
It was cold, very cold, I ran aimlessly, running away from something I didn't know what it was, I just knew I couldn't stay still, I had to flee to a safe place, I couldn't stay there.

* pant * * pant * * pant *

I ran with all my strength until my legs ached, I was desperate, I felt intense fear and a strong sense of danger.

"There she is! Get her!"

I heard a voice from where it came, that breathless, desperate voice, as if something very important had been stolen and if not recovered would lead to her doom.

I couldn't care about it, I had to run away.

Without looking back, I kept running, I left the pine forest that surrounded me and came to a mountainous slope, it was snowing, there were many sharp rocks and there was not much room to run, I had to be quick and cautious, take a false step and I he would die or be captured.

At this moment my mind sped up and everything around me seemed to slow down, my mind cleared and as if I heard a call in that cold and dark night, I looked at the full moon that was high in the sky, its silvery light wrapped in that area and reflected in my dark eyes, my black hair was bathed in radiant light and at that moment I followed my instincts and walked down the slope.

At that moment, I felt something strange, it was as if I knew every inch of that mountain of snow, it was as if I belonged to it, as if I had spent my whole life there. With those thoughts in mind, I didn't slow down and continued down the mountain at a run.

A few hours passed and there were no more signs of the pursuers, I felt my breathing fast and heavy, my mind was clouding and I knew I wouldn't be able to maintain consciousness any longer, I walked towards a small frozen lake that was in sight. , strangely I didn't feel cold anymore and I felt a little strange, my strength was fading quickly as I approached the lake.

Upon reaching the lake, I bent down to get some water to drink and was soon surprised by what I saw, reflecting in the lake I saw the image of a girl who looked to be 17 years old, in a snow-white silk dress, her face was familiar and at the same time strange, her hair was a vibrant silvery color, reminiscent of moonlight, as were her eyes, eyebrows and eyelashes, her cherry lips accentuated her charm and her pale skin looked like the most delicate jade, it was a dazzling spectacle, around the eyes you could see strange golden lines that accentuated its beauty even more.

Stunned, I brought my hand to my face and then my hair, my mind couldn't process what I was seeing, I don't know if it was shock or fatigue, but my mind started to cloud and moments later my thoughts were swallowed up in darkness. The last thing I remember was cursing before falling unconscious by the lake.

"What the hell happened to me!!!!"