Chapter no. 55 The Dragon Entity : Bezalel

( A.N : Author Note : Hello Everyone , I just created a p.a.t.r.e.o.n yesterday and have already uploaded there .

If you guys want to read my drafts , one shots , new fanfics and novels I plan on releasing later this year along with advance chapters , you can do so by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n and you can help support me for the price of a few dollars )


[ POV Change ]

[ Heavenly Fate Plateau - Black Spring ]

Two figures slowly walked over from the dust cloud that had been formed from their descent. They were only wearing cloth-made trousers and had all kinds of strange runes on their bodies. One of them is very well-built with an arched body and both of his arms looked very astonishing, as if they were an ape's arms. The other one had a lean figure with rainbow coloured stuff smeared on his face. The bridge of his nose was sharp and his eyes glimmered with chilling light. His palms were like hawk claws.

( A.N : Imagine this )

" Brother look , some weak humans have come to free that wretched Yu Yan " The well-built man bared his teeth, giving the others a sinister feeling about him.

"Both of us have come all this way after waking up. Since you're dared to come here humans , we'll show you a good time!" said the skinny one with a malicious smile as he checked Xiao Ning'er out.

{ Beautiful , follow my lead } Lin Lingtian telepathically conveyed his message to Xiao Ning'er .

{ Ok } While giving her short reply to Lin Lingtian , Xiao Ning'er readied herself as her soul force began to form an equilibrium inside her body .

" Tsk tsk, I am going to enjoy this !" The skinny one sinisterly said. Scenes of him catching Xiao Ning'er as he played with her body appeared in his mind.

Xiao Ning'er's facial expression went frosty cold. Although it's hard for her mental state to be affected as she always maintained her calm , these two fellas still succeeded in enraging her.

Lin Lingtian shot forth his appraisal skill on the two humanoid demon beasts .

[ Appraisal Level 9 ]

[ Name : Luqian Sha ]

[ Species : Scarlet Shark ]

[ Cultivation Rank : 5 star Legend rank ]

[ Soul Attribute : Water , Yin ]

[ Status : Cursed ]

[ Name : Luqian Mo ]

[ Species : Ghastly Chameleon ]

[ Cultivation Ran : 5 star Legend rank ]

[ Soul Attribute : Snow , Yin ]

[ Status : Cursed ]

{ Beautiful , Be careful , there bodies seems to have been effected by a curse } Lin Lingtian telepathically conveyed his message to Xiao Ning'er .

{ Ok } While giving her short reply to Lin Lingtian , Xiao Ning'er readied herself as her soul force began to form an equilibrium inside her body.

Lin Lingtian stepped forward and said with an nonchalant tone ," I am quite interested in that Yu Yan person you were talking about . Mind doing me a favour and telling me about her ."

" hehehe , you dare to be Arrogant infront of me !" Luqian Sha had a cruel smile on his face as he slowly approached Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er. He's different from Luqian Mo as he doesn't have any interest in woman and only enjoys the joy of tearing people apart.

Lin Lingtian sighed and said ," Looks like you don't want to take the easy way ."

Luqian Sha expression turned to anger as he shouted out ," You are courting death , hu....."

Luqian Sha couldn't finish as he felt Lin Lingtian's aura erupt from his body .

Luqian Sha and Luqian Mo struggled to breath in Lin Lingtian's presences as he said in a gentle voice ," Silence ." But to the two brothers , Lin Lingtian's voice was like the voice of the devil itself as they saw took a step back in fear .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Luqian Sha roared as his body quickly underwent a transformation, turning into a huge beast. The appearance was very bizarre as it's covered in a gooey black skin, looking like an aquatic creature that has limbs. His left palm was containing a formless energy as it reached for Lin Lingtian .

( A.N : Imagine this )

" brother!" Luqian Mo issued a raging roar as spikes grew from his body, turning into a huge lizard-man as he shot a wave of purple poison towards Xiao Ning'er.

( A.N : Imagine this )

They have been together for several tens of thousands of years and became inseparable. The relationship they had even surpassed ordinary brothers. When he sensed that Lin Lingtian's aura , Luqian Mo knew that his brother was in danger hence he became utterly crazy and pounced towards Xiao Ning'er in an attempt to kill her as fast as possible and the help his brother escape .

Luqian Sha and Luqian Mo while arrogant knew their limits and the aura that Lin Lingtian had shown was so strong they knew that death awaited them if they fought him while teaming up.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Luqian Mo froze as he saw it .

A Draconic Like entity made of shadows similar to that of Izabel it was an enormous black scaled western dragon with purple horns, glowing yellow eyes, a glowing purple underbelly, and a long black, whip-like tail.

( A.N : Imagine this )

The power exuding from the dragon was extremely suffocating to Luqian Mo.

Luqian Mo turned around and immediately flew at his highest speed away from the others . All semblance of brotherhood left his mind as he could only think about survival.

While in the back , Lin Lingtian swung his fist like boxer doing a Dempsey roll .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The air pressure shifted as a cyclone caused by Lin Lingtian swinging his fist attacked Luqian Sha .

( A.N : Imagine this )

" Looks like your brother escaped like a coward . Why don't I make this more interesting ? You can have a 10 second lead to do anything in your power to escape . I won't stop you ." Lin Lingtian cleaned his ear with his pinky as he looked at the dragon protecting Xiao Ning'er as a sigh escaped Lin Lingtian . The dragon had been formed similarly to Izabel by forming an amalgamation of multiple souls shards into one soul he had collected after they had destroyed the Draconic Caves but what was frustrating was that he couldn't find the souls of any of the Demi God rank dragons . Apparently the Demi God ranks escaped from the Nether Flowers he had planted all around the Draconic Caves as unlike the legend ranks that could somewhat have control over their souls , Demi God ranks had souls that could launch the power of law which they had used to escape the nether flowers .

" Beautiful , which one of the two do you want to hunt down ? "

" Hmm ! "

Seeing Xiao Ning'er not being able to decide , Lin Lingtian suggested they flip a coin to see which one gets which .





The coin landed on tails as Lin Lingtian won the toss and now had to hunt down Luqian Mo while Ning'er had to hunt down Luqian Sha.




Lin Lingtian held threw fingers in the air .

Then Two .

Then One.

And Lin Lingtian and Xiao Ning'er's figures disappeared .

[ POV Change ]

Transforming back into his humanoid form , Luqian Sha flew at his most highest speed .

He needed to escape that monster .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

A Bolt of Lightning flashed through the sky as the headless body of Luqian Sha crashed through the forest .

( ~ Tap ~ )

( ~ Tap ~ )

Xiao Ning'er slowly walked through the trees as she held Luqian Sha's decapitated head in her right hand.

( A.N : Imagine this )

[ POV Change ]

Luqian Mo from time to time spat out of balls of poison in the shape of Inscription arrays as a form of traps to delay anyone following him.

(~ Whoosh ~ )

Everything in Luqian Mo's point of view inverted as he felt absolutely nothing . No pain , No nothing as darkness enveloped his mind .

( A.N : Imagine this )
