The Debutantes Ball (part 09)

Brayan's point of view:

As time passed, more and more couples went to the center of the hall to dance to the music.

However, there was still a beautiful figure in the distance who just watched everything go by.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage and started walking towards her.

Reaching over, I lightly touched her shoulder and then slightly bowed as I asked her politely. "Would you do me the honor of a dance?"

Those beautiful black eyes turned to me and seeing my gesture, she smiled slightly as she replied. "Why not?"

Receiving her confirmation I lightly parried her right hand as I guided her to the center of the hall.

Wrapping my hand around her waist and bringing her slightly closer, we danced the light waltz that reverberated in the air.

We danced softly around the room in silence, just enjoying the moment.

"Do you want to tell me something?" She asked finally as she broke the silence.

"Not really" I replied without thinking too much.

We continued in silence for a while longer and soon the first song had come to an end.

"Elora" I said abruptly.

"Yea?" She continued.

"I wish you good luck" I continued.

"Whereby?" She pressed.

"In whatever you decide and face going forward" I replied.

"Right" She replied with a smile. "For you too" And she walked away returning to the place where she was.

My heart was pounding as I watched her walk away.

"What the fuck was that!?" I exclaimed inwardly as I returned to my seat.

My emotions were mixed and I didn't understand exactly what I was feeling at that moment.

The only thing I was sure of was that, for some reason, I relished and longed to see this stunning figure.

Chasing these tumultuous thoughts out of my mind, I continued to enjoy the dance.

* * *

A few hours passed and finally, we had reached the peak of the event.

It was approaching midnight and everyone was eagerly waiting for what would come next: "The Baptism of the Moon Goddess"

This would be the first time that the way baptism took place would be revealed to the public, for a long time this relationship of how the Gods communicated with us through people chosen by them has been discussed.

It didn't take long and finally everyone was summoned to another region of the mansion, the ball was finally approaching its end.