Chapter no.194 Chaos Dao Scripture : Life Drain

[ POV Change ]

Lin Lingtian flew onwards to the Void Illusionary Divine Palace, which was located in a far off mountain range. It was a majestic construct that shined with seven colors, and looked extremely magnificent. Its image was only faintly discernable, like a mirage.

Meanwhile a different clone of Lin Lingtian had his new subordinate, Wu Yazi lead him to the Ancestral Demon God Land.

A place under the direct rule of the Sage Emperor and the place where another God slayer artifact exists, the Sacred Demon Blade.

Far away from Lin Lingtian were some people standing at the edge of the Void Illusionary Divine Palace's barrier, attempting to break in.

However, most of them couldn't accomplish it.

This entire mountain range, and surrounding forest, is a part of the Thousand Illusionary Array; entering isn't an easy feat.

Experts from both the human and demon clans glared at each other, like tigers stalking their prey. However, it was clear that none of them actually wanted to start a fight; they all maintained a certain distance from each other.

It was obvious that no one would benefit from a battle. In fact, they might even lose their chance to enter the Void Illusionary Divine Palace. They only had ten days to enter the palace; if no one could accomplish it, then the task would be even harder next time.

Lin Lingtian landed outside the Void Illusionary Divine Palace's barrier, and observed the rainbow rays of light that fluctuated off of it. It was extremely magnificent.

Each color of the rainbow was a part of the Thousand Illusionary Array.

There were tens of thousands of people gathered outside the Thousand Illusionary Array. None of them could enter.

Lin Lingtian saw through this Thousand Illusionary Array.

So this is where I sensed the Temporal Demon Spirit Page.

At a location far from the Void Illusionary Divine Palace

A part of over thirty Heavenly Axis Realm experts reached the border of the Void Illusionary Divine Palace. The one leading them was Long Tianming.

He stood outside, glaring at the the Void Illusionary Palace.

One of Long Tianming's attendants, who wore golden armour, cupped his hands. "Young Master, trying to break into the Thousand Illusionar Array will be extremely difficult. Not only that, there are a lot of demon clan experts in the area. Why would you wish to come, personally?"

"Time and tide wait for no man on the path of cultivation. This Void Illusionary Divine Palace was left behind by a supreme expert. Who knows if they might've left behind some worthy inheritance inside? As long as there's a chance, I'll give it a try." Long Tianming stepped forward and condensed his energy. By now, he'd already reached the Heavenly Axis Realm.

He'd also integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level demon spirit; therefore, he was much stronger than an ordinary Heavenly Axis Realm expert.

A 1-stage Heavenly Axis Realm expert who'd integrated with a Dragon Bloodline God Level demon spirit could easily face a 9-stage Heavenly Axis Realm expert, without a problem. This is the true power of a Dragon Bloodline God Level demon spirit!

Long Tianming used his senses to try and detect the location of the Thousand Illusionary Array's entrance; however, he remained in that silent state, with his brows knitted together.

The others in his party noticed that he'd gone silent, so they respectfully stood to the side, not daring to speak.

From a certain distance, a group of demon clan experts had noticed Long Tianming's party. However, they didn't dare to provoke Long Tianming; after all, they had over thirty Heavenly Axis Realm experts on their side. No one would dare provoke them, unless they were a Dao of the Dragon Realm expert.

The crowd around the Thousand Illusionary Array gradually swelled. The number of small conflicts between the demon and human clans also increased and a battle would occasionally happen.


[ Phaseless Sect - Human Faced Spider Cavern ]

The Human Face Spider Queen was on her back as she sensed Lin Lingtian killing through most of her soldiers.

" You are strong." The Queen voiced out causing Lin Lingtian to stop as he back handed a Dao of Dragon realm soldier.

" Let's have some fun." The Queen replied as she relished on the feeling of facing against an equal opponent.

Lin Lingtian replied," Nah, I don't want an STD from that thing you call a pussy."

Lin Lingtian jumped up as he performed one of his most favorite attack.

Falcon Drop.

The myraid ancestor sword fragment glowed sending Lin Lingtian flying as he landed on his feet.

" Just who are you ?" The Queen asked as she tried to sense Lin Lingtian's aura and make a connection to any sect.

Lin Lingtian didn't reply rather he fixed his hair.

" Looks like you are not listening !"

The Queen said as she attacked Lin Lingtian with an overhead hook.

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Queen felt Lin Lingtian's fist crash into her skull.

( A.N : Imagine this )

The Queen couldn't help but note that Lin Lingtian's attacks were quiet, without any kind of intent that could be sensed.

Lin Lingtian's kick landed on the Queen's stomach sending a blast of air back that ripped through the cavern walls.

( A.N : Imagine this )

' How can one fight without no intent ?'

Lin Lingtian used his kick to crash the Queen onto the ground.

The Queen couldn't help but feel fear as she threw up blood as Lin Lingtian's aura changed.

Lin Lingtian picked up the Queen with his legs before kicking her in such a manner that her crown shattered into pieces.

( A.N : Imagine this)

' He feels just like the Sage Emperor. Someone who is at the peak. '

The Queen thought as she cracked her neck.

' I survived the Sage Emperor. What can you do against me ? '

( ~ Crack ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Human Face Spider soldiers stood in shock and horror as they saw Lin Lingtian overpowering everything the Queen had to offer with pure raw physical strength.

( A.N : Imagine this )

It didn't matter if the Queen was using artifacts.

Lin Lingtian ripped through them as if his hands were a hot knife and the artifacts were butter.

Lin Lingtian looked down on the Human Faced Queen as he said," So disappointing, all of that strength came from the myraid ancestor sword fragment. I am hoping for a good time but your body had left me with nothing but disappointment."


The Queen screamed out as she tried to attack Lin Lingtian who for the first time ever since the fight used Heavenly Energy.

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Slich ~ )

The hand of that contained the Myraid ancestor sword fragment landed on one side as the Queen ran towards it as she knew that without it her chances against this monster was nothing.

" Like I said, Disappointing."

Lin Lingtian's words echoed throughout the cavern as every human faced spider lunged towards him.

In response Lin Lingtian held his hand out.

" Chaos Dao Scripture: Life Drain"


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