Chapter no. 53 Dragon Yang Pill

[ POV Change ]

[ Glory City ]

In the northern part of Glory City , what was once the slums of Glory City where the poor and commoners resided at , was now a bustling and beautiful district .

The Poor , the crippled , the beggars , the brothels that once riddled the roads of this place was replaced by buildings of extreme beauty as children happily ran through the streets of this district .

This gloomy place was replaced by the a happy bustling distract .

( A.N : Imagine this )

A few children looked at the most tallest building in this distract in awe .

To the children who were once orphans of Glory City , cast aside by society , knew that there lives now where they didn't have to go hungry for multiple days was due to their benefactor .

To the people of this district she wasn't different from a goddess .

( A.N : Imagine this )

[ President's Office ]

Sitting in the middle of the office infront of the purple flames blue patterned cauldron , Yang Xin gazed at the soul suppression pill.

With the knowledge and high class herbs , Lin Lingtian had provided , Yang Xin's skills had improved so much so that she had far surpassed the president of the Alchemist Association himself .

When she appealed to the Elders of the Alchemist Association to form a new department of the Alchemist Association that would help train orphans and commoners . Some agreed to her idea like the president Gu Yan but the majority of the elders dismissed her idea .

Yang Xin couldn't help but be disappointed by the attitude of the elders of the Alchemist Association and hence she quit.

Many were shocked by her decision , some even came to convince her to not quit her luxurious position as with the pill formulae of Nie Li , the Alchemist Association was on a rise but she was adamant on her decision to change things for the better.

She had offered many of her subordinates to join her but the majority rejected her in favour of remaining in the Alchemist Association.

Yang Xin had used all the jewels , gold that Lin Lingtian gave her to buy the entire slums district of Glory City and began to transform it into what it is now .

With the people treating her like a goddess , Yang Xin didn't have any problem transforming the lives of the people of her district ," The White Lotus District "

She had taken in 100 disciples and taught the most talented of them the basics of Alchemy and had them teach the rest .

With Lin Lingtian's notes on cosmetics , Yang Xin was able to form an organisation that produced all manner of cosmetic products from the Sacred Empire .

In just a few days , her new organisation became one of the most popular organisations of Glory City as her cosmetic products were greatly sought after by noble women .

Some tried to copy their products and some even tried to steal their methods of production but with the 2 demon beasts who had broken through to the legend ranks which greatly shocked Yang Xin , no one was able to do anything against her .

But the bravery of those fools got to the point , Yang Xin had erupted her aura of a 1 star Black Gold rank , warning all those that had any kind of ill intent about her district.

After revealing her cultivation rank , many many families tried to form friendly relations with her and as a leader she had welcomed this and after the two legend ranks cleaned up those that showed ill intent towards her and were made an example , everyone became obedient to her .

Yang Xin sighed as she stretched her body . She was very tired after dealing with all the things on her table and still she had so many things left to do .

She had to teach some of her star disciple some more advanced skills .

She had to form a teaching institute like the Holy Orchid Institute for the poor .

She had to form a few more departments relating to alchemy .

Sometimes she thought that quiting the Alchemist Association was a mistake but as she gazed out of these windows as looked at the streets below , she knew that her decision was the best decision .

( ~ Hey ~ )

Hearing someone whisper into her ear , Yang Xin froze but she knew that only Lin Lingtian had the ability to come into her office without alarming anyone .

" Brother Lin ."

Yang Xin turned to see a floating piece of parchment with the words reading .

" Look to the right ."

Yang Xin turned to her right and saw another parchment stuck on the wall which read ," Look down ."

Her gazed dropped to the ground which also had a parchment which read look outside .

She turned her head to the window to see nothing .

" Congratulations ! "

Hearing the loud voice behind her , Yang Xin couldn't help but sigh .

Lin Lingtian was always messing with her .

But the moment she turned around to face him , he froze as a smirk formed on Yang Xin's face .

Ever since she started creating the cosmetic products like any woman who valued her beauty , she was bewitched by them and started using them frequently . Ever day she would get praises on praises for her beauty even though unlike others she only uses lipstick and skin moisturizers .

But the effect of a black lipstick on the natural beauty of Yang Xin was such a deadly combination that Lin Lingtian was stunned for a moment .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Seeing his stunned expression , Yang Xin smiled seductively .

This time she wanted to mess with him .

Seeing her seductively expression , Lin Lingtian looked down to distract himself as for the first time he was in this world , his 13 year old teenage hormones had started to kick in .

Seeing him look down , Yang Xin wrapped her arms around him as she said in a seductive voice , " My , my brother Lin , why are you being so shy ? I am already yours ."

Lin Lingtian couldn't help but swallow his saliva . His heart started to beat really fastly as he felt an uncomfortable heat in his chest .

His body gave another reaction as Yang Xin's twin mounds crashed against his chest .

Taking a deep breath , Lin Lingtian tried to calm himself so to not let him teenage hormones get the best of him .

Lin Lingtian put on persona on absolute confidence as in the heat of the moment , Lin Lingtian grasped Yang Xin's waist . Looking into her brown eyes , Lin Lingtian licked his lips ," Yang Xin , shall I eat you ? "

Staring deep into his greenish blue eyes , yang Xin couldn't help but blush as she felt something touch against her nether region.

( ~ Ahh ~ )

The moment a moan came out of Yang Xin's mouth , Lin Lingtian wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in that hole .

His whole act of messing with yang Xin had been ruined due to those stupid teenage hormones.

Lin Lingtian tried to move back but his foot slipped and as he tried to use gravity to hold himself in mid air , Yang Xin's heavenly mounds came crashing onto his face as he lost focus for a second resulting in both of them crashing down .

( ~ Thud ~ )

Yang Xin and Lin Lingtian gazed upon one another as from Lin Lingtian's point of view he could see the tiredness in Yang Xin's eyes as the smell of herbs assaulted his nose , feeling her hair laying on his face , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but smile and then burst out laughing at how ridiculous all of this was. He tried to mess with her , she tried to mess with him which resulted in the getting into this sexual position . Remembering all of those events made Lin Lingtian's laughter increase.

Hearing his laughter , Yang Xin couldn't help but also giggle as the ridiculous turn of events .Even with the giggling Yang Xin couldn't help but place her hand over heart which was racing so fasting .

Getting up from that position , Lin Lingtian cleaned himself by brushing his clothes . Viewing him from the side , Yang Xin could help but feel disappointed .

Again placing her hand over her heart .

' Why am I feeling disappointed ? '

Her mind flashed to moment Lin Lingtian's boner touched her nether region .

Shaking her head to disperse her lewd thoughts .

Lin Lingtian awkwardly started at Yang Xin as he read her surface level thoughts and felt more embarrassed .

" Ahem ! Congratulations on breakthrough to the Black Gold rank ."

" Thank you , it was all thanks to the amazing Cultivation Technique you gave me ."

Yang Xin said with a smile .

" So mind explaining me what all of this is ? "

" Well I ....












( ~ Slurp ~ )

Lin Lingtian put down the green tea that Yang Xin had made as he looked out of the top of pagoda.

" What do you plan to do now ? "

" Form an educational institution , an Alchemist organisation , go to meetings with the patriarchs of families that support the White Lotus Organisation and much more ."

" Wow ! Good luck ."

" Thanks ."

" Yang Xin ."

" Xin ."

" Pardon ."

" You can call me Xin ."

" Old Hag ."

Hearing Lin Lingtian call her that made , Yang Xin didn't show any kind of reaction . She knew if she gave him even the slightest reaction , he would keep messing with her.

" Old Hag Xin ."

( ~ Cough ~ )

Yang Xin almost coughed on her tea as she looked at the mischievous smirk on Lin Lingtian's face .

" hahaha ."

" No funny ."

" Yes , it's not funny ."

" Really ? "

" It's absolutely hilarious ."

