As bright as the stars

I ran home as fast as I could, in a few minutes I was at the door of the house and called my mother.

"Mom, give me a hand, please!"

"Brayan, what's up, why all the yell-?"

"I found this girl at the lake, I think we better find her a place to warm up."

"Oh, by the gods, come in, come in, don't waste time!"

I went in and followed my mom into the house, we had to warm her up as quickly as possible. It was really weird, when I picked her up at the lake, her body was still warm, but when I started walking back home, her body temperature was dropping fast, I had to do something or it would be too late.

"Put her to bed, I'll heat her water and dry her clothes to warm her body Bray, wrap her in the blankets and keep an eye on her temperature!"

"You don't need to tell me that, her temperature is dropping dramatically, we have to warm her up as soon as possible."

"Then I won't waste any more time, I won't be long"

I put her on the bed in my mother's room and wrapped her in fur blankets, the room was very comfortable despite the cold, the walls and floor were wooden planks, fenced to prevent the cold from entering, the roof was straw, which kept the atmosphere warm and welcoming during that time.

Soon I saw my mother come running into the room, she was carrying a basin of warm water with some clean white towels hanging over her left shoulder.

"Here, help me wet the cloths and spread it over her body, this will keep her warm"


I took the towels in her hands, wet them in the water in the basin, wrung out to remove the excess water and began to apply them to the girl's body.

I repeated this process several times until her body warmed up a little again and regained its normal temperature, when it finally stabilized, I removed the damp cloths and wrapped her again.

"I think she's out of harm's way now Bray, stay here a little longer, I'll prepare the meal and be right back."

"Alright, no hurry, I'll be here"

"If you need anything, yell at me"

"Hmm" I nodded and my mom finally left the room, I turned my gaze to the girl who was on the bed, now that I stopped to take a closer look, she looked delicate as a china doll, she was short with 1 60 m tall, her fair skin gave her a charm that made her ethereal, as if she didn't belong in this world, her dark hair contrasted with her skin and complemented her charming figure.

Almost an hour passed, she was still unconscious, I wanted to know what could have happened to her.

"Bray, your food, eat"

"Thank you mom"

"No need to thank me son, so how is she?"

"Her temperature seems to have returned to normal, but it looks like it will take a while for her to wake up"

"*sigh* I see, keep monitoring, when she wakes up I'll make him some hot mush"


I spent the rest of the day in my room, I took the opportunity to read some books, then I would have to go to the capital to take the academic exams.

I don't know how much time passed, I dozed on the bedroom table.

I woke up with the rustling of the covers, it seemed that the girl was going to wake up soon, I got out of bed and walked towards the bed.

"Hi, how are you feel-"

I went into a trance when I found her eyes were a completely dark hue but bright, they were as bright as the bright stars in the night sky, sparkling and breathtaking.