Chapter no.193 Void Illusionary Palace

[ POV Change ]

In the void astral valley two people landed on a patch of grass.These two experts were of some other race: one had a body covered in fur, while the other had scarlet-red ears. Both were clearly experts of some demon clan.

"There were obviously two auras here just a short while ago. Where could they have escaped?"

"Those two auras shouldn't have any connections with that kid. That guy's aura wasn't so weak!"

The two demon clan experts conversed with each other.

They seemed to be pursuing someone.

"That kid killed so many of our men! If I don't kill him myself, I'll never be able to extinguish the hatred in my heart!" one of the demon clan experts said as he grounded his teeth and scanned his surroundings.

They'd clearly sensed two weak auras just now, so they'd chased after them. But why couldn't they sense them anymore? It should be impossible for such weak auras to escape their senses!

The two demon clan experts briefly searched their surroundings.

"Over there!" An expression of joy crossed that demon clan expert's eyes.

( *Woosh!* )

( *Woosh!* )

The two figures flew away at frightening speeds.

Suddenly Lin Lingtian walked out from where the two figures had previously searched.

Lin Lingtian clenched his hands as he read through the memories of the two demons he had just killed.

Even though he was pursuing the Myraid ancestor sword fragment, a special aura belonging of the Temporal Demon Spirit Page had attarcted his attention but for some reason, he couldn't sense that aura anymore.

Lin Lingtian was so engrossed in his thoughts that he almost received a scare when he found himself face-to-face with someone else.

Lin Lingtian observed the other party. It was a child. Aside from a pair of sharp and furry ears, all his other features were human-like. He appeared thirteen or fourteen years-old and carried himself elegantly.

The child blinked and examined Lin Lingtian with clear eyes.

" Which divine sect are you two from? The Divine Feathers Sect? Or the Skyblaze Sect?" He looked at Lin Lingtian and narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Lin Lingtian looked at him and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Wu Yazi. I'm already over eighty years-old. That means that you should address me as "grandfather". I asked you a question. Not only did you not answer, but you turned around and asked me a question instead?" Wu Yazi said, puffing his chest as he announced his age.

" Well then Gramps, Good luck with your back problems I have to go."

Lin Lingtian didn't even give face to Wu Yazi before turning around.

The Temporal Demon Spirit Page was hidden somewhere around this place.

Wu Yazi swept his eyes over Lin Lingtian. " You have some traces of space-time aura on you!"

A peculiar light flashed through his eyes.

Lin Lingtian suddenly stopped causing Wu Yazi to smirk.

Wu Yazi's smirk suddenly turned into a look of horror as he found himself suspended mid air by an invisible force.

Lin Lingtian manipulated the blood inside Wu Yazi's body using lightning attributed heavenly energy to generate and manipulate a magnetic field.

In the midst of Wu Yazi's panic, Lin Lingtian skimmed through the mind of Wu Yazi.

" Void Illusionary Palace , huh !"

Wu Yazi gulped as he found himself in such a sticky situation.

He had messed with such a wrong expert.

" Senior brother, I am quite knowledgeable about the Void Illusionary Palace."

" Oh, is that right ?"

Wu Yazi frowned at Lin Lingtian's tone.

" If you can free me, I would be more than likely to..."

" stab your back." Lin Lingtian finished Wu Yazi's words who suddenly got flustered.

" No, no, I would never."

Lin Lingtian didn't even let Wu Yazi finish his words.

Placing a hand over the primodial demon head, Lin Lingtian channeled the Law of Nothingness in Wu Yazi's body.

" Welcome to the War God Army, Wu Yazi, Ex member of the Demon God Land."


( ~ BOOM ~ )

( ~ BOOM ~ )

( ~ BOOM ~ )

Chains ripped through the caverns of the Phaseless Sect as Lin Lingtian channeled the power of madness through them as he battled the Queen of the Human Face Spider.

The Queen of the Human Face Spider dodged Lin Lingtian's chains as she lunged forward with a scissor attack.

Lin Lingtian crossed his arms to block the Queen's scissor attack which transitioned into a one inch punch.

The force of the punch caused Lin Lingtian's bones to shake as he was thrown back.

Lin Lingtian looked at his arm.

Was this the damage from the myraid ancestor sword fragment or from her own strength ?

The Queen used Lin Lingtian's distraction to attack Lin Lingtian again who suddenly stopped the punch with his foot.

( A.N : Imagine this )

" Hey, you ...."

Lin Lingtian suddenly did a vertical spin but the myraid ancestor sword fragment in the Queen's hands glowed as she slamed Lin Lingtian into the ground who used the ground to jump up into a headbutt.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Queen was a little disoriented from Lin Lingtian's head butt.

Lin Lingtian lunged forward into a spin as the Læveteinn in its chains form ripped through the Queen's face.

( A.N : Imagine this )

" Come on, you have to agree that it is a beautiful mark I gave you."

The Queen's body radiated a purplish crimson aura causing Lin Lingtian to smirk.

" Finally gonna take this seriously, huh, show me the supposed strength of the Heavenly Dao of the Deity realm of the Draconic Ruins Realm."

Lin Lingtian said as he pulled his chains to wrap around his knuckles.

Lin Lingtian's blindfold ripped off revealing pure joy in his eyes.

Finally an opponent I can go all out on.

" Don't die on me."

Lin Lingtian said he and the Queen lunged forward.

Outstretching their hands back, Lin Lingtian's chain-covered fist met the Queen's fist.

( ~ BOOM ~ )


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