Chapter 14: Kill Shinobu with Madara

Crows in the sky were flying around, gathering the figure of Xuan in the distance, looking at that Higashi Shinobu indifferently.

What kind of ninjutsu is this? Illusion? Clone technique?

Looking at the few crow feathers falling in front of him, Hiuga couldn't help but be astonished. He had been performing missions for many years, and had fought against ninjas of all races, but this was the first time he saw this strange ninjutsu.

"Do we Uchiha have this kind of ninjutsu?" Uchiha Madara was also a little dazed. He found that he couldn't see through his cousin more and more. He thought he had hidden his strength, and he was a new generation. The number one master, but now it seems that my cousin is really unfathomable.

"Mara, don't froze, let's kill him together!"

After Xuan this gathered his figure, he immediately Jiyin, starting with a b-level ninjutsu: "Fire escape and flame cut!"

A huge sword condensed by chakra flames cut straight down, and amidst the loud noise, it overturned the roof of the conference hall.

"Fight against the Hyuga, don't fight with them, use remote fire escape to fly his kite!" Xuan roared, watching the opponent leaping high, the blood wheel eyes stubbornly caught the opponent's movement, and the knot in his hand completed again. : "The art of fire escape the big fireball!"

"Don't fight melee? Innocent..." Higashi Shinobi sneered. He was in the air, but suddenly accelerated and turned into a few afterimages to escape the fireball technique. At the same time, he was already in front of Xuan's body. When he noticed it was close to the neck, before the knife arrived, the wind of the knife had already pressed a blood mark on the neck.


At the moment of the moment, a long knife appeared across the sky, stopping this mortal knife, Uchiha Madara, who had arrived at some point.

Obviously they haven't cooperated, but the performance of the two is very tacit. When Madara blocked the opponent's long knife, Xuan bowed his head and attacked the opponent, his left hand was behind him, and his right backhand made a handful of kunai, piercing the opponent directly. throat.

"Huh!" Higashi Shinobi let out a cold snort. With a force in his hand, Uchiha spotted Uchiha Madara back. He immediately pierced Xuan's back with a long knife, but there was no feeling of stabbing the entity, with a bang. In a burst of white smoke, Xuan's body turned into wood.

Stand-in surgery? When did the knot seal?

This thought flashed past, and there was no time to delve into it. Because Xuan's figure had already appeared behind him, holding Kunai in his hand, stab at his back at a very fast speed. At the same time, Uchiha Madara finished the seal not far away, "The Art of Fireball Fireball!"

With his stomach and back attacked, Higashi Shinobu suddenly spun "Return to Heaven!" A huge chakra shield appeared, Xuan groaned, and was knocked out. The fireball hitting it was also offset.

"The strength is a bit strong, and it's not at the same level as the special Shinnin." Hyun Lue said with emotion when he glanced at Uchiha Madara who came next to him. If it wasn't for the fact that I had stopped quickly when I saw that the situation was wrong, and I really had to hit the sky back into the sky, it would not be as simple as being knocked into the air. In that case, even if the crow clone was activated, he would at least be slightly injured.

"Nonsense, otherwise how could I be forced to this level, but this is challenging." Madara grinned, and the fighting spirit in his eyes became stronger.

The Chakra's light gradually faded, and Higashi Shinobu appeared again, but this time his breathing was obviously faster than before. Obviously Madara and Xuan's repeated attacks also made him feel pressure.

"Little devil, let me ask you, when did your surrogate technique get the seal? With your strength, it's not up to the point where you don't need the seal." Higashi Shinobu asked.

Xuan sneered, just about to make a mockery, how could a fool reveal his hole cards in a fight. But I didn't expect Uchiha Madara to speak first.

Just listen to him flaunting slightly: "Sure enough, the inferior family of the Hyuga clan has no experience. This is a one-handed seal created by my cousin. Only he can use the entire Uchiha clan. You still have time to self-decision. "

Xuan stared at Madara blankly, and roared crazy in his heart, you did it on purpose, you must do it on purpose, you are revenge, I made you five more minutes and those six detonating charms, right, it must be like this, otherwise How can you sell teammates like this?

"One-handed Jieyin? I really didn't expect this!" Higashi Shinobu nodded and said, turning into a white smoke with a bang, and appeared behind them.

"Unfortunately, it's still too tender, I haven't noticed such a simple clone technique! Soft fist and double wolf roar!" Two wolf-shaped fists roared directly at the two of them. At this distance, there was no room to escape.

"Cut! Who the **** is too tender."

A hint of sarcasm hung in the corners of Xuan and Madara's mouth at the same time, and his body turned into a piece of wooden stakes. A detonating talisman was pasted on each of the stakes, which exploded at the moment of being hit by a fist.

That's not to say, the moment the detonation talisman exploded, a series of chakra lines as thin as silk appeared, Xuan and Madara appeared on the left and right. At the same time, they tightened the chakra lines in their hands and tied the opponent at almost the same time, sealing the opponent's use It's possible.

"Fire escape the fire dragon technique!"

"Fire escape the fire dragon technique!"

The flame followed the silk thread straight toward the center, vowing to burn the tied Shinnin to ashes.

"These two little ghosts... are they really children?" His throat was sweet, and a bloodshot leaked from his mouth. Because he could not use Huitian, he could not avoid the damage of the detonation charm, and coupled with the rapid heat, he finally There was a sense of crisis.

"Heh!" With a clear drink, Higashi Shinobu no longer dared to despise the two of them. Chakra was placed outside, first tore off the chakra thread that bound him, and then instantly used instantaneous technique to get away.

Xuan He Madan only felt a lightness in his hand, knowing that the other party had gone away, and at the same time concentrating, the blood wheel looked around.

"Mabra, on your side!"

After all, Xuan's blood wheel eyes had reached the three-gou jade, and his observation ability was two levels higher than that of Ma, and he quickly reminded him.

At the moment when Madara made a sound, he swung his knife to the left by instinct, and a huge counter shock came, and he was shot out immediately. The whole body was in the air, and the mouth of the tiger that had been cracked broke apart. A new blood color was added.

"Solve one! Gossip Lion King Fist!" Hitaka Shinobu punched out, Chakra condensed to the extreme, turned into a roaring lion and swallowed towards Uchiha Madara. Madara who is in the air has no chance to escape.

"It's a grade ninjutsu, **** it!" Xuan exclaimed angrily, because the distance was too far, it was too late to rescue.

"A-level ninjutsu, right? Lao Tzu will too!" Madara in the air suddenly made a complicated set of knot seals with both hands, "Fire escape dragon flame sings!"

With a dragon chant, three fire dragons suddenly appeared to meet the lion head. In the violent sound, the fire dragon actually suppressed the opponent, one fire dragon collided with each other, and the other two roared towards Higashi Shinobu.

"There are people like this to be teammates, sometimes it is very reassuring. Good opportunity!" Xuan said in his heart, the whole person quickly rushed up, the Gouyu in the blood wheel's eyes turned frantically, bursts of stinging pain came out, and the illusion was already Ready to be released, he has decided to take this opportunity to completely kill the opponent. ..