Chapter no.122 Primordial Giant's Corpse

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent - Nether Realm ]

" Lord Ye Xiu , what was discovered by Lord Ye Mo about this place ? " asked Nie Li.

"Lord Ye Mo had made a huge discovery on this trip. It turns out that the hideout of the Dark Guild is an extremely deep crypt, the size of it is vast. We have only inspected a portion of it and noticed traces of Troglodytes and Dark Elves. We didn't dare to go too deep and returned." Ye Xiu said, his eyes looking deep. He never thought that there would be such an underworld inside the St. Ancestral Mountains.

"A crypt? Troglodytes and Dark Elves?" Nie Li lightly frowned his brows. Troglodytes are humanoid creatures. Due to living underground for so long, they are totally blind and making their eyes useless. Similarly to humans, they have a unique language which they converse in, which Nie Li has knowledge about. As for the Dark Elves, they are humanoid creatures that specialize in a variety of dark magic and are always lurking in the darkness, they are natural assassins.

Nie Li originally thought that the Dark Guild would be hidden in some valleys among the mountains. He never thought that they would be hidden in a vast underground world. Nie Li is filled with curiosity towards this underground world.

Ye Xiu continued ," Lord Nie Li , are you fine with the plan Lord Ye Mo had made ? ."

Nie Li just smirked and nodded as the time for the destruction of the Dark Guild was near .

Immediately Nie Li felt the spike of the power of Law as a giant orb of the law of snow and wind was launched at the headquarters of the Dark Guild .

Nie Li sensed many battles going on all around him .

Huyan Xiong , the patriarch of the Huyan Family alongside Huyan Lanrou was confronting the members of the Troglodyte tribe .

The Chu Family and the Winged Dragon Family were confronting the members of the Dark Elf Tribe .

While everyone else was confronting the members of the Dark Guild .

Ever since the rise of the White Lotus Pavilion , the strength of the Glory City had increased so much that no one in the group from Glory City was below a 1 star Black Gold rank .

Nie Li marveled at the difference in strength between the previous Glory City and the present day Glory City and all of this was due to Yang Xin .Nie Li expanded his senses to see what she was doing as ever since they met at the meeting , he was not able to see through her cultivation rank and this displeased Nie Li but he couldn't display rude behaviour in front of the most influential figure in Glory City . But now on the battlefield , she couldn't blame him if he checked her cultivation realm .

Meanwhile Yang Xin was relaxing on a hill with Bezalel " The Spiritual God of Nether " standing right beside her .

" Miss Yang Xin , that bug is trying to check your cultivation realm . May I kill him ? "

In response to Bezalel's harsh words , Yang Xin smiled and shook her head as it was impossible for someone of Nie Li's caliber to see through the cultivation realm of a true cultivator in the Celestial Realm .

Yang Xin looked through Nie Li's heart to see that his senses were sharper than others and unlike a void that others would sense , he actually sensed a trace of the celestial realm as Nie Li found himself falling through a nebula of colourful gases .

Rolling her eyes , as Nie Li was jumpscared by Ye Ziyun , she turned to Bezalel and asked ," Bezalel , you are the Spiritual God of Nether correct ."

" Yes ."

" And this is the nether realm ."

" Yes ."

" Are you the ruler of this realm ? "

" No ."

" Oh ! " Yang Xin eyes widened as she realised the irony of the situation .

( ~ Boom ~ )

Yang Xin blinked as the aura of multiple legend ranks exploded all around them .

The leader of the Troglodyte tribe , the leader of the Dark Elf Tribe , Long Sha and Gui Sha of the Dark Guild . All of these legend ranks were confronted by Nie Li , Du Ze , Lu Piao ,Wei Nan

Zhu Xiangjun, Zhang Ming , Duan Jian and Ye Zhong .

But none of these battles caught Yang Xin's attention as she was focusing on one thing . The confrontation between Ye Mo and the Dark Lord deep inside the headquarters of the Dark Guild .


[ Ashura World - Circle of Seduction ]

[ Circle of Seduction - Gluttony ]

After leaving the first circle through a strip of trillions of golden teeth, Lin Lingtian reached the second circle that was the crystallisation of Gluttony. It is a vast lake of dark line dotted with pallid islands that are actually the back of giants, and on the backwards hands of each giant they hold up tables that groan under their lavish feasts. Each island is linked by criss-crossing bridges.

The inhabitants of this circle dot the islands and the shorelines hopelessly engorge on the banquets on the back of giants or trying to drink the lake itself. These bloated and obese Ashura gorge wide-eyed and desperate to fulfill their unending hunger, even as they moan in pain for cramming and drinking ever more food and drink into their wine-stained mouths. The only escape from this paradise is death, consuming too much and too quickly that they burst becoming nothing more than grisly remains.

Unlike the Ashura who are tempted by their hunger to eat by the scent of the circle of Gluttony , Lin Lingtian didn't have a problem in this circle as to him the act of eating was a choice he made so that he was reminded that he was a human even though he didn't need it like at all . As a Wuji , he could stop eating for millions of years and it still wouldn't affect him at all .

As for the scent of temptation , it wasn't something that was designed to effect the sense of hunger of a primordial being that existed outside of this universe inside the void between the worlds .

Lin Lingtian flew quietly through the sky as he ignored the sounds of the Ashura suffering inside the circle of Gluttony . Suddenly he stopped and looked at the corpses of the giants before descending downwards .

Placing his hands on the giant's corpse . A grin formed on Lin Lingtian's face as he found himself his new soldier for the Army of the War God .


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