Chapter no. 49 The Clock is Ticking

[ POV Change ]

[ 20 Minutes Remaining ]

In the southern part of the battlefield , ice and snow covered the land .

It looked like the earth itself was covered by a blanket of snow with slabs of azure ice crystals poking out of the ground itself .

( A.N : Imagine this )

The Snow Queen and the Azure Snow Dragon stared at one another .

( ~ Rsssss~ )

The tail of the Azure Snow Dragon turned side to side clearly out the snow in it's path .

The Law of Snow and Wind danced on the steal like crown on the head of Azure Snow Dragon.

She was not that much concerned about the 1 star Legend rank Snow Queen as her law of snow and wind completely suppressed the Snow Queen but the Shadow Devil and it's annoying arsenal of unique abilities was a pain to deal with .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Suddenly she saw something falling from the sky at very high speeds and this moment of distraction was enough as from the void a claw stretched out aiming from her neck .

This attack was invisible yet she knew from her senses of being a Demigod that the Shadow Devil had taken this opportunity to attack her .

( ~ Slash ~ )

( ~ Shrrrrr ~ )

The Claw of the Shadow Devil couldn't manage to completely pierce the armour of scales adorning the body of the Azure Snow Dragon who was actively using her law of snow and wind to enhance her defense as the layer of law of snow and wind on her scales defended her against the claw of the Shadow Devil .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

The Azure Snow Dragon's eyes shifted to the side , the Abyssal white Chimera who had multiple holes adorning his body roared to the sky .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Thud ~ )

From the dust cloud , a single wing spread out and with a single flap dispersed the entire dust cloud as the injured body of the White Ash Griffin came into view . It's right wing was completely gone replaced with a stump.

It looked like someone had taken a chainsaw and had gone to town on the wing of the White Ash Griffin.

The White Ash Griffin looked at the Abyssal Chimera Dragon with murderous intent . His partner the spiked blue stingray had died to the Abyssal Chimera dragon's sneak attack as the Abyssal Chimera Dragon acted like a muscle head throughout the fight , causing the White Ash Griffin and the spiked blue stingray to lower their guard and then the Abyssal Chimera Dragon had used a massive amount of the law of metal to launch an attack that was a tornado of shards of metal , that attack tore apart the 1 star Legend rank Spiked Blue and had taken the wing of the White Ash Griffin who had used his optical lasers to launch itself out of the way but for all of this the Abyssal Chimera Dragon had taken a lot of attacks .

The Abyssal Chimera and the Azure Snow Dragon glanced at each other and nodded .

Their bodies erupted in the power of law as the Chimera Dragon attacked the Snow Queen and the Azure Snow Dragon launched an attack towards the White Ash Griffin .

The Snow Queen raised her arm as the Snow around her merged together into a wall of ice .

( ~ Slash ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

The Snow Queen looked at the ice wall infront of her riddled with slabs and shards of metal .

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Whoooom ~ )

The red optical beams of the White Ash Griffin and the blue beam of the Azure Snow Dragon met in a collision .

The beams of red and blue struggled with one another as neither were able to gain the upper hand over the other one .

The ground beneath the Abyssal Chimera Dragon erupted in black bone sickles of the Shadow Devil attacked the opponent that was ignorant to it's abilities .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The Body of the Abyssal Chimera Dragon took a silver tint as his entire body was lined with the law of metal , exponentially increasing the defense while reducing it's mobility .

( ~ Sparks ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

The Abyssal Chimera Dragon struggled to maintain this state as his control over the law of metal was slipping for some reason .

Sparks flew over the snowy land as the many small cracks had formed in the armour of the Abyssal Chimera Dragon .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Before the Chimera could even blink , all the snow behind him had merged into a few meters tall golem made of ice .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The Ice Golem made by the legend rank Snow Queen swung at the entire body of the Abyssal Chimera Dragon with a hammer made of ice.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Abyssal Chimera Dragon's body flew a few meters away forming a small trench in the ground .

Staggering up , the Abyssal Chimera Dragon pulled his head back as he sensed an attack coming towards his head.

The Abyssal Chimera Dragon's eye looked at the black arm coming from the air itself . That arm belonged to the Shadow Devil .

The Shadow Devil's crown glowed crimson as the his claw twisted in a 90° angle .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Slissh ~ )

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The Abyssal Chimera Dragon roared in pain as the shadow devil's attack taking a 90° turn had completely caught him off guard resulting in the claw of the shadow devil jamming into his eye.

( ~ Sprout ~ )

( ~ Drip ~ )

( ~ Tap ~ )

Blood flowed down from the ruptured eye of the Abyssal Chimera Dragon who tried to channel the law of metal into his horns but found something was wrong .

His body was losing strength extremely fast , his control over soul force was decreasing .




[ 19 Minutes Remaining ]





( ~ Whooom ~ )

The Beam struggle between the White Ash Griffin and the Azure Snow Dragon was still occuring as the optical lasers of the White Ash Griffin was being pushed back .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The beam struggle was broken by a purple light coming towards the Azure Snow Dragon .

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Slissh ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Thud ~ )

Blood dripped from the Azure Snow Dragon that had used the law of snow and Wind to enhance her speed yet the 3 slash wounds on her scales indicated that if she had not dodged that attack her head would have been gone .

Looking at her attacker , standing tall beside the White Ash Griffin was Izabel .






A part of the battlefield had been littered in bones as silver flames adorned the land .

The battlefield looked like the nether world itself .

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The Hell Corpse Dragon looked at the Abyssal Wolf but as a dragon made entirely of bones without any eyes it viewed the world in a different way , he looked at the world by seeing the flow of soul force .

Due to the ability of the Hell Corpse Dragon to see soul force , it had overwhelmed the 3 star legend rank " Flaming Snake " and 2 star legend rank Abyssal Wolf .

( ~ Crack ~ )

From the sky , a purple beam came crashing down to the ground directly attacking the Hell Corpse Dragon who had erupted in the Law of Death .

( ~ Caw ~ )

( ~ Caw ~ )

( ~ Caw ~ )

Scattering into a flock of crows , the Hell Corpse Dragon had escaped Xiao Ning'er's Lightning attack .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The Crows merged together into the Hell Corpse Dragon roaring to the sky .

Xiao Ning'er looked down on the roaring Hell Corpse Dragon as her neck glowed gold due to the glow of the inscription array that Lin Lingtian had put drawn as she breathed in the purified air .

Floating beside her was " Tempest " the Temporal Qilin as the ground bellow the Hell Corpse Dragon glowed silver .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The entire ground erupted in a silver fire twister reaching towards the sky .

It looked like the attack of the 3 star Legend rank Flaming Snake had been successfully after hiding in the ground . Like a snake it had waited patiently for the right moment to attack the Hell Corpse Dragon .

Ignoring the silver fire twister , Xiao Ning'er gazed into a certain direction .

' Lin '

Even with all the strategies they had implemented , even with all the power Lin Lingtian had , Xiao Ning'er still worried for his safety in her heart .





[ 18 Minutes Remaining ]


{ A.N : Hello Everyone , Today I finally got a free rest day so I decided to do a mass release of Chapters of this fanfic , so enjoy ! }

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )