Chapter no.125 The City inside the Circle of Carnality

[ Ashura World - Circle of Seduction ]

[ Lin Lingtian's POV ]

( ~ Splash ~ )

Diving out of the water , I flexed my muscles as all the wine covering my body was gone .

Suddenly I paused as I saw lush green grass all around me .

Wait , had I accidentally gone from Ashura World back to the Tiny World ?

My confusion increased as I could see the power of madness all around me . Yet it was not affecting this lush land .

Walking for a bit , I saw a lush green forest filled with sakura trees .

It was peaceful and beautiful unlike any other place in the Ashura World.

After a few minutes of jogging , I found myself on the road .

Hearing the sounds of a waterfall , I continued to follow the road before I eventually stopped .

Large houses built on the side of the valley covered the land . It was beautiful to say the least .

Taking a deep breath , I executed " Yang Dao Scripture " and split myself into two .

With the clone Lin Lingtian going off , this process had been repeated in every circle I came across .

Even if this expedition was to know about the enemy , it still didn't mean I wouldn't use this opportunity to cut down hundreds of millions of Ashura using my clones and greatly effect my chances of war which now seemed useless after absorbing the memories of the Ashura giants as 3 thousand Ashura are born every second and 1000 Ashura die in every second . This surplus amount had made my efforts useless but they were a good source to harvest the purified power of madness .

Taking a deep breath , I made my way towards Ashura City .


[ Divine Continent - Nether Realm ]

( ~ Boom ~ )

An explosion of Laws occurred in the sky of the Nether Realm . Many experts in the Nether Realm wanted to investigate the Dark Guild but the aura of power erupting from the place was enough to make even the most arrogant young master know their place .

The Demon Lord's aura used to be as sharp as a blade, but now it was more reserved. However, Nie Li sensed that the Demon Lord had become even more dangerous.

Nie Li in the Ancient Fenrir form snapped his fingers as thousands of ethereal skulls began to cover the sky while the Demon lord who had awakened his memories of being one of the six reincarnated masters , looked absolutely calm .

Since the beginning of time and space, these six people coexisted in harmony as they comprehend the Heavenly Dao. They were the only ones capable of facing the Sage Emperor in the past. Though they could not destroy him, they were able to band together to weaken him. Since then they have used their intents to continually reincarnate in the hopes of once again reforming their strength and facing him.

And the demon lord through his near death experiences has awakened all the memories of his previous reincarnations .

Currently the demon lord only wanted to escape as he could see an extremely dangerous being inside this realm that he doesn't even have a chance against .

The Demon Lord's soul began to move as he willed the surroundings power of law to freeze Nie Li's attack mid air .

Nie Li frowned as his muzzle opened up in four places greatly surprising the demon lord as he felt a large soul force disappear from their surroundings .

( ~ Woooooo ~ )

A powerful black ultrasonic howl attacked the demon lord who crossed his hands as this attack was something he couldn't deflect or stop.


" If you give me back the Law of Nether , I will give you a swift death ." Ming Fei exclaimed with Yang Xin and Bezalel just staring at the Nether Lord as if they were looking at a fool .

Their attitude was getting on the nerves of the Nether Realm who was already extremely aggravated with his " son " as "he" showed a 7 grade Heaven Root yet he hadn't been able to breakthrough to the Heavenly Fate Realm and now these lower beings dared to disobey his order .

Ming Fei took out a black spear which was an artifact from the Draconic ruins realm . He intended to execute those two extremely swiftly .

Ming Fei disappeared as he thought he should show these bugs what true power was while charging towards Bezalel .

Meanwhile the Nether guards charged at Yang Xin who looked completely relaxed and somewhat bored .

( ~ Boom ~ )

Ming Fei's eyes widened when he saw his artifact enhanced by the power of his peak Heavenly Fate power yet it was held mid air by Bezalel .

( ~ Ahhhhhhhhh ~ )

A short scream drew Ming Fei's attention as he looked at all his subordinates on the ground shrivelled up like dry prunes . His last subordinate was begging as Yang Xin held his by his neck .

A green aura entered into the Nether Guard's body as in the moment of a few seconds , the entire body shrivelled up as Yang Xin's poison eroded the body destroying it from head to toe .

If Yang Xin wanted she could destroy the soul but she was not that cruel .

Meanwhile Ming Fei realized that these two while from the Tiny World were not ordinary in any sense of the word .

( ~ Snort ~ )

A sense of dread filled Ming Fei's heart as he heard Bezalel say ," Do you have the privilege to look away during a battle ? "

Bezalel thrust his hands forward as he recreated the Demon Lord's Technique " Soul breath ."

Bezalel placed a palm facing forward in front of his face with one hand and then tapped it with his other hand, formed into a fist, which created a massive amount of air pressure. Next, Bezalel formed a unique hand seal resembling a tiger. This launched the air pressure at the opponent in the shape of one by leaving a gigantic tiger-shaped impression into the initially built-up air pressure with the hand seal. The air pressure will condense as it's moving and be focused into a single point.

Bezalel had executed the Soul breath in such a way that it was unlike the original technique as it was much much more powerful and deadly .

The gigantic linear line carved out by Bezalel's soul breath technique was filled with a cloud of dust .

The dust cleared revealing Ming Fei as unharmed . His clothes while a torn apart revealing a body protected by many artifacts .


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