Chapter no.56 Mysterious Inscription Array

[ POV Change ]

[ Heavenly Fate Plateau - Central Market ]

After the information had been spread out like wildfire, the efficiency of exchanging increased as the desperate people of the Heavenly Fate Plateau were given a hope .

Regarding the news of being able to exchange rice and meat for Purple Smoke Rocks, many people were doubtful about that. However, there were still many people who believed in Yun Ling's words. They all carried the attitude of giving it a try, and brought some Purple Smoke Rocks over. Many people only gathered one or two of them. Even though there are many Purple Smoke Rocks, they weren't everywhere.

A Purple Smoke Rock for half a catty of meat and ten for a bag of rice, the mysterious shop quickly became busy.

Purple Smoke Rock can actually be used to exchange for meat and rice?'

"Good heavens! It's actually real!"

Very quickly, the news began to spread even faster after some of the people obtained rice and meats.

Continuously, many people brought Purple Smoke Rocks over to exchange. The amount of people that went to search for Purple Smoke Rocks in the wild also suddenly increased in numbers.

From the constant gathering of Purple Smoke Rocks, the amount quickly rose to a few thousand. The amount of people that were exchanging food were also increasing more and more .

Suddenly, a ruckus was heard .

Outta my way. outta my way, get outta my way!" several well built men pushed the crowd apart and walked into the congee shop. The leading man was a bald young man, he wasn't wearing a shirt, so he was revealing his firm muscles. His face and body were also filled with sinister scars.

( A.N : Imagine this )

" It's Xiao Kuang ."

Many murmurs could be heard among the crowd of people who discussed if the second son of the Chief , a 2 star yellow obsidian rank , who in normal times was extremely arrogant and tyrannical, the amount of fights and people he's beaten for fun is more than just a few.

Xiao Kuang pointed at the mysterious shop and shouted ," Do you know where this is? If you want to start a business here, you have to pay taxes! I , the second son of the Chief order the owner of the shop to get out and face the consequences ."

Everyone in the crowd froze as they remembered the abstract landscape when they entered the shop and couldn't help but shudder in fear . They knew that the shop belonged to someone powerful , someone extremely powerful and it looked like Xiao Kuang didn't know this and could unintentionally have brought a disaster upon them .

" Xiao Kuang, you're too arrogant." Yun Ling stepped forward and stared at Xiao Kuang.

"Yun Ling, on the face of your dad, I won't make things difficult for you. Don't bother about this matter, go away." Xiao Kuang coldly snorted but took a step back when he saw the furious expressions of the people around Yun Ling .

Being stared at by thousands of murderous expressions of people was enough for Xiao Kuang to take a step back . Normally these people would have been submissive to his position and power but now this situation was different , Xiao Kuang was finding trouble with the shop that gave the people hope , this was not acceptable.

Inside the mysterious shop , Izabel and Tempest the Temporal Qilin stared at one another . What should they do in this situation ? Their master had told them to collect the purple smoke stones .

Tempest closed his eyes as he began to communicate with Lin Lingtian who was flying back to the Black Spring after easily killing Luqian Mo .

[ Scare that Troublemaker away ] Was Lin Lingtian's reply as he continued to fly towards the Black Spring .

[ POV Change ]

The people of the Heavenly Fate Plateau angrily stared at Xiao Kuang but no one dared to do anything else .

Xiao Kuang gritted his teeth as he realized that these people were just trying to scare him .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

A purple aura erupted from the mysterious shop effecting the entirety of the Heavenly Fate Plateau .

Everyone was kneeling on the ground gasping from air as the pressure of Izabel brought the entirety of the Heavenly Fate Plateau to it's knees .

Out of all , Xiao Kuang was the most effected as blood flowed out of his nose and eyes .

Xiao Kuang knew , that he had messed with someone he shouldn't have .

This aura was so much stronger then his father's that he couldn't believe it .

Xiao Kuang , a man who bullies the weak and fears the strong , kowtowed with all his strength as he screamed .

" My apologies , Senior ."

" My apologies , Senior ."

Suddenly the pressure was gone but Xiao Kuang still kowtowed towards the mysterious shop .


[ POV Change ]

[ Heavenly Fate Plateau - Black Spring ]

Lin Lingtian floated down towards the bulging stone where Xiao Ning'er sat , clamped his elbows on his knees , resting her face in her right hand as she peered down which was an endless abyss at the bottom.

Looking below, there's a cliff with a trail of black spring water flowing down, forming a vast waterfall. On the cliffs, there's a bulged up platform. It seems like there's traces of human work here. At the bottom of the endless abyss, is a bottomless pond.

Inside the water, there was a terrifying aura occasionally leaking out.

There were also faint roars coming from demon beasts, creating the feeling of suffocation from the abyss.

But Lin Lingtian knew that the aura he was feeling was from Bezalel , the dragon entity and he was wreaking havoc in the Black spring .

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er and then back to the abyss of the Black Spring .

" Do I have to ask ? "

Xiao Ning'er glanced at Lin Lingtian and smirked ," Just enjoying the show ."

A sweet drop formed on Lin Lingtian's head as he looked down at the one sided massacre of the 5 star Legend rank Draconic Entity Bezalel against the much weaker demon beasts hiding in the Black Spring.

" SSSure ."

Lin Lingtian looked at Xiao Ning'er and asked ," I am going to check that out , what to join me ? ".

" No , I think I'll enjoy my show ."

" Sadist ."

Xiao Ning'er didn't react to Lin Lingtian's quip and continued to watch her show .

Lin Lingtian rolled his eyes and jumped into the abyss of the Black Spring as his figure began to turn smaller and smaller disappearing into the darkness of the abyss .


(~ Thud ~)

Eventually landing on the platform.

The platform has a circumference of five to six meters. The bottom of his feet and the wall were filled with all kinds of mysterious inscription patterns.

Lin Lingtian's mind began to race as he saw all the inscription arrays around him and his mind was breaking down and comprehending each piece of inscription array .

" Three sealing inscription patterns with the Lighting attribute and six Sacred Flame offensive inscription patterns. It'll be disastrous if these explode. I have to break the offensive inscription patterns before I open the sealing inscription patterns!' Lin Lingtian thought inwardly in his heart as he started to get busy.

The complex level of these inscription patterns was even causing an annoyancefor Lin Lingtian as he continued to try breaking it.

'I wonder if that Yu Yan person that those two mentioned was the one who laid down this array . They must be trying to conceal something like their divine spark by laying down such a complex inscription pattern!' Lin Lingtian guessed in his heart.

Lin Lingtian easily deduced these inscription patterns again and again as he slowly broke them. His every move was very careful, because these inscription patterns are extremely dangerous. Even a Legend rank expert would be easily killed if he carelessly activated them.

Calculating these inscription patterns is a very complex process. A Legend rank Inscription Pattern Master is even rarer than a Legend rank expert. Before the Age of Darkness, Being a Inscription Pattern Masters was a very respected job. And the one that laid these inscription patterns before him was above Legend rank!

The inscription patterns were being broken by Lin Lingtian, one by one. First, he broke the six offensive inscription patterns, then the three sealing inscription patterns.

The three sealing inscription patterns were even more complex than the offensive inscription patterns.

After an hour , Xiao Ning'er joined Lin Lingtian as when he finished breaking the inscription array , the entire cliff wall began to tremble .

{ Author Note : You can read upto chapter 65 for a single dollar by joining my p.a.t.r.e.o.n .You can also read my other works like my Pokémon oneshots , my other TDG Fanfic }
