Chapter no.184 Departure

[ POV Change ]

[ Divine Feather Sect - Ying Yueru's house ]

Gu Bei sat outside in the garden as he looked at his new sword.

His master had given it to him to tame yet he couldn't even activate it.

Even after breaking through to the Dao of Dragon realm, he couldn't even make the sword budge.

Just how powerful was his master that he could causally activate it ?

Gu Bei smiled.

The master is truly an enigma.

Even after reaching the Dao of Dragon, he can't even see through his master's cultivation realm.

As if he was being beyond his understanding.

( ~ Creek ~ )

Hearing the door closing, Gu Bei glanced back to see Lin Lingtian walking towards him.

" Master ."

" Gu Bei , I want you to stand guard here until I return."

A little confused by Lin Lingtian's request , Gu Bei nodded since his trust to hid master was greater than his curiosity.

Even if Gu Bei was dying to learn where his master was going , he wouldn't question his master's word.

Reading his disciple's mind ,Lin Lingtian just tapped his shoulder and said with a smirk ," Why don't we make a bet ?"

" Huh ?"

" Let's make a bet my dear disciple ; if you can tame the blade of avarice by the time I return then I'll teach you my personal sword technique but if you don't then we'll see about it."

A little prudent , Gu Bei thought about it.

On one hand he gets the master's personal technique and on the other hand , he faces a mysterious fate.

Gu Bei shuddered while remembering Lin Lingtian's harsh training but he still has the chance to learn sword technique.

" Then it's a bet, master."

Lin Lingtian smiled and tapped Gu Bei's shoulder and for some reason this small gesture scared Gu Bei.

Lin Lingtian turned and walked away as he intended to get the remaining shards of the myriad ancestor sword.


As Lin Lingtian walked along the zigzagged path intending to use the Ghastly Ruins to escape from the Divine Feather Sect.

If the higher ups of the Divine Feather Sect weren't a bunch of idiots then they could easily guess that he was sitting in the sect since there has been no disturbance in the spatial barrier around the Divine Feather Sect.

Lin Lingtian smiled as he tried to imagine the look of fear in the eyes of those higher ups when they realized that he was still here and the paranoia that will come after.

( ~ Chuckle ~ )

Lin Lingtian suddenly stopped as he met a girl who was walking from the opposite direction. She halted her steps when she saw Lin Lingtian

This road was the only way to get to that valley!

Lin Lingtian raised an eyebrow.He never imagined that he'd run into Long Yuyin right here. Was she looking for Ying Yueru? Then again,Ying and Long Yuyin were fellow disciples.

Long Yuyin kinda expected to encounter Lin Lingtian here. Upon seeing Lin Lingtian, she felt like someone had seized her heart. She didn't know what to do with her hands, nor did she dare approach and greet him. Originally, with her character, she'd never look at someone with much regard. However, her heart had changed a little ever since Lin Lingtian had utterly defeated her.

Even she couldn't figure out why she felt so nervous upon seeing him. This wasn't like her at all!

No one else was here except for the two of them!

A surge of uncertainty left her at a loss as to what to do.

Lin Lingtian stayed in place as he looked at her and asked, "Why are you here?"

Long Yuyin's voice trembled. "I'm here to…I'm looking for someone."

" Would that someone be , Ying Yueru?"

" ( ~gulp~ ) Yes."

The two were standing some distance apart. Lin Lingtian took a step forward.

Long Yuyin's body immediately stiffened and she took a step back. Her voice trembled. "What are you trying to do?"

Her face boiled as she thought back to the incidents when Lin Lingtian humiliated her. He wasn't going to be unforgiving again, was he? Right here, right now? There were only the two of them here and she was clearly not his match. Even her physical strength, which she had been the most proud of, had been defeated by him. Faced with him, she no longer had the slightest fighting spirit.

" Really that's the image you have of me in your mind." Lin Lingtian sighed as he that while moving closer towards Long Yuyin.

Every hair on Long Yuyin's body stood on end as Lin Lingtian stepped closer and closer. She felt like a sheared sheep, naked under his gaze, suffocating under the pressure.

If it were anyone else, Long Yuyin would never feel such fear. Even if the opponent was an expert several times stronger than herself, she knew that they'd still fear the power of her Dragonseal Family. Therefore, they wouldn't dare do anything to her. However, that didn't apply to Lin Lingtian. If Ying Yueru said it was true then Lin Lingtian was someone she couldn't handle messing with.

" Don't move any closer."

She realised that without her family, she was nothing to Lin Lingtian.

Even though Lin Lingtian only was a little taller than her, he was like a mountain, pressuring her so that she couldn't breathe.

Long Yuyin's heart thumped around wildly. She took heavy breaths as her chest heaved up and down. Under Lin Lingtian's invasive gaze, she couldn't help covering her chest with both of her hands. Her voice trembled, "You...what are you trying to do?"

" Don't flatter yourself by thinking I was checking you out. I have more important things to waste my time on."

Lin Lingtian's words caused Long Yuyin to give him a piercing death glare to which Lin Lingtian just smiled and said ," Ying is during an important stage in her breakthrough, why don't you visit us later ? Ok ."

Lin Lingtian patted her on the shoulders.When Lin Lingtian's hand touched her shoulder, all the muscles in her body immediately tensed up. She was so nervous that she couldn't even think anymore. This was a wilderness where no one else was around. Would Lin Lingtian let her go?

Long Yuyin wasn't thinking about Ying Yueru anymore. She could only reply with a trembling voice, "Oh."

But Lin Lingtian was gone as he moved along the path.

Gazing upon his shoulders ,Long Yuyin absentmindedly said ," What is your relationship with Ying Yueru ?"


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