(~ Sigh ~ )

Hearing her sigh , Lin Lingtian stopped laughing and said ," Well I may be able to help you in your problem of forming an Alchemist organisation ."

" How ? "

Lin Lingtian snapped his fingers as the humanoid forms of the 1 star black gold rank Abyssal Tiger , 1 star legend rank Demonic Leopard and

5 star Black Gold rank Wind Beast arose from Lin Lingtian's shadows .

" Huh ! "

Yang Xin was confused as to why Lin Lingtian had summoned these powerful demon beasts .

" These three demon beasts have the ability to control fire and Yang perfectly and will follow your command to the tee . "

Yang Xin's eyes widened as she guessed at what Lin Lingtian was implying .

If it worked then her problem of recruitment and training will be solved .

( ~ Thud ~ )

An ancient journal landed on her table as she senses that this journal should be older then 1000 years .

Lin Lingtian pushed the journal towards her as she was like a child on Christmas opening her presents .

Skimming through the journal , Yang Xin couldn't believe her eyes . Some of these pills she didn't even know existed .

( ~ Slurp ~ )

Seeing Lin Lingtian calmly enjoying his tea , Yang Xin smiled and said ," Thank you ."

Lin Lingtian smiled and gave her a scroll .

" You don't have to thank me ..... Xin I want you to make me the pill written on this scroll ."

Yang Xin nodded and opened the pill scroll of the Dragon Yang Pill .

" This is ... "

Yang Xin's eyes popped out of her sockets when she read the ingredients of the pill .

Dragon bones .

Imperial Black Sky Herb .






" Ahemmm .... Lin I don't think I can make this ."

" Why ? "

" Some of these ingredients are not a problem but dragon bones are not something I have access to ."

" Oh ! That's not a problem ."

" What ? "

Seeing her confused face , Lin Lingtian handed her a spatial ring he had personally made .

Yang Xin closed her eyes to sense what was inside the ring and her heart skipped a beat when she senses the thousands of piles of draconic corpses .

Yang Xin looked up to see , Lin Lingtian smiling .

" Don't worry I just went on a hunt the other day and your dragon tongue herb formula worked like a charm ."

Yang Xin slowly nodded as her mind was still trying to comprehend how did Lin Lingtian kill so many dragons as to her just a single dragon was equal to a calamity .

" Well I should be leaving ."

Lin Lingtian placed the cup on the table as he began to walk away .

Seeing his retreating back , Yang Xin's heart ached . She wanted to talk with him more , she wanted to ramble on and on about different things to him .

For a moment , Yang Xin paused as the sudden realization hit her .

She liked Lin Lingtian .

A blush covered her face as her insecurities on her age and looks came into her mind.

Why would Lin even what to pursue her ?

She was not young like Ning'er to stand my his side .

She was getting older and older as her beauty was declining more and more .

Giving into her insecurities , Yang Xin sat down .

She knew she couldn't be by his side but she knew she could always support him from behind even if she is always alone for the rest of her life .

Lin Lingtian paused at her read all of her surface level thoughts .

He couldn't help but sigh. Unlike those Japanese MC in isekai genre he was not dense . He could clearly see that Xiao Ning'er liked him and now Yang Xin but love wasn't something he wanted to focus on for now as he was always fascinated by this fantasy world .

" Xin ."

" Yes ."

" You look beautiful with that black lipstick ."

" Thank you ."

Lin Lingtian disappeared as space bent around him ,not witnessing the lovely expression on Yang Xin's face .

( A.N : Imagine this )


{ A.N : Comment , how do you think I am writing the romance part of the story ? Is it good , bad , descent ?

My thoughts on the romance is I am slowly building up the attraction between Lin Lingtian and the girls as the girls clearly like Lin Lingtian who is not dense but is focusing on the more fantasy like elements of the world . The romance part of the story would involve Lin Lingtian coming to realize that he deeply cares for them ( His harem ) to the point that he feels if he losses them he would love a part of himself .}

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( A.N : If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a single dollars )