Guesses (part 02)

Aran's point of view:

At this moment, all the Emperors were gathered in a private room in the City Lord's residence.

Looking at those familiar yet strange faces, I wondered what the future held for us, old acquaintances.

"What do the Aires want this time? Sending an invitation all of a sudden and not explaining anything else" Grumbled a middle-aged man sitting next to me.

His eyes were a reddish tinge and his hair was red, he was a burly man and exuded an air of superiority and suppression, he was the Emperor of the Aodh Kingdom.

"They've never been one to explain anything and now you want them to do you a favor and start doing it now?" Mocked a tall woman, she had fair skin and exuded an air of purity, her eyes were a beautiful jade green and her hair was wavy brown.

"Don't be impatient Aodh, that doesn't fit well for an emperor" Commented a man with a studious air, he had a nice pair of glasses and was wearing a beige robe.

"It's better to have them on our side than on the opposite side, don't talk nonsense and have all your lineage elimined" Warned another man, he had long golden hair and wore a white robe, his aura was unrestricted and he had a small smile teasing on your lips.

I sighed inwardly as they argued, wondering what I was doing here.

I took a deep breath before turning my gaze to the other four and said serenely. "It doesn't matter now, what we really need to know is that for Aires to have taken the initiative to call all of us is because they are planning something big and will most likely need our cooperation"

"*laughs* Although with their influence, it wouldn't make much difference whether we participated or not" Said Genevieve.

Inwardly, I agreed with her words but, it didn't show on my face, for having us summoned, what they were planning must be a large-scale scheme.

* * *

We argued for about two hours before getting ready to go to the meeting place.

I sent for Brayan and the others and so we left Brigido in order to attend the meeting.

Sitting in my carriage, I looked at the exquisite little invitation in my hands, it was of a pure silver tone and had golden details, there was the Aires family coat of arms in the lower corner and only an address was written, with a date and time, just it.

Looking at the invitation I could only laugh inwardly, really, with the power and influence of the Aires Family, there was no need to ask us for permission to do anything in the Five Realms.

Unless this meeting meant something more.

Giving up on trying to decipher the thought behind this summons, I continued to observe the landscape through the window, enjoying the scenery.