Temple of Primal Chaos

When they all returned, they formed six groups and each went towards the ruin that was assigned to him.

I didn't stand still either and with a group of my own, I traveled towards the ruin located outside the Five Realms.

* * *

About a week and a half later, we soon arrived in an arid and desert region, however, those who let themselves be deceived by the surrounding landscape had no idea of ​​the danger that lurked.

The others and I were watching from a distance, camouflaged in the scorching sand.

Seeing the view in front of us, we could see several ruins buried in the sand, degraded by the passage of time, it was hard to imagine that there was ever a civilization here.

At the moment none of us made a move and just waited patiently, before we came, we learned from our spies who were planted in the organization that with a certain frequency some groups were sent to these ruins and that there was currently one of them in place.

So we waited they go out for before we went in to explore.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long and less than a day later they left.

"Reporting to the squad leader, there was little progress in the search this time" Said one of them as he approached a tall man, apparently the leader, who was waiting for news outside.

"Then let's go back, we have to report the findings this time" He said before turning around and leading the group following him out of the region.

After making sure they were far enough away, we all took off our cloaks used for camouflage and walked out from behind the dilapidated houses in the area.

"Looks like they're looking for something" Muttered one of the people following me.

"We should go in and try to find out something about the place" I turned to them and said before heading towards the ruined temple in the distance in search of information. "I just hope it's not what I'm thinking" I completed inwardly.

Entering the temple, we followed the corridors towards a golden hall that was inside.

Despite the devastation on the outside, the interior was still well preserved, there were several engravings on the walls and apparently told a story about a war that even the Gods interfered with.

Several engravings portrayed doom and destruction, images of conflicts and wars, it was possible to conclude that it was an event that lasted many years.

The land was devastated and there was no suitable place to live, it was then that powerful beings appeared, possibly the apostles at the behest of the gods.

"Druids" I muttered as I passed the engravings and saw a group that resembled soothsayers.

Continuing to follow the corridor and entering the inner hall.

Arriving there I soon came across a set of words that made my heart suddenly race: 'Temple of Primal Chaos'