Responsibilities (part 02)

Brian's point of view:

The very next day of the meeting, we all got ready and started the journey back.

Four days later, we were back in Marva and saying goodbye to the others, I made my way back to the Mordha family home.

"Welcome back Young Master, how was your trip?" Asked the butler as soon as I walked through the door.

"It was ok Denzel, the trip was smooth and the whole meeting was smooth" I said, handing him my luggage.

"Old Master asked me to ask you to stop by his office as soon as you got back"

"Okay, thanks, I'll stop by there after I change and have something to eat, please prepare a light snack for me"

"Yes, Young Master"

Ending our brief conversation, I went upstairs and into my room to take a shower.

Coming out of the bathroom and dressed in more formal attire, I soon heard the sound of knocking on the door as a young, melodious voice came from the same direction.

"Young master, what you asked for is ready"

"You may come in"

She walked in and left a plate of light snacks on the table before bowing slightly and leaving.

After eating something light, I left my quarters and went to my grandfather's office.

*Knock on the door*

"Grandfather, it's me, Brayan"

"In between"

I entered the room and soon saw my grandfather, who was reviewing some documents.

He looked up and with a slight smile on his face commented lightly. "Looks like you might see that girl again"

"Why do you say that?" I asked curiously.

He arched his eyebrows and as if I was asking a stupid question he countered. "It's written all over your face"

The corner of my mouth twitched a little when I changed the subject when I asked. "Why did you call me?"

My grandfather didn't answer right away, he first walked over to a small closet in the corner of the office and took a pile of papers from it.

He placed them on the table and said dryly. "This is for you" And he went back to his chair to finish reviewing the documents he had in hand.

I stared at that huge pile of papers for a few seconds before turning my attention to my grandfather and asking. "And what am I supposed to do with it?"

Finishing his work, my grandfather stood up lightly and dusted off the non-existent dust as he approached me and patted my shoulders lightly as he said with a smile. "As you said yourself, with age increases responsibilities, this is all your accumulated work from the last week, now that you're back it's time to do all the late work, thanks for your effort"

And without hearing my answer, he left humming lightly as if he was laughing at my misfortune.