Chapter no.124 The Ancient Fenrir

[ Ashura World - Circle of Seduction ]

Water flowed in a gentle stream from Mountain to valley as the circle of Paramountcy had traces of the rivers of Gluttony which was not filled with water , rather it was filled with delicious wine.

These rivers of wine were so delicious that just one sip was all that was needed for an Ashura of the Heavenly Fate Realm to become intoxicated as the aroma of natural wine was too much for a being to handle .

Those rivers of wine flowed into the circle of Paramountcy as the Ashura's that preceive themselves as kings drank from this river which flower through the circle of Paramountcy into the circle of Carnality .

If someone narrowed their eyes , they would see an invisible Lin Lingtian swimming in this wine river as he couldn't find the proper way out of the circle of Paramountcy as the door out of this place was hidden only known to the true kings .

Well at least one of the kings was less in the circle of Paramountcy as Lin Lingtian quickly found that the only way out of the circle of Paramountcy was to follow the river of wine as this river didn't affect a being of his power at all .

Lin Lingtian paused as his gaze shifted to the side where a small Ashura took one sip of the wine river .

And as if a spell had been cast on the small creature , he began to drink , drink and drink . Not being able to control his senses as the curse of the river of intoxication took hold of the small and weak Ashura .

If the Ashura was stronger the curse wouldn't be able to affect him but unfortunately for him the Ashura had little to no strength that could suppress the curse .

Lin Lingtian turned and swam towards his next destination while Ashura drank so much that he fell into the river as a black tendril shot out towards the small Ashura dragging it into the bottom of the lake , never to be seen again .

The black tendril looked at Lin Lingtian swimming and it shivered in fear . The black tendril was the physical manifestation of the river of intoxication as it dragged the weak Ashura too, but it didn't dare try against a powerful being that couldn't be affected by its intoxicating wine like Lin Lingtian .

Lin Lingtian meanwhile was fully aware of the true form of the river of intoxication but didn't care since if the river was guiding him out of the circle of Paramountcy out of fear which was a plus in Lin Lingtian's book .


[ Divine Continent - Nether Realm ]

[ Nie Li's POV ]

As soon as my and lord Ye Mo's attack landed on the demon lord a foreboding feeling formed in my heart .

The dust cleared and showed the still injured demon lord but his gaze was different from before .

The demon lord looked at us and I felt as if I was being gazed at by a powerful expert .

Something is not right .

The demon lord took a deep breath and blew out .

I immediately recognised that technique as the soul breath .

Swirling the law of primal chaos I launched my attack as it confronted the soul breath which could be described as a powerful ethereal beast .

This was impossible . How did someone like the demon lord get his hands on this technique ? This technique was found in an ancient tomb inside the draconic ruins realm so how did he get this technique and that ancient tomb would be found in a couple of hundreds of years so how did the demon lord know this technique ?

Nie Li was confused as the dust cleared showing that the demon lord had used the soul breath as a diversion .

Nie Li shifted into the demon beast spirit that Ye Mo gave him .

The Ancient Fenrir .

His body bulked up as brownish grey fur covered his entire body . Ears similar to a bat formed as gold armour formed around his body . A skull formed along his feet as a snake slithered out of one of the eye sockets .

( A.N : Imagine this )

Nie Li was serious in the fact that he wanted to kill the demon lord .

Nie Li outstretched his senses and locked onto the demon lord whose presence had become more powerful .

Nie Li's legs glowed as he launched the skull towards the demon lord using his soul travel technique .

The skull moved at the speed of light as the demon lord launched another soul breath which instantly shattered revealing a cracked skull that broke into pieces revealing a snake whose size began to increase more and more .

A gigantic serpent of colossal proportions stared at the absolutely calm demon lord .

Meanwhile Yang Xin who was enjoying the show , wondered if she should step in .

" Bezalel , the soul of the demon lord is different . What do you think happened ? "

" It seems that the demon lord has awakened something in his soul . Do you want me to kill him ? "

" Nah , we have to greet our guests ."

Yang Xin turned to the side as the Nether Lord " Ming Fei " alongside a few of his guards landed in front of the two members of the War God's Army .

Ming Fei didn't even bother looking at Yang Xin as he gazed upon Bezalel .

He could clearly sense that the Law of Nether around Bezalel was on a level that he could have never imagined and to Ming Fei this was a slap in the face he couldn't ignore .

How dare this weakling steal his Law ?

Ming Fei's eyes shifted to Yang Xin and his eyes widened .

Even as a Heavenly Fate Realm Expert he couldn't see through her cultivation .

Not feeling a sliver of Heavenly Energy from her , Ming Fei reasoned in his mind that she must have an artifact that conceals her cultivation rank so he ignored her and focused on Bezalel .

" If you give me back the Law of Nether , I will give you a swift death ."


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