Chapter no.108 Presence of Wuji

[ Sikong Hongyue's POV ]

( ~ Crash ~ )

( ~ Crash ~ )

My body crashed through a lot of trees but that shouldn't have hurt my body in any way but why was my chest burning ?

Using my soul force to treat my injuries I found traces of foreign soul force inside my body .

I found that expelling out the foreign soul force was not an easily task as I had assumed .

Standing up , I glared at the back of that Lei Zhuo but the question remained how could he have survived if father was tracking him ?

Getting a whiff of the smell of blood , I froze as the my heart began to beat like a drum .

My gaze lowered to the side of Lei Zhuo and I felt a numbing sensation overtake my body .

For all of my life then one thing that I truly cared about and truly respected was my father .

Even now seeing him dead was something I couldn't accept .

My father was invincible.

He cannot lose .

He ... He .... He

Tears subconsciously began to flow of my eyes as something snapped in my head as i gazed upon the decapitated head of my father .

My eyes shifted towards that Lei Zhuo as I felt burning sensation in my chest .

Taking on step forward , Sikong Hongyue's body emitted a glow as waves of soul force began to pour out of her body along with her fully awakening her phoenix bloodline .

( ~ Rwrrr ~ )


Looking at the tidal wave of soul force , Lu Piao and the others had to use their demon spirits to protect their bodies as a bolt of lightning tore through the air heading straight to Nie Li who appeared as calm as ever , not deterred by Sikong Hongyue's show of power as she broke through to the Legend's rank .

Raising his hand up , Nie Li's arm shifted into that of a Chaos King Lycan as he intercepted Sikong Hongyue's claw attack .

The power of soul Attributed Lightning clashed with the power of the Law of Primal Chaos .

Unlike Sikong Hongyue who was not in a rational state of mind , Nie Li was calm and collected as his twisted his waist and thrusted his hand forward into a palm attack .

Sikong Hongyue's body jumped back on instinct but she couldn't do anything as Nie Li opened his arms showing an orb of pure law that emitted a resonance with traces of Law inside Sikong Hongyue's body .

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The dust began to clear as Sikong Hongyue stood on her last two legs as she seemed to have snapped from her berserker state but her injuries were extremely severe as she held her stomach with her hand as it was mostly gone leaving behind a gapping hole .

Sikong Hongyue's tried to use her wings to attack only to find that those wings had also been damaged from Nie Li's Technique .

Quickly taking out a longsword from her spatial ring , Sikong Hongyue threw it towards Ye Ziyun as she shot a phoenix made of Lightning towards Nie Li .

Thinking that while she couldn't kill Nie Li currently , she will take away one of his precious friends .

Nie Li just snorted as he saw through her plans with him punching the lightning bird .

Sikong Hongyue frowned at Nie Li's calm nature before she found out that Ye Ziyun had actually caught her sword .

Even if Ye Ziyun and the others were not on their level it didn't mean that they were weak by any means .

Quickly realising that Sikong Hongyue tried to fly away even though she had broken wings she did have the ability as a legend rank to fly .

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

A ball of green flames crashed into Sikong Hongyue's back as her body plummeted to the ground .

Nie Li and the others quickly came near to where she had crashed .

Nie Li stopped the others from going further as he knew that a beast was at the most dangerous when it was near death's door .

He needed to quickly kill her before she could hurt any of his friends .

Nie Li outstretched his hand to use a long-range attack of Sikong Hongyue but suddenly an absolute silence enveloped the entire Abyssal Prison Realm .

( ~ Crack ~ )

The sound of cracking could only be heard as people all over the Abyssal Prison Realm began to fall towards the ground with foam coming out of their mouth as their minds went blank for a second and then darkness enveloped them as they were knocked out .

The mysterious old man in the Abyssal Prison Realm felt it .

He clearly felt the terrifying presence that had spread throughout the entire Abyssal Prison Realm

The entire sky was riddled with cracks as an aurora made entirely of cosmic dust decorated the land . It was a breathtaking sight but no one was there to admire it as anyone below Legend rank had been knocked out cold and all the legend ranks and the mysterious old man was petrified from fear as Lin Lingtian's Wuji presence was not to be taken lightly .

Nie Li gazed upon the sky as he couldn't but gulp as he sensed the Heavenly Energy residing in between the cracks of space .

( ~ Gulp ~ )

Feeling a kind of connection between the mysterious vine and this presence , Nie Li did everything to remain as unnoticeable as in his mind , catching the attention of this mysterious being who could casually tear apart space was not something he could afford to do since there was no telling what the consequences he had to deal with by making a connection with such a powerful being .

Unlike everyone else Sikong Hongyue gazed upon the horizon from where it looked like the tears in space originated from as she immediately recognised it as the place where the mysterious senior was staying at .

Sikong Hongyue gritted her teeth as she began to crawl towards the location of Xiao Ning'er knowing well that the mysterious senior was her only way of getting her revenge .

Nie Li gazed at the crawling Sikong Hongyue as he tried to channel the power of law to attack her but the power of law refused to listen to him as the pressure all around them began to increase more and more causing the remaining Legend ranks onto their knees . The mysterious old man could easily move but he stood like a rock along with concealing his aura to the most basic degree as to not catch Lin Lingtian's attention .

Out of everyone , Sikong Hongyue still crawled towards Xiao Ning'er's location fully intended to get her revenge with the mysterious senior's help .


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