Chapter no.186 Vs The Heavenly Note Sect

[ POV Change ]

[ Heavenly Note Sect - Outer Hall ]

( ~ Whack ~ )

( ~ Crash ~ )

A couple of outer disciple crashed into the walls knocked out cold as a figure causally walked through, not even glancing at the insects he just swatted away.

( ~ Whoosh ~ )

Casually walking through the outer hall , Lin Lingtian caught the arrows thrown at him.

The arrows bubbled with a firey aura of the crimson crystal dragon as they were set to explode.

Lin Lingtian glanced at the disciple hidden within a veil of invisibility who shouted.

" Who are you ?!"

" Why have you come to the Heavenly Note Sect ? Do you know that the Heavenly Note Sect not only eliminates the person who messed with it but also anyone close to said person. Are you prepared for that ?"

The arrows in Lin Lingtian's hands disintegrated as Lin Lingtian coldly exclaimed," So that's what the prestigious Heavenly Note Sect really is , huh ?"

A silence enveloped the outer hall of the Heavenly Note Sect as waves of Lin Lingtian's Heavenly Energy swept through the sect like a tidal wave destroying everything in it's path.

( ~ Boom ~ )

" What's that sound ?"

( ~ Boom ~ )

" Hey ! Just what is that ?" An outer disciple asked as she saw the gargantuan tidal wave of Heavenly energy.

Sweeping through the lands , buildings , forests and valleys of the Heavenly Note Sect destroying anything in it's path was Lin Lingtian's tidal wave.

Standing in a crater Lin Lingtian sighed as he was disappointed by the Heavenly Note Sect's defences which were more pathetic then the Divine Feather Sects' yet the Heavenly Note Sect claimed to be equal to the Divine Feather Sect.

One of the elders of the Heavenly Note Sect came out of the lotus mountain as she gazed upon Lin Lingtian casually walking through the destroyed remains of the outer hall of Heavenly Note Sect.

" Who is that ?!"

{ I am in the middle of an important meeting. Handle it on your own. }

Receiving the message from the sect master, the elder sent a message to all the disciples of the Heavenly Note Sect.

" Attention all disciples. Assess the situation at the site of disturbance and get it under control immediately. Any disciple not under a mission who disobeys this order will face disciplinary measures when this situation is over !"

Hundreds of Thousands of inner disciples of the Heavenly Note Sect gazed upon Lin Lingtian who causally strolled through the swam that was once the great rose mountain as if the combined aura of the disciples of the Heavenly Note Sect didn't bother him at all.

Stormed by hundreds of disciples , Lin Lingtian didn't bother as he causally dodged the hundreds of arrows and energy attacks shot at him.

Blades seemed to went through his body as if he was a ghost.

When his hands moved, tens of hundreds of disciples were slapped to the ground unconscious.

( ~ Thunk ~ )

Walking through the rain of bodies , Lin Lingtian was trying his best as to not accidentally kill these insects.

( ~ Voosh ~ )

Like an unstoppable storm , Lin Lingtian strolled leaving behind the bodies of the members of the Heavenly Note Sect.

Stopping infront of a gourge ,Lin Lingtian said ," Stop this or you'll just get yourself hurt. I just want to talk to your sect master. Nothing more , Nothing less."

A heavenly beauty walked out of one of the caves as she exclaimed in an arrogant tone.

" I thought this was some attack by the Demon God Land yet it was only just one man."

Ling Xu followed up by saying ," I can see that you are no ordinary man but we will never be able to wash away this humiliation until we set an example of you. You don't mess with the Heavenly Note Sect."

" Please , don't resist. Fighting will only cause more pain for us and for you." Mingyue Wushuang calmly said as she tried to diffuse the situation peacefully but her words didn't seem to have an effect.

Thousands of Disciples emerged from Ling Xu's shadow as they covered the entire sky in a blanket of Heavenly energy.

Lin Lingtian gazed upon so many different demon beasts attacking him at once yet there wasn't a trace worry in his eyes.

( ~ Sigh ~ )

" I tried to talk things out yet you people don't want to listen. Fine by me."

Outstretching his hand, Lin Lingtian channeling the purified power of madness into the tips of his fingers before snapping.

( ~ Snap ~ )

An omnidirectional wave of crimson spread out throughout the thousands of the disciples and elders of the Heavenly Note Sect.

( ~ Shake ~ )

( ~ Shake ~ )

Lin Lingtian's most weakest attack shook the entire Subsidiary Realm of the Heavenly Note Sect.


[ Heavenly Note Sect - Sect Master Hall ]

" Geez , looks like all hell has broken loose."

" Sect master, shall we began ?"

Nangong Xianyin, the sect master of the Heavenly Note Sect stood up as she sighed.

" We shall !"


( ~ Crash ~ )

Ling Xu and Mingyue Wushuang struggled to get back up as they saw Lin Lingtian's back turned to them.

" Bastard, come back here." Ling Xu shouted as Lin Lingtian continued to walk away.

As if he was saying that he couldn't be bothered with killing weaklings like them.


[ Divine Feather Sect ]

Martial cloud sat alongside Xiao Yu as he was helping her control her new found strength.

Looking at the sky, he couldn't help but wonder just what was going on in the world ?

After that mysterious assailant had taken the myriad ancestor sword fragment, they found a weapon embedded into the floor with a note reading.

' This is a fair trade.'

The mysterious assailant had left behind a long sword with traces of sword intent so vast that the partriarch had gone into a state of enlightenment along with the other elders.

Why had the mysterious assailant given them such a gift ?

Was it because of the thing that he extrcted from young Xiao Yu's bloodline ?

Or was it because of him taking the myraid ancestor sword fragment which in itself while strong couldn't be used for long periods of time due to its extremely level of absorption of Heavenly energy.

Martial cloud couldn't help but think if the mysterious assailant had some agenda behind giving them such a strong wepaon along with the sword intent.

He was clearly stronger then anyone else they had previously encountered yet he spared them.

Why ?!

This is the Draconic Ruins Realm. This is the realm where anyone would be willing to sacrifice their loved ones just for the opportunity to get more stronger yet the mysterious assailant had given them an opportunity to get more stronger.

Why ?!


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