Chapter no.182 The Sealed Bloodline

" Then what"

A voice exclaimed beside Ming Fei's ears that sent shivers down his spine as he felt himself in the presence of a being beyond his comprehension.

Ming Fei's body had long since stopped listening to his mind as if it had given up.

" You disgust me." The void called out to Ming Fei's as he felt Lin Lingtian's breath.

Ming Fei flinched as he felt his entire body brush past a scorching lava pool.

Lin Lingtian coldly looked down at Ming Fei. There weren't that many things that Lin Lingtian despised but the short list had a lot of it's check boxes ticked off right now.

In other words Lin Lingtian was absolutely furious as read through Ming Fei's mind like an open book.

Placing a hand on Ming Fei's face, Lin Lingtian in his anger wanted to destroy Ming Fei's existence but the AI suggested something that appeased his anger.

The Laws of Time and Space began to twist as Ming Fei felt his perspective of time slowing down.

Lin Lingtian condensed the purified power of madness into a blade.

Placing the balde on Ming Fei's head , Lin Lingtian asks ," Does it look like the blade has stopped ?"

Ming Fei's mind couldn't even process it as to him a felt like a century as his non-superhuman body had fallen terribly behind his superhuman senses causing the movements of his flesh to be left behind.

Stabbing Ming Fei's head , Lin replied ," This pain is going to last for a Googleplex."

After experiencing Googleplex worth of time,

Ming Fei wondered how much longer it will be until the blade pierces his brain as je begs for his death to come quickly. The blade enters into the brain and he died with his soul disintegrating.

Lin Lingtian snorted as he turned towards the coma striken Xiao Yu.

' So the Void Spiritual Array is breaking down. Good thing I absorbed the memories of Li Qiye and Bu Qiye or the Sage Emperor would have come running towards this place .'

Lin Lingtian thought for a second before placing an orb on Xiao Yu's chest.

Lin Lingtian erected a barrier around Xiao Yu and with a small amount of Heavenly energy a projection of Xiao Yu's soul appeared like a 3D hologram.

Using the power of causality, Lin Lingtian wrote a hundred strokes runic array that countered Li Qiye's runic array.

Xiao Yu's body jerked upwards as a huge amount of blood seeped out of her pores.

The blood depositioned into a crimson crystal which contained the power of Li Qiye and Bu Qiye on their deathbeds after their battle with the Sage Emperor.

Lin Lingtian raised his palm as he caught the flying kick of Long Shuyun.

Gripping her foot , Lin Lingtian jerked back and in one swift motion embedded Long Shuyun into the ground.

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow as he saw the sect master and the big four of the Divine Feather Sect blocking his path.

' How did they get past the temporal barrier ?'

Hierarch Martialsky , the sect master of the Divine Feather Sect stepped forward as he released the aura of a 9 stage Martial Ancestor Realm expert.

" To what do I owe the pleasure of such a peerless expert coming to the Divine Feather Sect."

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow at Hierarch Martialsky's polite tone.

" Nothing much , I wanted to deal with something problematic."

" And would the problem involve Xiao Yu."

" (~ Clap ~ ) ( ~ Clap ~ ) Bingo "

Hierarch Skycloud, Hierarch Linglong, Hierarch Crimson Blood, Hierarch Dragonblaze frowned as they saw the mysterious expert treating them like children.

" I wanted to ask you something."

" What is your question , Mysterious Brother ?"

Lin Lingtian chuckled and said in a deathly serious tone ," How did you break my temporal barrier when you couldn't even pierce my weaker barrier , before ?"

Martialsky narrowed his eyes as Lin Lingtian's posture changed while turning towards the big four.

" Oh ! To think a piece of the myriad ancestor sword was here all along."

Everyone from the Divine Feather Sect was shocked as they heard Lin Lingtian's words.

How did he know about the myriad ancestor sword fragment ?

During an ancient great battle, the sword was separated into seven pieces. The Ancestral God Land holds one section, while each of the six divine sects holds the others. In order to keep this important treasure hidden, typically only the strongest Martial Ancestor Realm expert will know of its existence and stand as its protector. Only passing it to another when they are about to die.

Who was he to know about such information?

Lin Lingtian casually walked towards Martialcloud completely ignoring the current sect master and the other 9 stage Martial Ancestor Realm experts as he said ," Why don't we do an exchange? You give me the myriad ancestor sword fragment and I'll give you something of equal value."

The Sect master charged forward towards Lin Lingtian while shouting ," How dare you ?!"

Do you think a godslayer artifact is like cabbage ?

You dare say such words like that.

Lin Lingtian's words had offended the sect master causing him to attack but Lin Lingtian didn't even turn as he flicked his finger.

The air pressure sent the sect master flying away like fly.

But suddenly Martial sky charged forward in his Demon spirit form , Celestial Sky Dragon which caused Lin Lingtian to raise his fist in the air and bring it down onto Martialsky's face whose body crashed into the ground causing the entire building to break from the force of Lin Lingtian's punch.

Seeing Martialsky knocked out , Lin Lingtian turned towards Martialcloud who had been frozen in the sky.

In the hands of the Martialcloud was a fragment of the Myriad ancestor sword , he had used it to attack Lin Lingtian when his back was turned but the Law of Infinity had outstretched the distance between him and Lin Lingtian to infinity effectively freezing him in place.

The other elders were trying to fight against the purified power of madness that Lin Lingtian had manipulated into spikes impaling them.

Lin Lingtian took the fragment of the myriad ancestor sword. It looked like an ordinary sword.

Channeling Heavenly Energy into it , Lin Lingtian manipulated it so that it can reveal it's true form.

A golden liquid floated in Lin Lingtian's palms as he narrowed his eyes.

' So this is the myriad ancestor sword or should I say the one of the last two remaining artifacts of the most powerful true cultivator in the era of Saints.'


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