Chapter no. 50 Draconic Tongue Herb

{ A.N : Everyone ! I wanted to ask you for some help .

I plan to write in the Toxic Forest , Blood Moon Marsh , The Spirit Gulf , The Heavenly Luster Mountains , The Northern Snow Range in my fanfic so I wanted to ask you what should be the plot in these places . I have already made a plot for the Toxic Forest but for the rest I have no idea . If any of you guys have an idea , feel free to share as it will help me very much }


[ POV Change ]

[ 18 Minutes Remaining ]




( ~ Thud ~ )

A decapitated head of a dragon rolled in the battlefield .

Ling Ming couldn't believe it .

He , the overlord of the Draconic Caves was completely overwhelmed in terms of skills .

Anything he threw at his opponent " Lin Lingtian " had little to no effect .

He couldn't defend against the attacks of the Devil infront of him .

His eyes glanced at one of his decapitated head and then to Lin Lingtian who was leisurely strolling as his spun the Chinese guandao between his fingers .

No , he refused to believe it . He refused to admit defeat .

Gritting his teeth , an idea in the heat of the battle formed in his head .


( ~ Rwrr ~ )

Ling Ming , The Spiritual God of Water erupted in a show of power .

Lin Lingtian seeing this display of power , frowned as the very ground began to shake .

( ~ Crack ~ )

Cracks seem to form all over the battlefield as the land was being terraformed by the Law of water .

Water began to seep out of the cracks .

( ~ Tap ~ )

Lin Lingtian blinked as he felt the drop of water .

Looking up , Lin Lingtian saw the entire sky filled with dark clouds as a downpour occured .

But due to his mind's eye , Lin Lingtian saw that all the drops of water were filled with soul force , no more importantly they were filled by the law of water .

The water seeping from the cracks were also filled with the law of water .

Lin Lingtian's head jerked towards the Spiritual God of Water , he was turning the entire battlefield into his domain .

A drop of water came near Lin Lingtian's Demonic horns but the edge of a black tanto dispersed the water droplet .

Lin Lingtian knew that he had to not let any of the water droplets touch his body .

With the law of water in the water droplets , Lin Lingtian's imagination ran wiled thinking about what could Ling Ming do to him if he was covered in water filled with the law of water that he could freely control .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The battlefield began to turn into a lake as water flowed out of the ground in large quantities accumulation of so much water had been turning the land into the domain of the Spiritual God of Water .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Even with the downpour occuring , a figure beautiful danced in rain .

Each slice of his blade .

Each turn of his hips .

Each motion of the body of Lin Lingtian looked magical .

Where Lin Lingtian was standing at , not a single drop of water had wet the soil beneath his feet as his arms twisted , slicing apart each droplet of the rain . If one looked carefully they would see that Lin Lingtian's Lævateinn was in the form of a saber like katana as attributed soul force of fire and Yang filled it's edge .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Lin Lingtian was using his skills in swordsmanship to slice and evaporate all the water droplets of the downpour as his entire body was not even the slightest of wet .





( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The wave of water was coming towards Lin Lingtian who closed his eyes .

His War God's battle instincts was increasing .

Tapping his foot on the ground , the dry soil beneath Lin Lingtian shot up forming a hundred meter long pillar in the middle of the water domain of the Spiritual God of Water .

Lin Lingtian took a deep breath as he opened his eyes .

( ~ Put ~ )

( ~ Tut ~ )

( ~ Kqqqqqqrrr ~ )

The surrounding water began to boil as steam began to rise cover the land in a steamy mist .






[ 10 Minutes Remaining ]




Lin Lingtian jumped and twisted his body as a wave of pressured air hit his previous spot .

The boiling water snaked from the sides of the pillar he was standing on as they erupted in the form of tentacles surrounding him .

Lin Lingtian's saber like twin katana shifted into a spear .

Twirling in his hand , Lin Lingtian jabbed the spear in the middle of the pillar .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian channeled the Heavenly Lightning into the spear .

