Chapter no.54 The Heavenly Fate Plateau : Mysterious Shop

[ POV Change ]

The Heavenly Fate Plateau is located at the peak of a mountain; the entire hilltop appeared to have been chopped off, leaving a vast plain in its place. There is only one way to the summit of the mountain. Thousands of individuals congregated in the area and created a tribe.

There was only one way up and down the Heavenly Fate Plateau because it was situated in a high mountainous location. It's a place where even demon monsters would have a hard time entering, thus it's quite safe. However, because of a severe food shortage, thousands of people were barely surviving.

The Black Spring, which lies beneath the Heavenly Fate Plateau, is a scary and dangerous area.

Nobody knows where the Black Spring came from, but they do know that it runs directly into the deep pit from the Saint Ancestral Mountain. The demon creatures that encircle the Black Spring are beings that rank higher than Black Gold. Legend has it that a group of exceptionally powerful Legend rank demon creatures lives in the bottomless abyss.

The Heavenly Fate Plateau would not have survived if it hadn't been for these natural obstacles.

[ At Night ]

Besides a small congee shop , a pair of silencing talismans floated down to the ground .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Roots of the local muyang tree that was used by the people of Heavenly Fate Plateau as a form of food erupted from the ground , twisting and turning into a small building.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Under the effects of the sound silencing talismans , no one had heard the formation the building that looked like a medieval house designed by a DnD fan.

( A.N: Imagine this )

Floating in the sky above , Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er looked towards the direction of the Black spring .

" Lin ."

" I know ; I can feel the power of law from here ."

" What should we do ? "

" Nothing , if we are confronted by the Spiritual God hiding in this place then we fight and if not then we will hunt that Spiritual God down . "

" Why ? "

" Ning'er , what did I say when you asked why don't we breakthrough to the Black Gold rank ? "

" Hmm , you said that we needed the power of law to enhance our abilities if we want to survive the next Heavenly Tribulation ."

" Exactly ."

" Then are we going to force the Spiritual God to teach us the power of Law ? "

" Something along those lines ."

Xiao Ning'er glanced at the medieval house below and asked Lin Lingtian ," Why did you build that ? "

" It's a test ."

" Of ? "

" You'll see ."

" Lin ."

" Yes ."

" Are you being mysterious on purpose or is it just to mess with me ? "

Lin Lingtian smiled a mischievous smirk as he answered ," Who knows , beautiful ."

" Humph , fine be mysterious ." Xiao Ning'er crossed her arms and turned her head to the side .

" Hahaha , ok ok , I will reveal it ."

Xiao Ning'er turned towards Lin Lingtian with her eyes shinning in interest but Lin Lingtian was gone from her vision .

Suddenly Lin Lingtian appeared out of thin air infront of her , upside down as he said ," That test is going to find us a servant for our child ."

Xiao Ning'er's mind stopped working as she heard Lin Lingtian's sentence .

Lin Lingtian's face turned into a warm smile as he kneeled infront of Xiao Ning'er and said everything with a calm face ," Ning'er , I am pregnant with your child ."

Lin Lingtian's face showed a proud warm smile while Xiao Ning'er's mind had stopped working .

After a few seconds , her mind had comprehended what Lin Lingtian had said and the look on her face was priceless as Lin Lingtian mellowed out .

" Hahahaha , you hahahaha should've hahahaha seen the look hahahaha on your face ."

Lin Lingtian dodged a bolt of lightning thrown at him as he continued to laugh at the extremely red faced Xiao Ning'er .












[ Next Morning ]

" What's that ? "

" I don't know ."

( * Murmur * )

( * Murmur * )

( * Murmur * )

A crowd had gathered around the mysterious shop that Lin Lingtian had built .

To the people of the Heavenly Fate Plateau , this shop gave off a mysterious feeling as they had never seen this shop before and the architecture of this shop was entirely alien like to these people.

Standing among the crowd of people , the daughter of the congee shop beside Lin Lingtian's mysterious shop , Yun Ling , this young lady, dressed in blue plains, appeared to be around fifteen or sixteen years old. Despite the fact that her attire had been altered multiple times, her attractiveness remained unaffected. A pair of brilliant blue eyes sparkled beneath her long and delicate brows. Her cheeks are lovely and rosy, and her nose is charming. Her golden, long hair naturally drapes over her shoulders, and she smiles with two dimples on each side of her mouth, giving others a lovely impression of her.

( A.N : Imagine this )

Yun Ling curiously gazed at the mysterious shop that seemingly appeared out of air over night .

Like many others Yun Ling had seen the poster by side of the shop which read .

One Purple Smoke Stone for 1 pound of meat.

