Taking the exams (part 01)

Elora's Point of View:

Five days flew by and exam day had arrived, I wasn't worried as passing was pretty much a sure thing if there was nothing unforeseen.

"Good Morning!" I heard Arthur coming through the restaurant door with a happy expression. "I came to wish you good luck, although I don't think you need it"

"Good morning and thank you" I smile back, Arthur and I have become good friends in the last few weeks, he knew I wasn't a person who talked a lot and made sure I didn't feel uncomfortable in our conversations, he was a very tolerant person which made us quickly become friends.

"The exam will take place around nine in the morning, we still have time, would you like to have breakfast with us?" I asked after a moment of reflection.

"Of course, I love Lady Sabrina's food!" He responded with a look full of happiness, Arthur was wearing a navy blue shirt and brown leather pants, the weather had been warming up for the past few days and it would soon be spring so there was no longer a need to wear very thick clothes.

We sat down for breakfast and then left with Arthur, who would guide me to the exam site.

* * *

About 40 minutes passed and we finally arrived where the exam would be held, which would be at one of the affiliated schools in the eastern part of the commercial district.

The school was big, it looked like a mansion, its walls were painted in shades of gray, and right at the entrance was a sign reading 'Vougan Institution' in beautiful silvery gold letters.

"Well... I'm leaving, thanks for bringing me here" I thanked Arthur and turned towards the room where the written test would be held.

Walking along the stone path without much hurry, I started to appreciate the surrounding landscape of the institution. "As would be expected of a school affiliated with the Academy of the Royal Family, it conveys a erudite and refined air," I murmured.

"Yes, isn't it? The Academy has a much better landscape, of that you can be sure." I heard a familiar voice and turned to meet those familiar gray eyes.

"Hello Brayan!" I nodded as Brayan responded. "Hello, are you nervous?" he asked curiously.

"Not really." I shook my head in denial. "If nothing goes wrong I should get through without difficulties"

We talked along the way until we reached the designated room, entering the hall and watching it with curiosity, you could see several chairs arranged in a semicircle with a small stage at the bottom when going down the stairs, there were already many people sitting waiting for the time, I looked for a seat near a window to sit on.

After found, I turned to Brayan who was beside me before saying. "Good test"

"For you too" He waved back as he walked away and found a place for himself.

I settled down and waited a few minutes until a teacher came through a door to the side of the stage before announcing, "Welcome to the entrance exam at the Royal Academy of Marva, sponsored by the Royal Family of Aran, I wish you all a good test and stop those who are not approved do not be discouraged, you can try again in the next year"

Finally, the exams started!