7th day (part 02)

When it was just half an hour before noon, all the students and teachers were already waiting at the training ground.

Arriving there, the field had a totally different view from two days ago.

That flat field that stretched into the horizon now had several trees everywhere, as well as shrubs and various other types of vegetation.

In addition to the vegetation that obstructed our peripheral vision, there were also five identical towers, each with a different colored flag representing a kingdom: Blue for Aran, Purple for Genevieve, Red for Aodh, Green for Avalon and Yellow for Vougan.

The person responsible for the test soon arrived in front of that crowd of students and with a smile on his face he said. "As you all already know the rules, everyone can walk towards their respective towers and as soon as we release the flag the race will officially start"

Everyone nodded showing that they understood as each student turned to their classmates and started walking towards the tower.

I didn't waste any time either and without waiting too long, I turned to the tower with a blue flag on its top and headed towards it.

About 10 minutes later, we finally arrived in front of the tower.

It was a tall tower, about 10 meters high, made of stones, just below, we could see a door with a set of stairs that took us to the top and with just one look I could see that the tower was created for We set up a watch group.

On the sides of the tower, we could see walls about five meters high that stretched out forming a rectangle with the tower as a base.

Passing through the door that led us to behind the walls, we saw that there was nothing and that we have to set up our own facilities if necessary.

After becoming familiar with our 'territory', the students also didn't waste time when they started to set up small camps and divide the whole group into small teams that would be responsible for the vigils, assembling the equipment, among others.

All of this was soon ready as everyone anxiously awaited the official start.

I heard footsteps behind me when a rather amused voice rang in my ear. "Excited?"

Rolling my black eyes to the side I stared into those gray eyes as, with a sly smile, I replied. "No"

He apparently already expected this answer from me and wasn't surprised.

We were silent for a few seconds until he spoke again. "Be careful"

I turned my eyes once more to him and soon understood what he meant.

Few knew about the operation that would take place that night and those who were aware of it also knew about its risks.

Giving a warm smile of comfort to Brayan and said with extreme confidence in mine. "If they think we're an easy game, they're wrong"

An air of confidence overflowed my being, it was a feeling that came from who we were and that was ingrained in our blood, something that no one could take away from us.

Turning my gaze to the sky, we finally saw the familiar beacon when I smiled. "Let the show begin!"