( ~ Crack ~ )

The entire pillar cracked .

( ~ Clap ~ )

The sound of Thunder resounded throughout the land .

( ~ Crack ~ )

Purple Electricity Discharged from his spear .

( ~ BOOM ~ )

The Heavenly Lightning flowed through the boiling water as electricity discharged through the entire domain .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

Lin Lingtian smirked when he heard the roars of pain of Ling Ming .

( ~ Boom ~ )

The water exploded as a beam of the law of water aimed towards Lin Lingtian .

Not even caring about the beam coming towards him , space being to twist and shift as Lin Lingtian disappeared .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Above in the sky , Lin Lingtian's body could be seen as the spear in his hands begin to shift into a guandao .

Attributed soul force of Yang and Fire channeled through it's edge .

The Blood Beast Seal of Ancient Blood on Lin Lingtian's body began to glow as the single drop of ancient dragon blood enhanced Lin Lingtian's already extremely impressive powers to another degree .

With one swing a wave of soul force emerged from the edge of the Chinese guandao ; it felt like the world had gone silent .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )





The entire steam mist was gone blown away by Lin Lingtian's swing of the guandao.

The entire water domain had been cut in two as space began to fold itself .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

Lin Lingtian heard a roar of Ling Ming and saw an extremely injured Ling Ming charging towards him with only one head remaining .

[ 1 Minute Remaining ]

Lin Lingtian didn't even blink as he remained unfazed at the fact that a dragon was charging towards him .

[ 10 meter away ]

[ 7 Meter away ]

And before Long Ming could even cross that line , blood began to flow out of his seven orifices .

As Long Ming crashed into the ground stopping just near the foot of Lin Lingtian .

Ling Ming's eyes showed fear as he found his entire body stopping , his control over the law of water , a pure form of soul force to be gone .

His mind raced , he knew this .

He knew what had happened to it .

Ling Ming gazed at Lin Lingtian as a memory began to replay in his mind .

The moment the red barrier form , it glowed with inscriptions as a green liquid flowed out .

Lin Lingtian smirked as he saw the Spiritual God of Water near his feet .

This fight wouldn't have been so easy if he had not launched his schemes .

If he had not used his scheming strategies of using the Draconic Caves as a shield against the Heavenly Tribulation and if he hadn't had Yang Xin form a volatile liquid with the Dragon Tongue Herb .

The Dragon Tongue Herb is a type of herb that when it enters the body, it acts as a slow-acting poison. It has been reported that it makes its victims bleed from their seven holes (the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth). They are also considerably weakened by the poison, which prevents them from using Soul Force. There was no known cure and a person would die within an hour of it entering their system , it has a greater impact on the draconic tribe .

Lin Lingtian had schemed against the Draconic Caves and used this herb by having Yang Xin convert it into a volatile vapour . From the very start the Draconic Caves , never stood a chance in this battle .

Lin Lingtian cupped his hands together as he voiced out .

" Chaos Dao Scripture : Heavenly Wheel "

All the soul force of the environment itself began to form a spiral in between Lin Lingtian's hands.

Ling Ming felt absolute danger from the Heavenly wheel in Lin Lingtian's hands .

Ling Ming tried to open it's mouth to beg , to say anything that would save his life but he couldn't even move one muscle .

Like a second sun had been born , the Chaos Dao Scripture : Heavenly Wheel exploded in rings covering the land as a shockwave filled the land .






( A.N : Imagine this to be the aftermath )







[ Heavenly Fate Plateau - Black Spring ]

Yu Yan suddenly looked up . Her emotionless eyes widened .

She couldn't believe it .

The Spiritual God of Water was .....




[ POV Change ]

Cultivators of the tiny world that had cultivated the power of law were dumbfounded , they couldn't believe it .

In the nether realm , the nether lord looked out of his palace , like everyone who cultivated the power of law they all had felt the shift .

The Spiritual God of Water was dead .

Many cultivators began to ready themselves to try to ascend to become the new Spiritual God of Water .

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )