Chapter no.109 The Ritual of Reincarnation

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - The Toxic Forest ]

Yang Xin and Baba Yaga could be seen sitting around a table as they both drank a Yang Olive Tea discussing their own insights on Alchemy and pills .

Baba Yaga gazed at her own reflection in the tea as she reminisced about the day that changed the life of her sisters and her.

Many knew her as Baba Yaga but that was not her name like everything else in her life she had abandoned her name after that day . Before the incident happened she was just living her life as a commoner in the Saint Spirit Era . Her mother was a poison doctor as she spent the early years of her life watching her mother save the lives of many until one day her mother disappeared . No one knew what happened to her parents. Some believe they just left her and fled . Others believe that they were killed during a bandit attack .Most of the rumours involved them being cowards or them being killed at the hands of others but there was one rumour that she had heard. Chichi (Baba Yaga) had heard that her mother was a cannibal. Eating the child's father, her servants, and then finally herself. She only left the child alive.

She was found when a group of 'righteous' demon spiritualists had heard of her mother's ways. They launched an investigation but everyone was gone and only her child was left on a large silver dish in the middle of the dining table. Did she try and eat the child? Was she trying to give everyone a message? Nobody would ever know. Because of the rumour, Chichi was always taught that cannibalism was wrong from a young age and that she should never participate in it but she was related to her mother so she could help but wonder what human flesh tasted like. Was it nice? Tender? Salty? Nobody would ever tell her. The only thing that they would say was: "Never ask that question again."

Years went by and it happened .

She got adopted into a family but there was only one problem .

The family that had adopted her felt off as if they were possessed by something but the orphanage was glad to get rid of the cursed child .

That was the last day , Chichi ever saw the world as the family that had adopted her were a branch family of the Black Lotus Clan .

Chichi was immediately thrown into a dark hole and for the young Chichi it was at that moment that the hand of death brushed past her .

The hole that she was thrown into was filled with corpses of children , elderly and young ones who couldn't control the power of madness and died .

Crawling out of this hole was the initiation to joining the Black Lotus Clan .

Chichi like any child was terrified at first but by some miracle , Chichi's body survived being ravaged by the power of madness as she retained her sanity to some degree .

In that hole , Chichi had eaten something that she was swore she would never eat .

Human Flesh .

Minutes turned into hours , hours into days , days into weeks but for the young Chichi the abyss had become her friend as she continued to live her for many years inside the hole of madness as she stitched together her sisters from the pile of corpses .

Then it happened , the day the other clans attacked the Black Lotus Clan .

The power of madness inside the hole went extremely volatile the moment a creature from the Ashura World came into this place .

The power of madness immediately tried to flow towards the native Ashura but the heavens didn't allow this to happen as a thunder tribulation occurred that day as the heavens tried to destroy the power of Ashura but it was for naught as the power of Ashura couldn't be stopped with soul force . This thunder tribulation had resulted in Chichi's body that had the power of madness to be tempered by the power of soul force .

Her soul had broken into many pieces which gave life to her sisters along with giving birth to a new power .

A power that was accidentally created by a miracle chance from the balance of the soul and the body along with the power of madness and soul force .

While the big shots of the era fought , Chichi escaped from the hole towards a new life where she walked the divine continent with a power that was an anomaly .

Hundreds to thousands of years , Chichi and her sisters continued to learn upon Alchemy as this was the only way they could get close to their mother .

Her name , her morals , her identity had lost to the annals of time .


Baba Yaga jumped back as the entire table exploded as it was riddled with small specks of dust .

Baba Yaga looked up to see that Yang Xin had figured out the poison in her drink and in her celestial butterfly form she had attacked her .

" Y....You ! " Yang Xin's hands shook as she couldn't describe what she was feeling right now .

As her master while only for a few days at most had cemented herself as someone she had a bond with . A bond of a disciple with his master yet her master had poisoned her .

If she didn't have the celestial butterfly as her demon spirit she wouldn't have even noticed the colourless and odourless poison .

This poison was so potent that Yang Xin had to dedicate 70% of all her soul force into just keeping it in one place .

" Euro ! " Screaming for help , Yang Xin found it weird that Euro was not helping her kill this bitch .

" Zehahhahahahahahahha ! "

Hearing the creepy laughter of her master , Yang Xin found something wrong as Euro was not appearing in front of her but she didn't lose hope . Even if she was not a fighter , she was not weak .

Taking out the pendant that Lin Lingtian gave her Yang Xin's body erupted in a layer of Skyfire surprising Baba Yaga who frowned believing that Yang Xin had committed suicide and ruined her plans of getting a new human furnace but the eruption of soul force from the burning body of Yang Xin was unexpected as she had used the Skyfire to refine the poison inside her body and advance to the Legend rank .

Seeing that Yang Xin was able to find an absolute hideous smile formed on Bab Yaga's face as she realised that her plans for the

" Ritual of Reincarnation " were not ruined at all .


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