Chapter no.144 Escape

[ POV Change ]

An eerie silence had befallen the entire Divine Continent as Yu Yan and Xiao Ning'er's Gamma Burst Ray had torn apart the Chaos God of Blood , Khorne.

Every last particle of Khorne had been eviscerated from existence as Yu Yan and Xiao Ning'er dropped to the ground only to be caught by Yang Xin who had a permanent grin on her face as her eyes bleed while healing from the blindness induced by the gamma ray bursts intense brightness.

Meanwhile Lin Lingtian's clone got up and outstretched his hand as the surrounding power of madness parted to the side revealing the corpse of an Ashura.

With a flick of his finger , Lin Lingtian tore the Ashuras body apart revealing a small head regenerating. This head belonged to Khorne as he had placed some of his blood inside his subordinates in case he was ever defeated in battle and killed.He could just regenerate from the cells hidden within his subordinates but Lin Lingtian had seen through his plans.

The Law of Nothingness engulfed the extremely weakened Chaos God of Blood.

The Clone gazed to the side as he found Sikong Hongyue frozen in fear as the brightness of Gamma ray burst had overwhelmed her senses while also blinding her.

Placing a hand over her eyes , Lin Lingtian's clone channeled the law of Yang while softly saying," Hongyue , it's going to be fine.We are here for you.Don't worry , I know it's scary walking through the abyss but listen to my voice and come towards me."

Sikong Hongyue's mind was engulfed by warmth as the cold hard abyss parted revealing a smiling Lin Lingtian.

" My L.. Lord ! "

" Good Job "

Lin Lingtian exclaimed with a chuckle as Sikong Hongyue blushed as her heart beated faster and faster.

This warmth was nice.

Sikong Hongyue closed her eyes as she felt at peace.


[ Ashura World ]

Standing over the giant , it was an ironic situation as the Nameless One couldn't budge Lin Lingtian's foot.

Raising his hands , Lin Lingtian brought down his hand as it connects with the most weakest part of the torso.

The shockwave of Lin Lingtian's punch traveled through the blanet and emerged from the other side in the form of the tectonic plates shifting into bulges.

Lin Lingtian meanwhile was displeased as that punch couldn't shatter the exoskeleton of the Nameless One.

Suddenly a light erupted from the exoskeleton as Lin Lingtian for the first time since the fight started to feel a geniune sense of threat from the Ashura God.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The exoskeleton of the Nameless One exploded and a kilometer away,Lin Lingtian appeared in a show of speed.

Lin Lingtian frowned as he felt the surrounding terrain to be shifting .

In those 40 years in the temporal stagnation , Lin Lingtian had refined the soul shard of Ba Xia where he found many secrets of the Heavenly Dao Ranking .

One such secret was about the realm of the Deity Spirit .Those in Deity Spirit Realm could influence their surroundings to a certain degree but the secret of the Deity Spirit Realm was that they could merge themselves with the Heavens and Earth as a last resort.

The Nameless One had taken this resort as Lin Lingtian's power was too much for him to handle.

If this was any other cultivator , they would have allowed the Nameless One to completely merge with the Heavens and Earth out of pride but Lin Lingtian was different as his inner world exploded out engulfing the land of the Ashura in it.

Lin Lingtian's void expansion began to clash with the Nameless one's realm fusion.

Reality seemed to be like glass that began to break from the clashes of the void expansion and realm fusion.

Outstretching his hand , Lin Lingtian's cloak wrapped around it as it began to form into a spear.

The ethereal temporal vine formed around the spear as Lin Lingtian aimed it at the body of the Nameless One which was concentrated in battling it out with Lin Lingtian's second mind as the void expansion and the realm fusion clashed.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

The Nameless One couldn't even see it coming as the spear lodged itself into it's sternum.

The Temporal Vine began to absorb the power of madness as the Nameless One was began to expand like a balloon.

The balance between the Ashura God's power and the sourrounding Heavens and Earth had been disrupted as the backlash was felt by the Nameless One whose body had expanded to giant proportions.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Eventually the body of the Ashura God popped but a small Ashura began to form from the surrounding chunks of meat.

Utilizing everything in its new body towards speed, the Nameless One ran towards the portal leading to the Tiny World as it knew the moment it stepped onto the Tiny World , it's body and soul fragments would automatically merge with the cycle of Samsara so even if Lin Lingtian won this day , the Nameless One would have the ultimate win as it would have a chance to reincarnate somewhere in the entire macrocosm due to the unique way of an Ashuras rebirth.

Lin Lingtian had found this fact , accidentally when he was putting up the barriers as he found Zhu Long hiding inside a small subsidiary realm filled with Yin ghosts and it was there that Lin Lingtian realized that if he didn't find a permanent way of putting down the Ashura then they would become a problem in the future to not only himself but to everyone in the entire macrocosm.

The initial Ashuras weren't that much of a problem since he had his clones guarding the Fire Cloud Manor and ultimately the cycle of Samsara but someone on the level of the Nameless One wasn't something his clones could handle.

The surrounding Ashura World was being engulfed by Lin Lingtian's inner world but it seemed like the Nameless One had done the right thing by creating his body just for speed as it out ran Lin Lingtian's void expansion.

The Nameless One felt multiple barriers surrounding the portal showing how much Lin Lingtian had prepared for the fight but one thing Lin Lingtian missed was that the Ashura God wasn't a title just for nothing as the body of the Ashura began to resonate with the same frequency as the barriers causing the Nameless One to slip passed everything.

Lin Lingtian's eyes contracted as it saw the Nameless One leave the Ashura World.

" Do I have to resort to using 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗧 ? " Lin Lingtian wondered as his inner world and the Law of Nothingness engulfed everything in the Ashura World.


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