Chapter no.145 Hyperspace

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent ]

The portal to the Ashura World began to change as the Law of Nothingness engulfed the entire realm of Ashura.

The Nameless One's speed and the speed of the void expansion had a difference of one millionth of a second but this negligibly small difference was all that the Ashura God needed to escape the Ashura World.

The Nameless One's presence couldn't even be hidden as Slaanesh , Wong Fei , Yu Yan , Yang Xin and Xiao Ning'er along with multiple clones of Lin Lingtian unleashed their strongest attacks but in the eyes of the Ashura God these attacks weren't even worth noticing.

Dodging and weaving every attack , the Nameless One focused everything on escaping as any second now and Lin Lingtian would appear and that was game over.

Even though the Nameless One knew that even if Lin Lingtian killed him , it wouldn't matter as he would appear somewhere else but Lin Lingtian's absolute power caused doubt to form in his mind.

Maybe Lin Lingtian had some way to stop an Ashura from entering into the cycle of reincarnation.

Just this doubt alone was enough to prompt the Nameless One to escape .

Influencing the power of madness that precipitated all around him , The Nameless One launched a giant beam of crimson which tore through the stratosphere and immediately hit the supreme realm expert's Confucius Xia's runic array that hid the Tiny World from the rest of the macrocosm and didn't allow anyone to ascend past the legend rank.

But with the War and precipitation of the power of madness , this runic seal was being affected due to it being formed out of soul force and since the power of madness negated soul force , this seal was weakening at a rapid rate throughout the battle between the War God Army and the Ashura army.

This weakening of seal had allowed Sikong Hongyue to ascend to the Heavenly Star Realm and now with the Nameless One was using every last drop of the power of madness to attack it , this seal was beginning to disintegrate as many of experts from the surrounding realms began to notice this but the presence of the Nameless One immediately frightened any curious expert from even daring to peek at what was happening inside the Tiny World.

Many sects from the Draconic Ruins Realm were also scared off .

[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Eight Desolate Peaks ]

Standing over guard at the Eight Desolate Peaks were the six demon beast generals .

One of the six generals who was several hundred meters tall with silvery-black armour and wielded a huge spear in his hand suddenly opened his eyes as he felt the fluctuations in power.

Was the master waking up ?

The six demon beast generals wondered if their master , the Sage Emperor had woken up from his slumber since this power they were feeling was similar to their master.

The clash of the Nameless One's desperate attempts at escape and the resistance of the Supreme seal of Heavens caused the Six Demon Beast Generals to think that their master was breaking through to the Supreme Realm.

All the six demon beast generals began to sing praises for their master when suddenly this fluctuation stopped.

The six demon beast generals were left confused as they felt the furious call of the Sage Emperor just when the fluctuations stopped.

What was happening ?


[ Divine Continent ]

The entire sky was riddled with an indescribable tear as every being struggled to move while the supreme seal could be seen by all.

Meanwhile on the ground , the Nameless One's jaw was shattered as Lin Lingtian sucker punched him.

The Ashura World portal shrank to the size of a crimson red dot as it merged into Lin Lingtian's body showing that Lin Lingtian had engulfed the entire realm into his inner world and he had planned to refine the realm to make it his own.

The Nameless One stood up with triumph written all around his face as Lin Lingtian looked up .

The supreme seal had a small tear in it as the Nameless One had succeeded.

If Lin Lingtian killed him right now . He would enter into the cycle of Samsara and would immediately reform somewhere in the entire macrocosm.

He would slowly rise up again and this time he would have his revenge against his son , against Lin Lingtian.

( ~ Bllll ~ )

The Small body of the Ashura God began to expand out as the Nameless One chose to detonate .

Looking at the look of satisfaction on the Nameless One's face , Lin Lingtian just smiled .

" Keith , are you happy ? "

Lin Lingtian's emotionless tone sent chills down the Nameless One's body as it saw multiple nebulae scattered all around the War God's body to begin to glow as Lin Lingtian's heavenly energy exploded like waves through the entire Tiny World.

Raising his hand up in the air , Lin Lingtian relied on the fundamental and innate instincts of the Wuji Bloodline to do its magic.

This was the answer Lin Lingtian had found with the help of his second mind/AI.

A blue spiral formed above the head of Lin Lingtian as everything in the entire macrocosm felt a fear that couldn't be described in words.

( A.N : Imagine this )

It was greater than the fear of death , greater than the fear of the unknown .

It was the innate fear every lower being feels in the presence of a higher dimensional being.

The Nameless One tried hard to escape but couldn't do anything as its body was sucked into the high dimensional plane of existence ; Hyperspace.

And the moment , the Nameless One's body alongside every other Ashura who had been collected by Lin Lingtian's clones entered into hyperspace , their existence was immediately erased as beings on the level of the Ashura couldn't exist in a higher dimension of Hyper space.

Lin Lingtian had relied on the Nameless One's incapitation to focus everything he had on opening a door to a higher dimension where a lower dimensional being couldn't exist.

( A.N : If you don't get what hyperspace is , think of it as a 5d world where no 4d being could exist in other worlds a cartoon ( 3d ) can't exist as a living being in the real world ( 4d ).Hope that explains it. And Lin Lingtian didn't use this attack before because he is extremely vulnerable while performing this technique.)

Lin Lingtian breathed a sigh of relief as he began to close the small tear he formed to connect to hyperspace as the hundreds of nebulae he had exploded into supernovae died down inside his inner world.

Lin Lingtian reverted back to his human form as every last bit of energy he had to open hyperspace was gone.

But at this moment , the supreme seal began to activate as the heavens planned to use this opportunity to end the rise of the true cultivators.

Every being in the Tiny World crashed into the ground as the supreme seal activated and a trace of the intent left behind by the Supreme level expert Confucius Xia condensed into a wave that was aimed directly at the War God's army.

Lin Lingtian turned to Xiao Ning'er , Yu Yan and Yang Xin and mouthed off " See you next time."

Xiao Ning'er , Yu Yan and Yang Xin struggled to move as they tried to fight off the pressure of the Supreme Realm Expert.

Lin Lingtian smiled as his body was engulfed in power as his own Heavenly Energy and the purified power of madness mixed . Converting everything into an armour , Lin Lingtian in his Wuji Form flew towards the wave that the heavens released.


Xiao Ning'er , Yu Yan and Yang Xin watched as tears ran down their face which screams bellowing through the heavens as they did everything to struggle but it was for naught as Lin Lingtian was engulfed by the wave.

A bright light engulfed the entire Tiny World as a deafening silence remained.


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