Chapter no.146 Fate is Changing

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Continent ]

After the apocalyptic battle between the War God's army and the Ashura World and the sneak attack of the Heavens , many members of the War God Army were terraforming the land.

Izabel , Cadmus and Éowyn worked in conjunction with one another as Éowyn froze the magma covered land , Izabel destroyed the frozen magma into pieces and Cadmus reshaped it into fertile land.

Xander would then use this fertile land to create forests , meadows , plains , valleys filled with alot of diverse plants.

Yamato meanwhile was absorbing the poisonous gaseous released into the atmosphere from the hundreds of thousands of volcanic eruptions.

Euronymous meanwhile was combining his power with Jezebeth to part the kilometres long clouds of smog , dust and smoke.

Kasdeya and Andras were combining their Yin and Yang laws to influence the growth of all the plants and microscopic organisms in every habitat all around the Tiny World.

Furfur and Crocell were destroying the active volcanoes scattered around the new Divine Continent.

Charon was purifying the bodies of water all around the Tiny World.

Zepar and Naburus channeled the Law of Chaos and Primal Chaos to reshape many of the mountains and hills.

Bael and Amon were working alongside Yu Yan in absorbing the heat from the magma covered lands and converting them into new new islands , countries and even continents ( most in Yu Yan's case ).

Tempest was working on slowly understanding his master's barriers so that he could release all the living organisms Lin Lingtian had trapped inside those barriers for their safety.

A red eyed Yang Xin executed a palm attack which vaporised the super volcano in front.

Located inside the pool of lava were the fire Spider Lily . A herb that she had always desired to obtain.

Picking up the Fire Spider Lily , Yang Xin broke out in tears.

Even when she was actively trying to forget about Lin Lingtian's absence

She couldn't.

She knew that he was alive through the soul shards inside the dantians of her and the others but he was still missing out there.

Everyone needed to finish this clean up and then they would begin their search for Lin Lingtian.

Sikong Hongyue appeared in front of her as she exclaimed ," Miss Yang Xin , I need your help . It's about master ."

Yang Xin wiped away her tears and looked at Sikong Hongyue.

Was something wrong with Xiao Ning'er ?


[ Draconic Ruins Realm - Divine Feather Sect ]

In a deep valley of the Divine Feathers Sect stood a straw hut surrounded by peach blossoms, like a garden full of peaches.

Such beautiful scenery was beyond spectacular!

A variety of mysterious, glowing arrays wandered around this straw hut.

Inside the hut, was a beautiful girl who sat in silence. There were six mysterious devices around her, each with round balls that revolved like stars. Each device formed and released pulses of mysterious energy.

This girl was Ying Yueru.

Both of her eyes were closed and brows were furrowed; she seemed to be deep in thought over something.

After a few hours had passed, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Ying Yueru looked as if she'd figured everything out. "What is going on?! " She muttered to herself, " My strings of fate are vanishing yet I can still feel their presence meaning I have not died in the future rather my fate has become unreadable"

This morning Ying Yueru had felt something that she never thought was possible.

Her fate was beginning to change .

Which wasn't that big of a deal since fate always changed what it wanted to do with its pawns but this time , her fate was beginning to be torn into an infinite possibilities and through her divination technique , she knew that the entity that caused this change was near her .

Opening her eyes , Ying Yueru couldn't help but place a hand over her heart .

It was beating like crazy because for the first time in her life. She didn't know what was going to happen when she meets the entity that changed her fate. It was both terrifying and exciting for Ying Yueru as she exclaimed ," My mother was a human, but the blood of the Demon God also flows within me. My existence was already destined to be intolerable yet through this divination I can't seem to gaze at my fate anymore but i can only see happiness in my life with you .Just who are you ? "

She remained there like a fairy that had descended into the mortal realm, uncorrupted by the world's dust. Her gentle gaze was as clear as water.

She was a woman who was as serene as the moon.

Ever since she was born, she'd been an observer of destiny. She'd performed divinations on too many people; from her perspective, the lives and deaths were too normal. Because of this, she didn't even view her own life and death with much importance but this new divination had clearly changed her view as she wanted to feel that happiness. The happiness she sensed in her future self was something she wanted to experience before her role in fate's plan began to occur.

Ying Yueru wondered if her role was still the same in fate's plan or had this entity even changed that.

Ying Yueru began to calculate fate as she actively searched for any clues that may lead her towards the entity that had changed her fate from a fate of loneliness to something she could only see a few glimpses of as if her fate was now fateless but those few glimpses caused her to sense , only happiness expressed on the face of her future self .


Yang Xin and Yu Yan appeared onto the new axis of the Divine Continent and they could see Xiao Ning'er with the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword in her hands staring at the sky.

Suddenly Xiao Ning'er swung her sword as a wave of sword intent moved towards the Supreme Seal.

The Supreme seal didn't even budge at Xiao Ning'er's attack.

Yang Xin and Yu Yan looked at her sister in sadness.

Unlike them Xiao Ning'er wanted to begin searching for Lin Lingtian immediately but everyone wanted to cleanup the mess they had made to the Tiny World which was Lin Lingtian's original plan.

Yu Yan and Yang Xin could see the anger in Xiao Ning'er's eyes as she gazed at the Supreme seal . Blood dripped down her palms as she clenched the hilt of the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword.

" Ning'er ! " Yang Xin said as she held Xiao Ning'er's hand before Yu Yan and her hugged Xiao Ning'er who broke down in tears.

They knew they had to support each other and not let one or the other become consumed by their respective fury.


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