Chapter no.143 The War God Vs the Ashura God part 3

[ POV Change ]

( ~ Boom ~ )

Shockwaves ran out through the apocalyptic landscape of the Tiny World as catastrophic events occurred all over the world.

The Subsidiary Realms connected to the Tiny World were not directly affected but the pressure of the battlefield of such high level experts killing one another wasn't something those subsidiary realms to handle hence the people of the subsidiary realms were praying to whatever God was out there to protect them but if those subsidiary realms could even muster the courage to try to look for answers they would find a protective barrier that Lin Lingtian had erected was protecting them from dying from aftereffects of the battlefield inside the Divine Continent.

The people of Glory City inside the Abyssal Prison Realm were all collectively praying.

Praying to Lin Lingtian to protect them as the word of Lin Lingtian's deeds of protecting them all from those monsters had spread like wildfire and now in this time as everyone instinctively felt the danger that lay in the Tiny World , they could only pray and hope that Lin Lingtian protects them.

[ Ashura World ]

Waves upon waves of the power of madness charged at Lin Lingtian in his demon spirit form as the Nameless One had acquired the ability to command the power of madness of the entire Ashura World .

With this ability , the Nameless One could barely stand on an even ground against the monster that was Lin Lingtian who casually flicked his finger and the force generated was enough to eviscerate the wave of the power of madness.

The Nameless One's eyes looked down as it saw Lin Lingtian casually walking beside him.

Clenching his war axe , the Nameless One brought it down on Lin Lingtian's head but Lin Lingtian's hand turns into a blur for a few seconds as the Nameless One finds himself launched into the mesosphere.

A mind numbing fear erupted from the Nameless one's heart as Lin Lingtian suddenly appeared on its chest .

The Nameless One cleaved at Lin Lingtian but the Ashura God quickly realised that his weapons or what remained of it was just a broken handle as Lin Lingtian's initial punch had destroyed the most powerful weapon in the Ashura World.

Lin Lingtian's foot sank into the body of the Nameless One who felt the sudden increase in his descent speed.

Like a Meteorite , the Nameless one's body crashed into the ground creating a giant pile of dust and debris as Lin Lingtian stood over the Ashura God.


[ Divine Continent ]

Many members of the War God Army had to team up to defeat the Dao of Dragon level Ashuras as they combined laws and techniques mimicking their masters Dao Scriptures.

But in the middle of the battlefield another situation was occurring as Khorne , the Chaos God of Blood's scythe met the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword of Xiao Ning'er.

This battle had been drawn to a stand still as nothing in Khorne's arsenal had a great effect on the three generals who likewise didn't showcase anything that could seriously affect the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Xiao Ning'er's in her demon spirit form couldn't help but chuckle as she found this battle to be truly enjoyable.

Even though any second could be her last ; she didn't care as she knew her fellow sisters had her back.

( ~ Crack ~ )

Bolt of Lightning erupted from Xiao Ning'er's body as she released a solar storm from within her soul sea .

Khorne launches himself back to dodge the attack as Yang Xin's poison arrows launch themselves at the Chaos God.

Using a wave of the blood of Ashura , Khorne blocked every last arrow as the blood hardened.

( ~ Pop ~ )

A few bubbles formed in the wall of blood before a beam of concentrated plasma tore through the wall of blood and launched Khorne into the ground.

The wall of blood disintegrated showing Yu Yan with her fists outstretched as she had concentrated the Skyfire into a beam.

Khorne stood up as the hole left behind by Yu Yan's attack began to heal at a visible rate and in the matter of a few milliseconds the wound was gone showing the three generals why Khorne was the strongest Chaos God as his control over the power of madness along with his healing techniques were out of this world as he could regenerate from one cell.

Yang Xin looked at Khorne as her analysis of the entire body of the Ashura was complete. As a Grandmaster Alchemist her ability to analyze anything was greatly important and during their entire fight she had been analysing the Ashura for any potential weak points they could exploit but rather she found the Ashura to be something that had no weakness.

Giving her analysis to Xiao Ning'er and Yu Yan , Yang Xin hoped that they two could figure out a way to defeat Khorne.

' Sister Yang Xin , can you buy us some time ? '

In response to Yu Yan's request , Yang Xin charged at Khorne as she knew her sisters had a plan and they needed time so she would give them all the time they would need to implement their plan.

Yang Xin and Khorne charged forward and in the middle of the battlefield Yang Xin and Khorne's hands met in a struggle as Khorne used his greater physical strength to push back Yang Xin whose poisons slowly seeped into the body of the Chaos God.

In order to address the poisons Khorne lost concentrated for a second and that was all that Yang Xin needed as she pushed back the Chaos God.

' Now ! '

Hearing the telepathic message loud and clear , Yang Xin's body erupted in a mass release of poisons causing the Chaos God to let go but it looked like the Chains of death had wrapped around the neck of the Chaos God as he looked up to see Xiao Ning'er and Yu Yan combining their power into one powerful technique which was in the form of a Gamma ray burst .

A light millions of times brighter than the sun engulfed the Divine Continent as the beam of the most energetic form of light tore through the body of the Chaos God Khorne.


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