Meeting (part 01)

Joyce's point of view:

Business was going well lately in Brigido and my days were passing by quietly.

But I knew this was just the calm before the storm, hidden currents were forming across the five realms and we had to be prepared for whatever happens.

A few days ago I received some news from the intelligence system and the news was worrying.

It looked like 'they' managed to capture one of us and were looking for the next heiress of the Aires Family.


I rubbed my forehead after reading the report I received and fell into my thoughts, thinking how troubling this all was.

"I hope a war doesn't break out anytime soon, according to the weather Arlene's daughter must be 17 now, which means that she still has a little less than 3 years to wake up and for her to officially inherit the position of leader from the Aires family of your generation" I muttered as I stared at the ceiling.

*Knock on the door*

I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door and stopped my thoughts before allowing her entry, it was Almira, the person in charge of attending to the customers at the flower shop.

"You need something Almira?" I asked, turning my gaze to her.

"Not necessarily Lady Joyce, a girl asked me to give you a message" She replied.

"A girl?" I arched my eyebrows with a puzzled look. "What kind of girl?"

"Well...she wears a uniform from one of the Academies are in the town, possibly from Aran, has black eyes and long black hair, she looks about 17 and looks like a daughter of a noble house, I really don't wanted to pass the message but, you asked me to always give you any type of message that was requested, I decided to come and talk to you anyway"

Black eyes and hair, approximately 17 years old, I didn't know if it was just a coincidence but I had the feeling that I really was the person I thought I was and I couldn't wait to confirm my intuition. "What's the message?"

Almira hesitated a little before repeating the words that were passed to her. "'The Selenicereus Witti in the tree trunks of the flooded areas have already spread their seeds and are ready to bloom, would you like to watch this show with me in the moonlight?' "

As soon as I heard those familiar words I couldn't help but get excited and rush downstairs.

Going down the steps I came across a figure sitting calmly on a bench in the corner of the room watching the landscape.

She seemed to notice my presence and after our eyes met she smiled kindly before saying. "Nice to meet you, I'm Elora, Elora Aires, Sabrina told me about you before I came here and told me I could find some answers talking to an old acquaintance of my grandmother, can we come and talk a little? "

I returned her smile and called her inside and couldn't help but think. "It really was her!"