Five Purple Smoke Stone for 1 kg of rice .

You can negotiate the item of exchange for a purple smoke stone.

Unlike the others that were hesitant to enter this shop which was quite believable due to the Heavenly Fate Plateau having a shortage of food, the people had no choice but to have a group of people hunt for demon beasts to obtain their meat in order to barely fill their stomachs. However, hunting demon beasts is a very dangerous job; therefore, only those that are rather strong can become hunters.

Aside from hunting demon beasts, they also accept jobs and get employed by others, something like mercenaries.

And seeing the sign infront of the shop speak of meat in exchange for 1 purple smoke gem it was unbelievable to them .

Meat was a very precious, only a small amount of people that have status and money can enjoy it.

While the purple smoke stone could be found all over the Heavenly Fate Plateau and had little poison contained within it.

Hence why many people were hesitating into going into the mysterious shop which could turn out to be a joke pulled by some young master looking for some entertainment.

Yun Ling glanced at the Purple Smoke Stone infront of her as her curiousity got the better of her .

Picking up the stone , Yun Ling walked towards the shop under the gazes of a multitude of people .

Yun Ling's felt the textures of the door infront of her as she pushed the door open.

The inscription arrays on the door glowed with an invisible glow .

To her , everything spun around as she found herself standing in the middle of a beautiful abstract landscape.

Yun Ling spun around as she saw the world itself bleed with colours.

It was beautiful and terrifying for Yun Ling.

( A.N : Imagine this )

[ You have 1 Purple Smoke Stone in your possession , what would you like to purpose with that? ]

A voice called out to Yun Ling who spun around to see , who spoke to her ?

[ You have 1 Purple Smoke Stone in your possession , what would you like to purpose with that? ]

" Ahem , can I exchange the purple smoke stone for something other then rice and meat ? "

[ Yes , you can exchange for any item you want if the you have enough purple smoke stones . Currently you have 1 purple smoke stone , you can exchange it for 1 pound of meat , 500 grams of rice , one roll of cloth ]

The roll of cloth caught Yun Ling's attention as she asked ," Can I check out the roll of cloth ? "

( ~ Ting~)

Yun Ling widened her eyes as she saw a roll of cloth appear infront of her . Her gaze was attracted by the cloths placed on the table that also appeared infront out of thin air . She let out a cry in surprise and touched one of the cloths. The cloth was very soft and smooth, filled with simple and elegant flowery patterns.

After touching these cloths, Yun Ling could not move her eyes away for a moment. In their plateau, there were only rough clothes, how could there be such fine cloths?

" I want to exchange the purple smoke stone for this roll of cloth ."

[ Thank you for your purchase ]

The air infront of Yun Ling glowed as a door appeared infront of her .















[ Heavenly Fate Plateau - Black Spring ]

The place was filled with a light, black fog. As Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er continued to walk, they realized that there wasn't any traces of anyone coming in here before, they only saw wild grass growing everywhere; there wasn't even a demon beast. However, the ground was filled with demon beast and human bones.

Lin Lingtian's second heart glowed as he collected the soul intents of the dead scattered all around him .

This forest is very dense and secluded, there were many Black Oil trees inside that were emitting a huge amount of toxins. As time passes by, these toxins would accumulate. Creatures, like the demon beasts, will slowly be poisoned the moment they entered. They would start to lose their consciousness and eventually die as they fell down. Thereafter, the corpses of these demon beasts would rot and form type of miasma.

[ Miasma is seeping into the body . ADDED STATUS : Poisoning ]

[ Poisoning : Decrease in health by 1% per hour ] [ Duration : 24 hours ] ( + - )

Lin Lingtian pushed the negative button and eliminated the poison status while Xiao Ning'er's body erupted in a massive discharge of Lightning eliminating the poison coursing through her veins.

This eruption of power seemed to have awakened something within the Black spring.

" Brother ! "

" Let's go ."

Deep within Black Spring , two humanoid demon beasts flew out of the abyss of the Black spring.

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

Looking below, there's a cliff with a trail of black spring water flowing down, forming a vast waterfall. On the cliffs, there's a bulged up platform. It seems like there's traces of human work here. At the bottom of the endless abyss, is a bottomless pond.

Inside the water, there was a terrifying aura occasionally leaking out.

There were also faint roars coming from demon beasts, creating the feeling of suffocation from the abyss.

From within the abyss , two figures where flying towards them at high speeds and from there aura , both where legend ranks.

I looked towards Xiao Ning'er who was as calm as always .

" Interesting ." I commented as the two figures appeared infront them as a cloud of dust formed between us .


( Author Note : Hello Everyone , I just created a patreon yesterday and have already uploaded there .

If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a few dollars )