Guesses (part 01)

Luan's point of view:

As soon as the sky woke up, everyone in the City Lord's house was already finalizing their preparations for the meeting.

According to Brayan, the meeting would not be held by any of the five kingdoms but by other people.

However, he didn't know who could make the entire Five Realms move just by his request, however, the person who would host the meeting was trustworthy.

We would leave at seven in the morning and the meeting would start at eight, finishing my breakfast I left the cafeteria and went to the room where Brayan was.

Arriving there, I found Merida and Arthur arriving almost at the same time, announcing our arrival, we entered the room and settled down.

"Any idea who might be behind today's meeting?" I asked curiously.

"No idea" Replied Brayan. "Of course, I have my assumptions, but nothing to prove them"

"And on what basis did you make such an assumption?" Merida asked beside me.

"Instinct!" Exclaimed Brian.

"Wow, that's reliable..." Replied Arthur with a face of displeasure.


I chuckled lightly as I watched their interactions before turning my gaze to Brayan once more and asking. "And who do you think is the host?"

He turned his gaze to me and with a knowing smile said. "Think about it, who, in all the Five Realms, can wield the power wielded by the five Royal Families? Who is it that has a power base that is located in all the Realms so that it can exercise its dominion wherever it is?"

Hearing those words, we all fell silent and after briefly reflecting, violent waves surged through my heart and most likely the others as well.

"You mean them?" I asked in disbelief.

"Are you sure?" Merida continued.

We turned our gazes to Brayan and saw that he had a slight smile on his face indicating that the possibility was high.

"But didn't you tell us they wouldn't spring into action unless something happened?" asked Arthur doubtfully.

"Yes, my uncle said those words to me the last time I went to ask about their news, so there are only two possibilities: The first is that the organization is moving again, and the second possibility is that they are planning to take action"

"The first possibility is less likely to materialize, since after what happened two years ago they have been more cautious than usual, while the second possibility, it is more likely since after meeting her, I could see that the witches don't usually sit idly by and do nothing" Arthur concluded.

"Exactly" Agreed Brayan.

I was happy and apprehensive inside, I was happy because it had been two years and it looked like we would finally meet again and I was apprehensive about the consequences that this reunion could entail.

What would become of the future of the Five Realms?