Chapter no.64 The Trials of Law part 4

[ POV Change ]

( ~Rwrr~ )

Lin Lingtian and the fire wolf entered into a stare down as if they both were waiting for the other to make a move .

Pink Flames formed into a pair of gauntlets on Lin Lingtian's arms .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The fire wolf took that as Lin Lingtian's sign of aggressive and charged towards him at breakneck speeds .

Similarly Lin Lingtian ran towards the wolf but his speed was much more slower .

Lin Lingtian's body was hunched over as the flame gauntlets tore the now melted ground .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

The Wolf was just a few meters away from Lin Lingtian as it saw him tear apart the ground and throw a pile of gravel and dirt at the it .

Expecting an attack to come from Lin Lingtian while it distracted , the wolf used it's powerful muscles to jump while avoiding the dirt and Lin Lingtian's supposed attack .

In the air , the wolf was surprised to see there was no attack from Lin Lingtian .

( ~ Slisssh ~ )

( ~ Wooo ~ )

The wolf howled in pain as something had pierced his hind legs .

Lin Lingtian while holding the wolf from the back of it's legs stomped on the ground and used every last bit of his strength to twirl in a circular motion.

( ~ Woosh ~ )

Spinning round and round , Lin Lingtian focused to one spot beside the mountain as he aimed and threw the wolf with his built up momentum .

( ~Yamph ~ )

The wolf grunted in pain as he hit the side of the mountain .

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Shaking it's head , the wolf heart the sound of something being dug .

The Sound of digging stopped as the wolf turned to Lin Lingtian but the moment its gaze met Lin Lingtian , it froze .

Held by Lin Lingtian's gauntlet was the child of the fire wolf .

Lin Lingtian stared into the eyes of the wolf as a whimper emitted from the snout of the small pup .

( ~ Rwrr ~ )

In response to it's child whimpering in pain , the wolf growled in fury but that fury stopped when Lin Lingtian's gauntlet of fire was aimed at the neck of pup .

The message was clear to the fire wolf .

Lin Lingtian pointed his finger to the wolf as a stream of pink flames encircled the wolf in a ring of flames .

The pink flames danced around the fire wolf continuing to burn hotter and hotter as the wolf could only comply to Lin Lingtian who had her child in his hands .

Seconds turned into minutes and minutes turned into hours as Lin Lingtian and the fire stared off with on another .

The wolf being docile to the emotionless Lin Lingtian .

The pink flames that surrounded the wolf now burned with a bright white glow as a dome of flames separated the wolf from Lin Lingtian and it's pup.

An orange glow had surrounded the snow world as Lin Lingtian tightly held the pup in his hands as it barked towards his unconscious mother .

The white flame dome had cut off all the oxygen to the wolf and had forced it into an unconscious state .

Lin Lingtian stared on to the mother wolf , he could easily kill her but he choose not to as the trial of nether had him pay for the sins and he had experienced all the pain he had caused with his actions . Understanding the pain that his actions had caused was enlightening to him and now when faced with a choice , to kill or to spare , Lin Lingtian knew what he wanted to do .

Letting the pup run to his mother , Lin Lingtian stared on for a few seconds before he turned around and left . The wind of this world began to pick up as Lin Lingtian's figure disappeared in the blanket of white .

To Kill or To Spare , Lin Lingtian no longer struggled with this moral dilemma as he knew what he wanted to do .

The world of cultivation may have changed him but his core values that made him , well him were still there .

The Boy who looked at the sadness and cruelty of the world and decided to look at the positives rather then obsess with the negatives of the world , knew what he was ?

( A.N : Guys , how do you think I have handled Lin Lingtian's character development ? Reborn in a new world , he got drunk with power then to realize the horror that comes with such power as he tried to make up for his actions , for sins . He was lost on what he was ? A monster . Facing the pain of his actions , he finds out what he wa and his moral compass . )









( ~ Swisss ~ )

( ~ Swisss ~ )

A muscular man with tan skin, glowing eyes, sharp teeth, and wild dirty blond hair walked through the snowy lands of this world. He also wore silver fur pelts, a ragged skirt with a thick silver fur waistline, and gold-trimmed white armour on his right shoulder and over his groin area .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Lin Lingtian stared at his hands , the sense of time around him had warped and twisted into a mess that he couldn't keep up with .

He had traveled to many places of this world . Killed a lot of beasts that roamed this land yet he had not found any other clue of the trials of fire in this snow world which still sounds as ironic as it could get .

A layer of ice that he couldn't met had formed over his skin as blisters had stared to form .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The wind touched the layer of ice covering his skin as more and more cracks formed .

This phenomena was still mind boggling as ever . He had already tried to use the bones of the beasts he had killed to remove this layer of ice and it didn't even leave a scratch .

He used the pink flames to melt the ice yet it did absolutely nothing.

Yet the gentle and chilly breeze of this world was enough to break this ice .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Crack ~ )

Lin Lingtian clicked his tongue as he looked at the disgusting mixture flowing out of his skin . The wounds caused by the cracking of ice had caused partially frozen blood and pus to seep out .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

His shadows began to twist and turn as a black thread emerged from the darkness .

The Appearance of the thread caught Lin Lingtian off guard as his wounds began to be stitched by a black thread made of ash .

After a moment , feeling the stinging sensation Lin Lingtian's mind snapped out of it's daze as he looked at the black thread with curiousity .

Sensing a familiarity from the black thread , Lin Lingtian touched the black thread as it suddenly clicked in his head .

This black thread was made of the law of fire .

And it became clear to Lin Lingtian why he had never encountered those flame demonic humanoids .

He had found out , how to gain the Law of fire from the place as a smirk formed on his face.

' So that's the condition of the trial '







In the northern part of this snow world , a human male sat in absolute silence but if one looked closer they would see each individual muscle of the man to be shivering in the cold so much so that the shivering of his muscles was creating a low at-at-at sound .

Below the man , the land that was once covered by a blanket of snow was now covered in a blanket of darkness .

At the top of each of the two peaks covered in darkness , a huge boulder stood .

Suddenly the boulders began to roll towards the human sitting in the lotus position .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

( ~ Splash ~ )

Little to not resistance was met before the human was crushed in between the boulders .

In an absolute silence , the sound of cracked could be heard as the boulders began to separate from one another revealing a bloody pulp engulfed in violet flames as the male began to be revived back to life .









From the darkness emerged a humanoid that looked like the guard of hell itself .

Clad in heavy armour with blood and flesh made of flames . The guard walked through the darkness of the night as it's skull illuminated the land .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Walking towards a human sitting in a lotus position , the guard summoned a trident made of flames of the colour absolute darkness .

The human's skin from the intense cold in this world had made the skin turn blue like the colour of an utpala waterlily. The blizzards had cracked open frozen skin, leaving the human raw and bloody. The entire body was cracking into pieces and the internal organs which exposed to the cold, also cracking.

The guard plunged the trident into the heart of the human .

( ~ Slissh ~ )

And with that the guard disappeared into the darkness.

During the time of dawn as the sun illuminated the land , another bright light had engulfed the land.

The human , Lin Lingtian , was filled with cracked as light began to emerge from it as if a sun was blooming out the lotus .

( A.N : To those that don't know ," A sun blooming out of lotus " depicts the birth of Ra in Egyptian Mythology )

The Land began to be illuminated as the pieces of the law of fire began to emerged into one as the land of snow began to melt away revealing a giant inscription rune of the law of snow.

Who knew that the law of Fire was the key to the law of snow ?

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