Chapter 15: An uphill battle

There is such a powerful Tier A ninjutsu as a hole card." Higashi Shinobu gritted his teeth secretly, the more he fought with these two children, the more he was frightened, how could there be such evil in the world, and two at once.

Two fire dragons arrived in a blink of an eye, Hisunori jumped and avoided one while all the Chakras condensed on the sword "Break the air and attack the moon!"

Once again, a Tier A ninjutsu shot, a sword aura like moonlight cut out, splitting the fire dragon in half.


Uchiha Madara fell on the roof, motionless, blood overflowed, staining the tiles under him red. He is now completely unable to move. The technique of Longyan Fangge is his last skill. It was he who sneaked into the bottom of Uchiha's shrine to find the wheelbase.

This technique is at the top even in the Uchiha clan, which is known for its fire escape. It can release several fire dragons based on the user's chakra, each of which is equivalent to the power of ordinary Tier A ninjutsu. With Madara's current strength, up to three, Even so, it has three times the power of ordinary A-tier ninjutsu.

Of course, correspondingly, the chakra consumption of such a powerful chakra is naturally huge, even if he can only release three times with the amount of chakras far surpassing his peers, and tonight, he has already played with such Shangren for more than ten minutes. He was seriously injured and this time completely exhausted the Chakra in his body.

"Xuan, I can only give you the rest." Uchiha Madara murmured weakly. He even had to turn his head now, and he couldn't see Xuanhe's situation at all.

At the moment Higashi Shinobu opened the fire dragon, Xuan suddenly appeared, blood-red eyes directly facing each other, and the strange and ghostly three-god jade slowly rotated.

"not good...!"

This ninja of the Higashi Shinobi and Uchiha clan had encountered him on the battlefield many times. The moment he saw the eyes of the blood wheel, he realized that the other side wanted to release the illusion, and without thinking about it, the long sword in his hand turned directly. Stabbed towards his abdomen.

His whole body was shocked, Higashi Shinobu just felt that he had suddenly changed a place. Before he could see clearly, there was a piercing pain in his abdomen, and the chakra inside his body was running wildly, bumping around, in a trance, as if the mirror was broken, again Back to reality.

The moment he returned, he saw a ball of light condensed to the extreme of Chakra in Uchiha Gen's hand was spinning wildly, pushing toward his heart.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

It was another ninjutsu that he didn't know, but he didn't dare to care about it at all. He could feel the powerful destructive power contained in it, and in his current state, being hit by this trick would definitely kill him.

A punch on Xuan's arm caused his arm to deviate by one point, and one side of his body finally escaped the fatal blow. That's not a big deal, he took the time to kick down Xuanri viciously during his busy schedule, but because of this, the other hand put a detonation talisman in his heart with his other hand.

The two fell separately, banged twice, and landed on the roof.

At the moment of falling, Higashi Shinobi had already threw his jacket out, and with a bang, the detonating talisman on the jacket was detonated, blasting the whole clothes to pieces.

He was gasping for breath, and he was afraid for a while. Fortunately, he has rich experience in dealing with illusions. He used pain to maintain a touch of contact between his mind and body, and then disrupted his chakra circulation. This is the key to waking up, otherwise even more Immerse yourself for a second, I'm afraid it will be too bad.

Chakra is now in chaos, and ninjutsu is no longer available, but by relying on physical skills alone, he has the confidence to win. You only need to lift the opponent's ninjutsu just like a spinning ball.

"Spiral pill is exposed."

Xuan touched his ribs, a pain in his heart, at least two of his ribs were broken, which was the heaviest injury since he traveled into this world.

After he exchanged Helix Pill, he has been reluctant to use it. He has been waiting for the chance to kill in one hit. Helix Pill's characteristics are very good. The only disadvantage is that it is a melee skill. When an opponent is faster than himself, it is easy to be avoided by the opponent.

The Shangren who was just opposite the Hyuga clan was known for his physical skills. If he used this technique directly, Xuan was not sure that he could hit the opponent.

The three-goed jade in the eyes slowly faded, and the eyes returned to their normal colors. Just after forcibly using the decapitation technique of the fox, the blood wheel eyes were already overloaded, and that was because they were insufficient in Chakra.

Without blood wheel eyes, he will inevitably not be able to keep up with the opponent's speed. Helix Maru has also leaked. The opponent must have a dike. Xuan You silently checked his chakra. After such a long battle, there is not much left, probably only He can add a fireball to the spiral pill once, and it is in desperation no matter how you look at it.

But under this circumstance, Xuan stood up trembling all over, took out two kunai with both hands again, and assumed a defensive posture.

There must be no chance to lie down, and there may be miracles to continue resisting. It is definitely not his Uchihagen's character to capture with his hands.

Higashi Shinobu drew out his long sword from his chest, violently coughed out a large mouthful of blood, looked at the Xuan who stood up hard, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help sighing. If this kind of genius belongs to his own family, it would be fine. .

In any case, these two children must be killed today, otherwise the future will be endless!

Higashi Shinobi glanced, lifted the long sword and rushed towards the opponent, Chakra became confused, and he could only use physical skills now.


Higashi Shinobu and Uchiha Xuan passed by. A new wound was added to Xuan's left arm. The red blood overflowed, and the arm became red.

Higashi Shinobi directly turned around, the long knife in his hand brought out an afterimage, and frantically attacked Xuan.

Xuan was embarrassed and finally realized how Uchiha Madara felt at that time. He no longer knows how many wounds he added. The muscles all over his body are contracting. It seems that it will collapse immediately, and his eyes are gradually blurred. He knows that it is because he has lost too much blood. .

If this goes on, I will definitely die. My Chakra is enough for one spiral pill. If I can hit him, I can definitely kill him with a single shot. But with his speed, how can I hit him?

Various methods flashed quickly in Xuan's heart, and finally he gritted his teeth and secretly said: "Fight! Blood wheel eyes, open!"

Using the remaining chakra to stimulate his eyes, the blood wheel eyes opened again in a stinging pain, so that he could clearly grasp the trajectory of the opponent's sword.

At this time, the opponent was moving at a high speed, and a knife pierced into his heart.

"It's right now, it can do it, it will definitely do it!" Sangouyu spun frantically, clinging to the opponent's sword, did not retreat but advanced, stopped defending at all, and Kuunai threw it straight out, the target was the opponent's neck, impressive It's a game of death.

"Looking for death..." Higashi Shinobu's eyes were happy. He didn't know why the clever kid who had always been acting suddenly fainted. It was impossible for him to hurt himself at this speed.


The long sword pierced without resistance, Hiuga could not help but smile, tilting his head, avoiding the other party's kunai, and finally solved it, actually more tired than fighting with a Shangren. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

"caught you!"

The sudden sound made Higashi endure a surprise, and when he wanted to retreat, he suddenly found that he did not know when he was surrounded by chakra lines and bound him.

It's the one without pain just now! He understood it instantly, but it was too late.

On the other hand of the opponent, the round ball purely condensed by Chakra appeared again, directly pressing his heart.

A strong impact came from his chest, and Hiigano spit out a mouthful of blood with internal organs. He clearly felt that his heart had broken.

"Ding! Killing the Hyuga Clan Shangnin, rewards 5000 points."

"Support Uchiha Madara, kill the Hyuga Clan and lead the team to complete the task of Shinobu, reward 5000 points."

When the system's voice sounded, Xuan Chang sighed, and fatigue and pain surged up. At the moment of his death, with the vision of the blood wheel, he turned his body a bit, avoided the heart, closed his eyes, and passed out. Past.