Chapter no.63 Trials of Law part 3

[ Trial of the Essence of the Law of Snow ]

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

In a dark plain , surrounded by icy mountains and continually being swept by a blizzard .

A naked male was seen walking through the snow covered paths of this world .

( ~ Brrr ~ )

I rubbed both my hands together as I looked at his surroundings .

The moment I came into this trial immediately I realized that my clothes and powers were gone as if I was back to being normal and frankly speaking in this damn cold , it sucked .

I continued to observe my surroundings to find out the trial was .


( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

I looked at his hands , they were completely frozen .

As more cracks filled my frozen hands , I couldn't help but flinch.

This was getting annoying .

I haven't even figured out , what the damn trial is ?


( ~Drip ~ )

The white blanket of snow covering the lands was stained by drops of red blood .

A naked male figure was sleeping inside a man made igloo . The male shivered in the cold as his hands were covered in red frostbite .

Lin Lingtian's blood had been frozen into red frostbite .

When one looked at the walls of the igloo that would see roman numerical lines depicting the time , he had spend in this place .


I looked at my hands , they were covered in blisters .

Time had become irrelevant to him .

He had tried to figure out everything he could about this place but nothing could be found .

This place was just ice , snow , blizzards .... nothing more and nothing else .

To fill my time , I began to recall every inscription array I knew as the laws were just profound inscription arrays and maybe then he could find some clue as to what the hell was this trial about ?


( ~Brrr ~ )

Shivering in the cold blizzard , a naked male sat in a lotus position , his body was covered by frostbite .

Suddenly Lin Lingtian's eyes opened and a disappointed sigh escaped his mouth .

Due to his lack of soul force , he couldn't use inscription arrays or form actual inscription arrays . Then he turned to meditation while had resulted in absolutely nothing .

I could swear this trial was not about comprehending an essence of a law but a trial of keeping sane .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

I could only look on in discomfort as the wind began to pick up .


[ POV Change ]

( ~ Crack ~ )

Lin Lingtian crashed on the soft snow , half of his body was covered in frostbite , blood flowed out of the cracks forming on his body .

The cold of the World of Snow had gotten to Lin Lingtian .

( ~ Coo ~ )

( ~ Whoo ~ )

( ~ Coo ~ )

Lin Lingtian's shadows began to twist and turn as shadowy begins began to rise from it .

From these shadowy humanoids , arms made out of black flames began to sprout out , a warmth filled the broken igloo .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Feeling the warmth , Lin Lingtian's eyes opened wide and the moment his gaze met those shadowy humanoids , he pulled back his left hand as a cube of ice hidden beneath the snow lodged off . The ground began to form a depression , sucking in everything into the hole that Lin Lingtian had set as a trap if he was attacked in this place .

Lin Lingtian breathed in a sigh of relief as he stood up and began to move and hide.

He was not sure how strong these shadowy humanoids were or how long the hole he had dug would keep them away from him .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Slick ~ )

Lin Lingtian's gaze shifted to his right foot , it was pierced by a black hook .

Before Lin Lingtian could even react his entire body was engulfed by a pink flames.

" ~Ahhhhhhhh~ "

A blood curdling scream came out of Lin Lingtian's mouth .

Lin Lingtian jumped into the pile of snow to put out the pink flames .

" ~ Szzzz ~ "

Steam emitted out the pile that Lin Lingtian had jumped in .

( ~Sigh~ )

Lin Lingtian opened his eyes as he looked at his body in disbelief .

All his injuries were gone .


As if it was magic .

Lin Lingtian's gaze immediately diverted to the trap he had set up to see , what was the current condition of that creature ?

Only to find ..... nothing , absolutely nothing as if the creature had vanished into air .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The Wind began to pick as the cold icy wind brushed against Lin Lingtian's naked yet healed skin.






In the cold misty mountains of this world , a male figure could be see walking slowly as a small inscription rune had been carved into the bicep of Lin Lingtian .

Gazing over the mountain , Lin Lingtian observed his surroundings carefully .

( ~ Sigh ~ )

A disappointed sigh escaped his mouth as Lin Lingtian sat on the soft and cold snow .

He had again encountered those shadowy fire humanoids and finally a clue had given him an idea what this trial was .

This trial was divided into multiple parts as he would have to encounter a test in each individual parts .

For his starting point , Lin Lingtian had to survive the cold and the moment he was dying those shadowy humanoids would burn his body with that pink flames that had healing properties .

Each part contained a piece of the Law of Fire which was ironic considering he was in a snow world.

The inscription rune on Lin Lingtian's left bicep was proof that he had comprehended the piece of the Law of fire hidden in his original area .

Forming a map on the snow , Lin Lingtian examined his position that he had traveled east from his original position and ended in this place which didn't look any different from his starting point .

Rubbing both his hands together , Lin Lingtian channeled the power of the law of fire stored in the inscription rune on his bicep as his body was filled with a warmth .

( ~ Yipp ~ )

While resting Lin Lingtian immediately stood up after hearing the sound of an animal.

( ~ Yipp ~ )

Closing his eyes , Lin Lingtian focused on the sound of the animal .

( ~ Yipp ~ )

Moving to the left , Lin Lingtian cautiously walked towards a small cave formation .

( ~ Yipp ~ )

( ~ Yipp ~ )

Lin Lingtian's gazed shifted towards a small crevice forming beside the cave . Looking into the crevice , Lin Lingtian saw a small rock dog whose foot was stuck in the between some giant rocks .

' Just what is that thing ? '

Suddenly Lin Lingtian dodged to the side as while the majority of his powers were gone , the senses , muscle memory and instincts he had honed through the battlefield made him aware of the danger he was in , a black and orange blur attacked the position he was previously in . If he had stayed at that position for a few minutes longer , his head would have been gone .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

Lin Lingtian stood in a defensive stance as he gazed at the beast infront of him .

A wave of heat engulfed the land as the ground below began to turn from a frozen wasteland to a place destroyed by a volcanic eruption .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )

Standing protectively over the cave , a wolf like creature made of rock and fire as the surrounding land had converted into the land of hell itself .

( A.N : Imagine this )

While looking at the beast , Lin Lingtian's eyes didn't show a hint of fear even though the majority of his powers were not present .

Rather then showing fear like a coward , Lin Lingtian mind was forming plans on how to deal with the beast infront of him .


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