Chapter no.185 Attacks on the Divine Alliance.

[ POV Change ]

[ Heavenly Note Sect - Heavenly Pavilion ]

Hundreds of flowers bloomed and trees waved their lush green branches, full of life. It was similar to a paradise that was as graceful as the zither music that filled the air.

Birds were chirping in the forest, along with that zither music.

A group of young women were happily chatting away inside a small pavilion. The entire scene was lively and busting with life.

At the center of everyone's attention was Mingyue Wushuang and Ling Xu. The two were respectively known as the Holy maiden and the Void Fairy whose talent outshined all their peers. Even the elders of the Heavenly Note Sect couldn't help feeling jealous of their astounding talents.

The two were disciples to the two most powerful elders of the Heavenly Note Sect. As of now, they'd already reached Heavenly Axis Realm cultivation.

Throughout the entire history of the Heavenly Note Sect, it was rare for anyone to reach the peak of Heavenly Axis Realm in such a short amount of time.

Mingyue Wushuang and Ling Xu were undoubtedly the most powerful competitors to the Sect Master's position.

"Hello Sister sister, did you know that the Grand Elder has been favoring Shen alone? That's simply so arrogant! I feel angry for you! Why is she the only one allowed in the Heavenly Cloud Domain, while you're not?" A woman, who was over thirty years old, exclaimed as she feigned indifference. Meanwhile, her pupils were lit with a while dark and sinister light.

Her name was Xuan Yue,Ling Xu's Senior Sister. They were disciples under the same master.

"Sister Xuan Yue, Shen's bloodline was compatible. That's why she was sent to the Heavenly Cloud Domain." Ling Xu lightly knitted her brows as she revealed her loathing. She was smart — there was no way she couldn't see that Xuan Yue was trying to pit them against each other.

Xuan Yue twisted her lips to one side. "Ling Xu, you're being silly. You treat her as a friend, but does she think the same way?"

Ling Xu suddenly stood up and glared at Xuan Yue, "Sister Xuan Yue, please check yourself. Don't gossip behind others' backs. That would only lower your integrity."

She turned away — she was done with Xuan Yue.

A vicious glimmer filled Xuan Yue's eyes, but quickly passed.

A group of elite disciples was gathered next to Ling Xu. Each possessed a level of influence within the Heavenly Note Sect.

[ Outer Gates ]

The guards of the Heavenly Note Sect suddenly went on alert as they saw a figure approaching from the distance.

The figure was covered in very dirty yet concealing clothes.

" Stop !" One of the guards shouted causing the cloaked figure to stop.

" Identify yourself and your affiliation !" Seeing the dirt poor cloak and not sensing any danger from the figure , the guards relaxed a little while still on edge.

" I need to meet with your sect master."

A chill went down the guard's spines as they heard the practically distorted voice of Lin Lingtian.

One of the guards stepped up as she shouted ," What is your reason for this meeting ?"

" I want to have a talk."

Lin Lingtian's words seemed to angered the guard's who thought.

' You dare to say you want to have a meeting with the sect master just to have a talk. What do you think this place this ?'

" Reveal your identity and affiliation if you want to have this meeting.'

Lin Lingtian was just about to speak when he suddenly stopped as he sensed Ying Yueru's aura from the runic array.

It had gotten so much stronger in such a small period of time that Lin Lingtian himself was shocked.

' Awh ! Fuck this.'

Lin Lingtian continued to walk forward as all the guards were suddenly on edge as they pointed their weapons towards Lin Lingtian.

" Stop ! You dare not show face towards the great heavenly note sect."

Even while the guards shouted their sect's name to intimate Lin Lingtian he didn't stop walking forward.

The lead guard charged forward along with a few subordinates but she only saw Lin Lingtian move forward and the next second she was on the ground.

Glancing back , she saw all her sisters in the air with the outer wall suddenly breaking into chuncks.

' What just happened ?!'

This was the last thought of many of the guards before darkness engulfed their minds.


[ Phaseless Sect ]

One of the six Divine sects hidden within a subsidiary realm of the marsh lands.

A tidal wave of water engulfed the outposts of the Phaseless Sect as Lin Lingtian in his cloaked disguise road the tidal wave like a surfer on the body of one of the guards he had knocked out.


[ Sky Origin Sect ]

One of the members of the Divine alliance , the Sky Origin Sect was a mysterious sect that was known for its hidden location that seemed to change every year.

Lin Lingtian walked up a flight of stairs as he saw saw many rouge cultivators resting.

This high noon moutain was the only place , Lin Lingtian could find with any kind of affiliation with the Sky Origin Sect. Unlike the other clones who was busy causing a commotion in the big sects , he didn't have much of a problem but something was wrong as he was feeling the closeness of one of his clones near him.


[ Sky Blaze ]

What many people know was that the Sky Origin Sect and the Sky Blaze sect were of the same origin and the higher ups of both sects had decided to meet to discuss the unusual actions of the Demon God Land.

Were they going to attack the Ancestral God Land?


[ Subsidiary Realm - Lotus Palace ]

A small white owl made enitely of flowers flew through the lotus Palace as it intended to deliver an invitation to the patriarch of this small subsidiary realm since the thousand flower sect had opened the jade lotus convention earlier.

Suddenly a spear made of the blood of chaos tore through the body of the flower owl as it dropped a scroll that was caught by Lin Lingtian.

He had entered into this subsidiary realm to get information about the thousand flower sect from the partriarch but when he read through the memories of this owl heading towards the palace , Lin Lingtian couldn't help but smile.

He had found the location of one of the most hidden yet influential sects of the Draconic Ruins Realm.

' My apologies I have do this in such a rude manner but for Ying Yueru's safety I need those myraid ancestor sword fragments you have.'


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