Chapter no.121 Lin Lingtian's desires

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

As I walked down the pit hole , I seemed to have noticed a trend .

The amount of crystals dislodged into the walls seemed to have increased .

Inside those crystals was a large amount of the power of madness but I didn't touch it mostly because I have the status " Chaotic Qi Infusion " which is constantly giving me high level purified power of madness but there was also the warning Amity gave me .

[ Flashback ]

" .wil..l...te..ll ..sed..uction ."

Hearing Amity's pleas , I turned and said ," I am listening ."

" I wi...ll...only...te..ll....if ....y..o.u..s..wea..r...o

..n the name...o..f..t..he..C..ha..os...G..ods"

" Sure , I swear on the name of the Chaos Gods that I will kill you if you tell me what the secret is ."

" ..T..hen....Lis..

...thro..ugh... uction...never...touch a..nything ."

" Ok "

I turned around to kill the Ashura charging at me as Amity screamed ," W...hy.... don'


the....Ch..a.os...Go..ds. ? "

" And ? "


I smiled as I continued my journey through the geocentric passage .

Swearing in the name of the Chaos Gods , like I give two shits about that .

Suddenly I saw a bright light ahead of me as a sweet smell entered my nostrils .

The moment Lin Lingtian entered into the first sub-circle of the circle of seduction : Greed , he physically stopped as he saw what was in front of him .

As far as he could see , mountains of Gold coins , gems , weapons , gold sculptures .

Looking up Lin Lingtian saw a gigantic sculpture made of Gold and emerald , the Colossal statue stood approximately 70 cubits, or 33 metres (108 feet) high .

As Lin Lingtian walked through the sea of gold and gems . Not tempted by any of the riches as he could see everything in its true form .

Those gold statues were Ashura whose bodies have been covered in gold .

Each coin and gem in this place had been cursed as the moment someone touches it . Their skin would be taken away by a powerful parasitic Ashura and replaced by Gold .

This was the punishment for those who succumbed to their greed .

Some may think that this place was easy to cross but for Ashura , this place is a death trap as Ashura's are the embodiment of immoral and unethical desires .

The more one travels through this place , the more this place shifts to show you , your desires .

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

Ignoring the gold , gem and everything else . I continued to move forward .

Strangely enough the mountains of gold were replaced by mountains of weapons rivaling my soul katars in power .

Still it was enough for me to roll my eyes as I continued .

The mountains of weapons turned into a mountain of scrolls .

Pausing I pinched my brows as I had long since figured out what this place was .

I ignored everything and moved forward .

As the sweat smell began to increase ,I found the mountains of scrolls to be gone . Replaced by a field of golden wheat , it looked like the land was covered in a carpet of gold .

The sweat aroma was coming from a small house on the top of a hill .

The door of the house swung open , revealing Xiao Ning'er wearing a beautifully simple dress .

She smiled and ran towards me.

Taking my arm , she pulled me up the hill .

I stopped at the door of the house which was not something fancy at all . Just a simple house as inside I saw Yang Xin holding a pie smiling at him , Yu Yan reading a book as she turned towards me .

" Dinner's ready ! "

These words sent chills up my spine . I knew that the moment I step into the house . My dream to live a long and happy life with those I care about would be accomplished but my heart knew that this was just an illusion .

I snatched my arm away from Xiao Ning'er who had a hurtful expression on her face .

I opened my palm .

" Fire Dao Scripture : Nova "

The world around me exploded in a sea of flames as I closed my eyes , not wanting to see Xiao Ning'er and the others get hurt even if it was an illusion .

I found myself back into the sub-circle of greed .

Many Ashuras were rushing towards my body as they could sense the large amount of pure power of madness inside my body .

Opening my eyes , I felt my blood boil .

This world had dared to show me my dream and have it be burned by my hands .

A wave of power spread across the entirety of the circle of greed .

Suppressing every Ashura , a crimson barrier began to form all around the sub circle .

Many Ashuras looked at Lin Lingtian who was pissed .

Outstretching his hands , Lin Lingtian exclaimed ," Fire Dao Scripture : Judgement of Fire ."

An orb of crimson flames formed on Lin Lingtian's palms . The flames were made from balancing the purified power of madness alongside the Spiritual Flame of Nirvana .

As if the sun had been born in this place , every piece of gold began to melt away .

The mountains of gold coins turned into a sea of melted gold .

Floating above everyone , Lin Lingtian crushed the crimson sun in his palms as a hurricane made of crimson and black flames engulfed him .

Every Ashura looked in fear as the hurricane of flames engulfed the entire sub circle .

Burning away their desires , Burning away their lives , Burning away their existence .


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