
The Royal Palace

The queen led me to a lavish carriage drawn by massive horses. The red paint shining in the sun. She opened the door and sat on plump cushions. she motioned for me to do the same. I got in the carriage and sat across from her. She seemed to be sizing me up to determine if I was going to be offended by what her knight had tried to pull.

"I won't attack those who haven't wronged," I said looking out the window. I heard her sigh, relieved it seems to not be my enemy. She then asked me about what had led me up to this point. I explained That I had lost my memory and worked up deep in the forest. I then accounted for the battle I had with the undead commander. Her eyes widened as I recounted the fight. Then I told her about the trip to the city gates and how Airendell acted like a friend before he had died by my hand. She showed a bit of sadness when I mentioned how I felt.

"You are ruthless, aren't you?" She asked quietly.

"I have to be. There's no one in this world or any that will watch my back like my own self. To allow such blatant disrespectful behavior in my presence would offend my morals and if a man can't stand behind his morals with an unwavering commitment, then does he truly believes them?" I asked looking at her face.

She was attractive and she seemed present-minded. Her face blushed as she changed the topic towards what was expected of me.

"Hold up, I'm not here as a guest, I'm here for you to convince me to not be an enemy. I could care less about any reward or how anyone thinks. Your nobility is little to no concern for me to deal with. They have no pawns to use against me since I have no one. no family for them to target. whatever happens, is of my own making and my punishment." I said stopping her. She looked at me with concern then sighed again.

"If that's what you wish." She replied.

The rest of the Time was spent filling me in on what was going on next. She said that there was to be a grand ball and that she would have me custom fitted for something nice to wear. She said people were wondering about the unknown man who killed Airendell. He was almost as famous as his father according to her. She spun this story of how he single-handedly stopped an invasion, which lead to his massive ego and Ultimate downfall with me. Then She looked at me and asked something that caught me off guard.

"You're not from here, are you? like this world?" I looked at her with a Stern look.

"Your majesty, there are forces so unknown to this world or mine that it's entirely possible, isn't it?" I replied with a smile.

Her eyes flashed a spark of lightning as she realized what I had said.

"Well, that explains a few things." she chuckled covering her face.

"My father always warned me about your kind. You appear out of nowhere, turn the world upside down, and then disappear," she said studying me.

"I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to return if I wanted to. I died. hence why I'm even here, though I'm beginning to doubt which world is better. This world has already shown me that trustworthy people are rare. I hope you prove to be trustworthy your highness." I replied looking at her purple eyes.

She took a second to think.

"I would rather have a friend in you than an enemy. I do think we need to come up with a name however before the ball. do you have any in mind?" She asked.

"You can call me William," I replied with a smile. The coachman knocked on the wall of the carriage to inform us that we had arrived. The queen looked relieved.

"Well, Sir William would you kindly walk with me? I will show you to your room and have you fitted." She smiled offering her hand to me.

"Of course, your highness," I said taking her hand.

She led me through 9-foot-tall solid wooden doors that opened up into a large receiving room. several maids and butlers welcomed us from each side. She pulled me past them and up gorgeous red marble stairs. We passed by paintings and statues of people, each one in a weird or provocative pose. She pushed open another set of doors and walked into a large room. Sunlight filled the room from a large bay window facing out towards an ocean. The sounds of the city below drifted into the room, quiet yet still there. A large four-poster bed was up against one wall covered in dark red drapes. Golden candlesticks sat on each side on top of a dark wood dresser. a large mirror facing the foot of the bed on an opposite wall. This would be the first time I had seen my reflection since I arrived here. I walked up to the mirror and saw a shaggy-haired teen staring back at me. A dark red mop of hair on a decent-looking face, Dark green eyes stared at me. I was good-looking yet not attention-grabbing. my body was in great shape, however.

"I will allow you some rest before we get you fitted. Feel free to lay down." The queen said leaving the room.

I walked to the bed and flopped. it was as if I had landed on a cloud. within seconds I had passed out.

That first day was hectic. I had people in and out of my room. I had no idea how intrusive getting fitted was. I was extremely uncomfortable with the whole process with maids putting hands where they shouldn't, then giggling.

"Can you not! That's not for you." I growled as a black-haired maid grabbed a certain something.

"I apologize sir but I'm sure you're going to want space for that concealed weapon of yours," she said blushing.

I sighed. I was going through a lot of trouble just for this ball that I wanted no part in. Frustration was building until they brought my clothes. A shiny black and red coat, a dark red undershirt, and dark black pants. I put them on and was once again rushed by maids fussing over my hair.

"Stop I'll just slick it back, knock it off I said!" my voice boomed shocking the maids.

"Look I appreciate the fact you're just doing your job; however, I'm not used to people fussing over me so kindly stop. I can handle whatever's left. please wait outside." I said feeling bad for scaring them. I walked out of my room to be met by a large military-dressed man.

"So, you're the little lion cub everyone's talking about! My name's Gustov and I'll escort you to the ball. Her highness will make an appearance shortly." He bowed then looked at me with a toothy grin.

"Gustov is it? why are these balls so important. I've been grabbed and prodded in places I really would have rather not been. It was extremely.... frustrating." I asked eyeballing the man.

"Well, let's put it this way, you know what a zoo is right?" His heavy voice asked

I nodded confused about where this was going.

"You're the animal. it's a blunt comparison however it's extremely truthful. These snobby rich types are trying to see one of three things. If they should fear you, use you, or respect you. They know nothing of a normal life like you or I let alone any struggles we faced. They turn such a blind eye I think these balls are the only way they can get out of their little bubbles. Ridiculously annoying if you ask me, Sir William." Gustov explained.

"They have nothing to fear if they respect me, however only death awaits those that want to use me. I will live and do as I see fit, I believe this will make a few people extremely wary of my motivations. Miss Vascu was wise to not cross me. I don't wish for violence, but if it's wished upon me, I shall bring forth the eternal darkness upon whomever." I replied.

Gustov looked at me for a second and then erupted a hearty laugh from his gut.

"I think you and I will get along. Your attitude is as if the rules no longer apply to you. to be so confident must be liberating. Try and be careful, for no matter how strong you are there always is a bigger fish." He said slapping me on the back.

"Not if you stand leagues above the rest." I smiled

This man was interesting. He stood about six feet tall and was wide enough that he could take up most of the hallway. His Dark blonde hair combed back, his dark ocean blue eyes seemed to take in everything around him. We walked towards the ballroom just chatting about everyday things. He told me how he found a sweet shop that had become his absolute favorite place to visit when he was off duty. As we talked a rude man kept trying to get my attention.

"What do you want!" I exclaimed finally after he annoyed me.

Those around me turned and began whispering. A young man in his twenties stood before me wearing what I could describe as medieval ball attire. I glared at him.

"How dare a commoner," Before he could finish that sentence, I slapped him. My hand left a bright red welt on his face.

"Let this be a notice to all of you. if you are respectful to me, I won't move against you, however, if you're like this puke stain of a human being I shall defend myself in means I deem fit. I'm here at the request of the queen and have zero desire to impress any of you. honestly, if you stayed away, I would be happy." I said as I grabbed the man and slapped him again. His eyes started tearing up.

"Why?" he cried.

"You bothered me," I replied slapping again.

I let him go and walked into the ballroom.