Chapter no.181 Ming Fei's Dark Plans

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Feather Sect - Ying Yueru's House ]

( ~ Knock ~ )

( ~ Knock ~ )

As soon as Gu Lan dismissed her servant outside the serene house Ying Yueru to stop cultivating as she went to open the door while grabbing an apple.

Even though she didn't like to eat , Lin Lingtian was very convincing that the Dao wouldn't escape her hands just because she eat some food.

( ~ Crunch ~ )

' Maybe it was for the best .' Ying Yueru thought as she ate the apple.

Since she felt more happy with herself ever since she started eating with Lin Lingtian.

' Is this happiness because of some meal or whom I share it with ?' Ying Yueru cogitated with a blush on her face.

( ~ Creek ~ )

Upon opening the door , Ying Yueru noticed Gu Lan in her wheel chair deep in thought.

She wore a white silk dress with a blanket draped over her legs. She'd reached a crucial point in her cultivation while she had battled with her brother daily but the breakthrough that occurred outside of Ying Yueru's house was completely unexpected. Maybe it was the peaceful nature of Ying Yueru's house or maybe it was the sense of peace she had while waiting for the door to open but she had recultivated to the Heavenly Fate Realm as white mist rolled off her body. Her clothes were drenched in sweat, that her pearly white skin and light pink chest wrap could be vaguely seen.

Today, Gu Lan still had a pale face; however, her slender hands had gained more of a fleshy pink colour to them.

Ying Yueru smiled as she looked at Gu Lan.

Lin Lingtian was a good influence on these two siblings.

Ying Yueru waited for Gu Lan to finish her cultivation.

Roughly an hour later, Gu Lan finally opened her eyes. Upon seeing Ying Yueru, she lightly smiled and said, "Ah, madam I should apologize my current breakthrough was unexpected."

" It's not a problem."

Gu Lan sighed in relief as she heard those words ," Have you been waiting for very long?"

" Time is just a illusion ."

" Ok ?" Gu Lan looked confused as Ying Yueru pulled her into the house.

" Does casting the illusion of your sickness still necessary?"

Gu Lan smiled, "I've been crippled for so long that my enemies don't see any worth in me. My brother and I, have decided to use this as an opportunity to increase our power without letting anyone know."

" Quite the cunning pair of siblings , you two are."

Gu Lan blushed at Ying Yueru's words.

" Well , we have to be cunning if we want to survive in this world."

" That is true , we can't all be like Lin Lingtian." Ying Yueru said with a chuckle as she offered a herbal tea that Lin Lingtian always makes for her.

It really had a soothing effect on the mind.

" He really is amazing." Gu Lan said absentmindedly before she realized what she had said. She quickly hide her embarrassment by drinking the herbal tea.

( ~ Sip ~ )

Glancing at Gu Lan , Ying Yueru mused ,' Looks like you have an admirer. '

Ying Yueru frowned when she felt a sharp pain in her heart at the same time as she thought of Gu Lan getting together with Lin Lingtian.Placing a hand on her beating heart , Ying Yueru wondered.

' What was that ?'

Gu Lan awkwardly looked at Ying Yueru as she didn't know how to continue the conversation after the off hand mention of Lin Lingtian.

' Idiot , you just had to speak of Master Lin's greatness to his wife.'

Gu Lan placed the herbal tea down as she asked ," Madam , do you know where my brother is ?"

" Hmm "

" It's just that it has been a week since I last saw him and I figured that he would be here training with master Lin."

" I am going to have to apologize, Junior Sister but Lin Lingtian and Gu Bei have not returned from the Ghastly Ruins."

" Do you think they might be in trouble ?"

Ying Yueru snorted and said ," I wouldn't be so worried about the two getting into trouble. If anything I should be worried if Lin Lingtian is going around causing trouble for others."


[ Divine Feather Sect - Central District ]

One of the five districts in the Skysoul Institute of the Divine Feathers Sect.

This place is very important for the sect master since this place used to be the home of the ancestor of the Divine Feather Sect.

Those that wish to become a family's patriarch or the Sect Master must be able to enter the Central District. The students of the Central District are personal taught by the five strongest Martial Ancestor Realm experts of the Sect.

The top ten in the rankings of the East District have the chance of moving to the Central District. Most of those with a god growth level Demon Spirit are able to join the central district at some point.

Hidden within the Central District was a medical chamber that housed Xiao Yu who was in a comma.

Ever since Li Qiye and Bu Qiye had been absorbed by Lin Lingtian, the Void Spiritual Array had induced Xiao Yu into a comma since her mind would have been broken due to the power that was permeating from the Void Spiritual Array.

Xiao Yu as a result was breakthrough at an unbelievable rate.

In this week she had risen from a 1 star Heavenly Fate Realm to a 1 stage Dao of Dragon realm. This unprecedented growth caused the patriarch and the elder council to take notice as a Martial Ancestor Elder was placed by Xiao Yu's side to suppress her aura as to not let anyone know of her existence.

The Elder Council and the sect master figured that Xiao Yu was the target of the mysterious cultivator so they had placed Xiao Yu in close proximity. If the mysterious assailant ever returned then he would be confronted by the higher ups of the Divine Feather Sect.

Ming Fei sat on side while gritting his teeth.

All that planning had gone to waste.

Every since he had first encountered Xiao Yu, he had sensed the great treasure that laid dormant in Xiao Yu's bloodline. He had planned to take away this treasure from Xiao Yu when she got older by using a demonic dual cultivation technique which would allow him to steal everything from Xiao Yu when she was over the age of 25. He had even went as far as to make Xiao Yu cross dress as a boy so no other man would dare pursue his treasure.

But know due to some mysterious assailant, all his plans had been ruined and Xiao Yu had caught the attention of the higher ups of the Divine Feather Sect so he can't even use the Demonic Dual cultivation technique on Xiao Yu.

' If I find that mysterious assailant....'

" Then what !"

A voice exclaimed beside Ming Fei's ears that sent shivers down his spine as he felt himself in the presence of a being beyond his comprehension.


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