Chapter no.195 Price of Arrogance

[ POV Change ]

" No way !"

Someone screamed out as Lin Lingtian entered into the Thousand Illusionary Array.

Excitement flashed through Long Tianming's eyes. "Everyone, follow him!"




The groups quickly tried to enter but like before they were stopped by an invisible barrier.

How did that guy enter ?

Many thought while some voiced their displeasures out.

But no one was there to give an answer to the horde of angry cultivators. Why was Lin Lingtian able to go inside but they were not

Lin Lingtian found himself surrounded by a sea of constantly shifting illusions. One moment, they were walking through a forest. The next, it was grassland. Then, a deep canyon.

" So this is the Thousand Illusionary Realm."

As the Thousand Illusionary Array shifted thousands of times, Lin Lingtian carefully monitored the array's fluctuating energy before making a path out of this annoying array.

Long Tianming and his group along with hundreds of cultivators entered the Thousand Illusionary Array around the time of noon. The countless changes around them forced them to lose their sense of direction.

"Where is he?" Long Tianming knitted his brows.

Damn it! They'd actually lost him.

That guy must have unique knowledge about this place to enter it before everyone else.

Long Tianming and his men were extremely disoriented as they stood inside the Thousand Illusionary Array. They were completely lost and had no idea where to go.

Over twenty people wandered around inside the Thousand Illusionary Array.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed past the group and fresh blood splattered. Before that Heavenly Axis Realm expert had a chance to react, his corpse fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Long Tianming turned around with his brows locked tightly. He sensed a weird aura, but by the time he reacted to it, there was only a corpse left on the ground.


Another Heavenly Axis Realm expert was killed, this one standing right behind Long Tianming. By the time Long Tianming had turned around, the mysterious assailant had disappeared again.

"Bastard!" Long Tianming couldn't help cursing. He was nearly crazy as he angrily commanded, "Men, form a defensive position! Watch out for guerilla attacks!"




The mysterious assailant killed six more of Long Tianming's Heavenly Axis Realm experts, all in a row.

"Bastard!" Long Tianming furiously roared as he mobilised the energy within him for an attack on the mysterious assailant.


A burst of wild energy created a huge crater in the ground and sent several Heavenly Axis Realm experts flying out.

Suddenly the smoke cleared revealing the mysterious assailant which was a white humanoid puppet which acted as the guard of the Void Illusionary Palace.

( A.N : Imagine this )


( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The Grand Hall of the Sky Origin Sect was reduced into nothing as Lin Lingtian walked out while gazing up in the sky.

He found his surroundings throng by alot of cultivators.

The cultivators rushed at him with blade like artifacts in hand.

Lin Lingtian in response used the Læveteinn in the form a staff to divert their direction causing them to fall head first into the ground.

Lin Lingtian chuckled a little before using the blunt end of his staff to hit the disciples on their knees, their genitals, their neck.

Each of Lin Lingtian's attack resulted in many cultivators hitting the ground.

Some in the sky wondered how Lin Lingtian was doing this so easily ?

Their power was equal to the Ancestral God Land and Saint Demon Land yet they couldn't handle one man.

How embarrassing ?!

Farthest away from Lin Lingtian were the two patraichs of the two sects.

They could sense it.

This expert was playing with them like an adult playing with a child.

The two patriarchs looked at one another before nodding.

If they wanted to survive they have to use it.

A secret martial technique made by the twin founders of the Sky Origin Sect and Sky Blaze Sect.

A technique that could only be used in times of great peril.


" Continue fighting him !"

" Who threw their weapon at me ?"

" Fuck you."

" Formation delta !"

Lin Lingtian stood in one place as hundreds of cultivators surrounded him in a formation.

Suddenly one of the cultivator's opened up a box causing a field to wheat made entirely of pure Heavenly Energy surround Lin Lingtian who jumped up.

From within the wheat field chains and sickles shot out.

" We got him."

Someone from the crowd shouted out only for him to feel that he was being forcefully dragged forward.

Lin Lingtian sighed before tugging on the chains wrapped around his arm.

Cute but not that much of a help against someone like me.

Lin Lingtian thought as he tugged and like a farmer uprooting his vegetables from the ground he uprooting the cultivators who were using this formation against him.

One of the elders narrowed their eyes as they saw the ground uproot into the sky from Lin Lingtian's actions as disciples who were using the Battle Dao Formation sudden coughed up blood.

Lin Lingtian forcefully broke through that technique.

One of the elders smiled in disby as they gazed upon Lin Lingtian who standing upon a pillar of dirt while the ground beneath him had been evecerated.

Just who are you ?!

Many thought as Lin Lingtian the chains suddenly tugged upwards pulling along Lin Lingtian's body.

The Elder who had commanded the Battle Dao Formation sneered.

You think your something else. Letting your guard down was the biggest mistake you could have every done while battle against us.

The Chains surrounding Lin Lingtian glowed before Yin and Yang meat in such a way that an explosion that covered the entire sky erupted.

Pay with your life for looking down upon the true greats of the Draconic Ruins Realm.


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