
A Declaration

I sat there glaring at Airendell while waiting on whomever they were going to send. He just sat wrapped in vines with an angry yet bewildered look on his face. The other citizens were kicking at the ground and doing general boring things. What seemed like hours just drug on.

"Maybe they don't think your worth saving Airendell. Have you upset someone important recently?" I taunted laughing at him.

"Sir Airendell has been an upstanding serviceman and citizen of our great country, how dare you slander his name!" a female voice exclaimed.

I turned around to see a full garrison of troops standing behind a taller well-built woman. on her cheek was a dark scar. on her hip was a sword. her long black hair tied back into a ponytail, her purple eyes fuming with anger.

"Your country has a weird way of showing appreciation. I saved a village from an undead commander and instead of being rewarded as Sir Airendell promised he was either going to imprison me or kill me. His life no longer belongs to this kingdom but me. I assume you're the queen." I replied glaring at her.

She seemed taken back at my words and glared at Airendell.

"Did this man kill an undead commander? is it true of the things he said you attempted against him? Why wouldn't you just bring him to me? why create such a mess for me to deal with? What happened to the honor of the Clain name?" she spat out those words approaching him while avoiding me. Her hand was on her sword.

"Your highness I swear this man can't be human! He says he killed a Viper wolf with his bare hands, even more so the villagers swear he did so again with the undead commander. No human could do that. He can't possibly be that strong!" he sputtered those words as if he was begging for his life.

The look on her face was beyond unimpressed.

"So, in your wisest wisdom floating in that empty skull of yours, decided on your mind you, to make an enemy of someone that powerful just because you thought he wasn't human? How dare you! kind sir, this man's life lies in your hands, and I hereby declare the Clain family name struck from the royal Knights records. Your name shall be cursed in whispers across this country. I shall see to it. You almost drug my name in the darkest mud you could find than expected me to save you from your fate. I apologize for that's not the case in this situation Airendell Clain. May whatever happens to you, that your soul will rest in peace." She made sure all those near had heard her.

"So, if I decide to brutally kill this man before you all you won't raise arms against me or plot any moves against me?" I asked watching the Queen's every move.

"I Serenity Vascu solemnly swear on the royal family's crest I will not attempt to harm you or have you harmed in any way." She replied with a bow.

I smiled; she sure knew how to butter a man up. I wasn't sure if I could trust her just yet. my momentary lapse of judgment concerning Airendell still weighed on my mind. However, it seems the queen favors those who are strong. I slowly walked to Airendell.

"Sir Airendell at one point in our journey together I thought you could have been my first friend since I lost my memory. Can you imagine waking up with no memory in a dangerous place like the forest of the damned? Then have someone immediately treat you as a monster for various excuses. First, it was because a lowly commoner like me shouldn't soil the presence of the beautiful queen. Then you say it's because in some messed up the theory that I was a monster? my abilities are just greater in potential than you can ever even imagine. I would say this pains me but the strong will devour the weak." I said as unwrapped the vines.

"However, I shall grant you death by combat. Your highness kindly strips his armor, and I shall fight him with these fists he's so afraid of." I looked at him with a crazy smile.

The man before me looked horrified towards the queen as if a final pleading would save him.

She waved her hands and three men rushed forward striping his armor.

"Please your highness spare me," he begged as the troops surrounded us.

"You had your chance Airendell. This time you have offended someone you couldn't even hold a candle to. you must pay for your grievances against him." she replied waving her hands at him.

"Put your fists up Airendell, I'll allow you three strikes on me before I make my move. if you cannot make me fall in three hits, I will tear you limb from limb." I said standing in front of him.

Airendell screamed in frustration letting out a slew of curse words and threats. I laughed, bringing his attention to me.

" You ruined everything. How dare you, you freak." he started screaming, running at me.

He swung connecting with my jaw. I barely budged; his second hit connected with my stomach. He howled in pain and backed off shaking his hand.

"How? why is your skin so tough. I don't understand." he began laughing maniacally.

"Airendell you still have one more punch to throw. kindly hurry up I have things to take care of after this." I said looking at him with my hand on my hip.

"I'll make you regret doubting my strength!" he yelled.

A bright yellow light began flowing from his skin and collecting at his first. He ran towards me, "Holy Fist of the Cain's!"

his first connected with the flesh part of my cheek throwing my head to the left. I spit on the ground and turn toward him with a large grin on my face.

"Well, Airendell your time has come to pass. It's time to send you off." I said laughing.

he began crying, snot running from his nose.

"Please don't kill me, I apologize for offending you, please spare me," he begged.

I shook my head and walked up to him.

"Should have taken gold before you turned it to mud," I said punching him as hard as I could in the gut.

his eyes widened at the force of impact, immediately barfing after. as he was on his knees spewing vomit and blood, I kicked him in the face. His neck snapped from the force of the impact. His body spun around and lay in the dirt. The queen looked away and motioned for me to follow her.

"Tonight, you sleep in the palace, we will settle things tomorrow." She said as she walked away.

I looked down at the lifeless body of Airendell. Sure, he was a bit of a pain, but I feel a twinge of regret at taking another's life. I sighed.

"I had truly hoped to have had a friend I. you Airendell, now I wish for you to rest in peace," I replied following the princess.