exchange for your crappy skills , I don't get any benefits from this exchange ."

" ( ~Gulp~ ) Then what do you think is the proper exchange for you protecting Glory City ?"

Lin Lingtian's face showed a deep thoughtful look as thoughts filled his head ,' What should I answer with that makes Yang Xin think that becoming my subordinate is out of her own choice ? Hmmm .... that could work .'

Lin Lingtian began to slowly walk towards Yang Xin as her desk was flung to a pile of gold coins .

Yang Xin stood up from her chair and took a step back . Her heart began to race ,' Did she something she shouldn't have said ? Was he offended by something she did ? '

( ~ Thud ~ )

Her back hit the wall behind her as her eyes showed fear .

Lin Lingtian slammed his hand on the wall as he looked into her eyes .

Blueish green eyes met brown eyes as his hands snaked towards Yang Xin's valley .

His hand sank into the soft heavenly valley of Yang Xin as he gave a light squeeze.

( ~ AHH ~ )

A cute moan emitted out of Yang Xin's mouth as she heard him say.

" In exchange for protecting Glory City , I want you ."

Yang Xin took a deep breath as she stared into his eyes , grasped his collar in her grip she said ," Fine ."

With her eyes closed , Yang Xin pulled Lin Lingtian towards her with his collar .









' She actually agreed to that , Wow , I was thinking that she would remain quiet to my ridiculous condition and I would have given her the offer of being my Alchemist . Seriously what the hell has Glory City done to these people for them to be so loyal to it ?'















Yang Xin had never been with a man before but she didn't think a kiss would be so rough . It felt like she was kissing hard steel itself .

" Oi ! Old Hag ."

Yang Xin opened her eyes and saw she was kissing Lin Lingtian's palms .

( ~ Puff ~ )

Her entire face erupted in a crimson blush as she shyly looked at Lin Lingtian who sighed and snapped his fingers .

All the gold , jewels and demon spirit coins disappeared .

Yang Xin remained frozen .

' Did he change his mind ?'

Lin Lingtian threw a three rings towards her and said ," The two rings contain 300 Alchemical Formulae from the Snow Wind Era and the top grade ingredients that have been grown and tempered for hundreds of years in dense soul force .The last ring contains all the gold and money ."

" What ?!"

" Erebus ( Mutated Abyssal Wolf ) , Cred ( Toxic Frog ) , Nagashi ( Mutated Wither Bird ) "

3 Legend rank demon beast arose from Lin Lingtian's shadow as he glanced at Yang Xin .

( A.N : Imagine this )

" These three will listen to all your commands ."

( ~ Snap ~ )

Space bent as a large beautiful cauldron crashed on the floor .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Yang Xin as an Alchemist could only admire the intricate designs on the cauldron .

Lin Lingtian threw a scroll and a box towards her .

Catching it , Yang Xin only looked in confusion at Lin Lingtian .

" The scroll is a Cultivation Technique and the box contains a demon spirit and a soul flower. Practice Well as I am looking for your progress in Alchemy ."

Yang Xin remained speechless as she looked at the three spatial rings in her hands then the cauldron and then Lin Lingtian .

She didn't know what to say .

" Yang Xin ."

" Yes ."

" Don't disappoint me ."

"( gulp ) Yes. "

Lin Lingtian walked towards the portal but before he could jump , Yang Xin reached her hand out she wanted to say something but words just couldn't form in her mouth .

As Lin Lingtian's figure disappeared into the portal , Yang Xin's attention diverted to the burning talismans on the walls .

With her looking at the things Lin Lingtian left her with . She needed to sit down . In just one day her life has been flipped upside down .


{ A.N : Give me your thoughts on the chapter and if there are any shortcomings that I could fix .

Well everyone remember the poll I conducted on how Lin Lingtian and Yang Xin could met . Even though option 3 won by a landslide I decided to combine all 3 options into 1 }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )