Chapter no.142 The War God Vs the Ashura God part 2

[ POV Change ]

[ Tiny World ]

Sikong Hongyue in her demon spirit form killed the Ashura in front of her as she felt herself breaking through to Heavenly Axis Realm.

All her soul intent began to converge into one as a fate star that began to form within her fate soul.

Sikong Hongyue was near the edge of the battlefield taking out , the Ashuras that had survived Lin Lingtian's Meteorite attack hence as she broke through to the Heavenly Star Realm , no one was there to attack her during her breakthrough which could only occur due to the Ashura's power of madness weakening the seal due to their property of nullification.


( ~ Boom ~ )

Yu Yan twisted mid air as the flexibility given to her by her demon spirit was inhuman as she dodged the Khorne's scythe slash.

Xiao Ning'er with her Thunder God's Meteorite Sword in hand began to duel with Knorne.

( ~ Clang ~ )

In a deadlock , Knorne and Xiao Ning'er stared down one another before Xiao Ning'er smirked.

Kicking the ground , Xiao Ning'er jumped and flew as spikes made of the blood of Ashura erupted where she was standing.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Yang Xin flew at high speeds at Knorne as her fists clashed against Chaos God's scythe.

Poison dripped out of the pores on Yang Xin's hands as in the moment the scythe completely disintegrated catching korne off guard as Yang Xin twisted her hips and right hocked Khorne in the face.

" Now ! " Yang Xin screamed as Yu Yan held a giant ball of Skyfire in her hands.

( A.N : Imagine this )

Meanwhile on the other side , Xiao Ning'er channeled a solar storm through the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword as she slashed at Khorne who was attacked on both sides with no escape.

Even if it was a martial ancestor realm , getting jumped by multiple celestial realm experts isn't easily to deal with.


Sitting in a pool of lava , Wong Fei stared at Tzeentch whose body had been impaled to the hands of the Primordial Giant's.

Clones of Lin Lingtian were all doing their best to stop the Ashura's from entering into the cycle of reincarnation. They were waiting for the main body to launch the attack that Lin Lingtian found that could nullify the threat of the Ashura permanently as unlike Slaanesh Lin Lingtian couldn't absorb the other Ashura Chaos Gods whose souls were extremely powerful in comparison Slaanesh's soul which was broken and weak so she was easier to deal with.

Turning to the side , the clones could see the raging battle inside the void and it looked like Tempest was using this opportunity to gain more and more insight into the power of time and space.


[ Ashura World ]

An eerie silence had fallen over everything as Lin Lingtian's attack had created a multiple kilometre long hole directly in the center of the Nameless One's realm.

( ~ Roar ~ )

A flash of red erupted from the hole as Lin Lingtian snorted while seeing a soot covered Nameless One.

His attack had actually taken the right arm of the Ashura God but what is a physical body to a Deity Spirit Realm as the Nameless One roared .

( ~ Slich ~ )

An arm formed out of the Nameless one's shoulder but the Nameless One didn't stop as a few more arms formed.

The soot covered Nameless One truly looked like a being from Hell as he held out his hands.

( A.N : Imagine this )

Space tore open revealing a giant crimson crystalline war axe .

High above in the air , Lin Lingtian felt something off as the surrounding power of Madness was directly going into the giant hole .

Lin Lingtian's eye narrowed before he saw hundreds of thousands of beams of crimson from all around it.

Taking out the læventinn , Lin Lingtian twirled his spear as he flew out dodging and weaving every crimson beam which began to twist and turn at odd angles causing Lin Lingtian to start deflecting but those beams bent and turned back.

Lin Lingtian's AI / Second Mind merged certain parts of his body to that of the void as while it looked like Lin Lingtian was hit , he didn't sustain any kind of damage .

Lin Lingtian immediately ordered his Second Mind to start the preparation for his most powerful attack as the battle between the two from here on out isn't going to be easy.

The Nameless One immediately appeared behind Lin Lingtian just as he was perceived to be pierced by those beams.

Outstretching the giant War axe , The Nameless One cleaved at Lin Lingtian who turned and transformed the læventinn into a shield.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The force behind the attack was so much that Lin Lingtian was thrown a hundred kilometres as the sky was split apart from that force.

Knowing his opponent was still alive , the Nameless One's Axe glowed as the void surrounding him opened up and launched him at the speed of light towards Lin Lingtian.

Using his momentum , the Nameless One slashed at Lin Lingtian whose body erupted in power causing the Nameless One to be blown away from the aura expelled out.

Lin Lingtian stood up as his body began to shift into his demon spirit form.

A celestial aura began to envelope Lin Lingtian as it twisted and turned revealing Lin Lingtian covered head to toe in a cosmic skin as if his body was a canvas where the stars were painted on.

Lin Lingtian's lævateinn formed into a cape around him as the War God's presence made the Nameless One gulp as he could feel it , the presence of Wuji.

( A.N : Imagine this )

Rather than getting scared , the Nameless one was filled with greed as it wondered how powerful it would be after absorbing Lin Lingtian.

Lin Lingtian snorted as he read through the thoughts .

The Nameless One charged forward but space around them seemed to be increasing as Lin Lingtian outstretched his hand and pushed forward .

The Nameless One felt an indescribable fear envelope his heart as the surrounding power of madness turned in a giant hand that slapped the Nameless One like a fly into the ground.

Embedded into the ground , the Nameless One looked up to see Lin Lingtian staring at him like a God.

The War axe glowed as the Nameless One commanded all the power of madness in the Ashura World to come at him.

Seeing the body of the Primordial Giant assaulted by the power of madness , Lin Lingtian knew that the real fight between them is just going started.


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