
The Grand Ball

Huge gold doors swung open revealing a large open room with ornate paintings all over the walls. The floor was polished Dark wood. Little orbs of light lit the room. about a hundred people give or take danced, talked, and just mingled. When we entered trumpets blasted through the air.

"Now introducing Sir William and Sir Gustov. Honored guests of her majesty Serenity Vascu The daughter of the great king Darius Vascu!" loud voices echoed the room immediately bringing about silence.

All heads turned to Gustov and me I. Gustov bowed while I glared around me. Faces blushed or soured when my eyes met theirs. a few stood out, those that had no fear of looking into the monster's eyes, others just the intrigue was enough to keep eye contact. Then the one that bothered me, pure unwavering infatuation. I noticed her eyes just lock onto me, burning a hole into my soul. She seemed to move around the room like an apex predator chasing its prey. Her scent began filling my mind when suddenly a system warning popped up

drug resistance level 1 requirement achieved

resistant to paralytic and aphrodisiac style drugs

She was trying to seduce me before I had even seen her face. suddenly I felt a cold hand on my shoulder.

"Sir William color me intrigued. The man who killed an undead commander with just his bare hands." A soft female voice said in my ear.

I spun around and found the source of the stalking. Red eyes stared back into mine, a fancy smile hidden behind red lips. pale skin and long silver hair matched her dark red dress, her other hand on her hip.

"My lady, can I ask why it seems you've been following me?" I asked removing her hand from my shoulder.

"Oh, my so you could tell. You are a very special one indeed. Should I be concerned about being embarrassed?" She chuckled.

"Can vampires blush? if so, yes you should be." I replied.

Her face went from humor to absolute horror.

"You are very unique. " She murmured.

I suddenly got a chill down my spine.

"You have some issues lady. Your attractive but I don't feel like being stabbed in my sleep." I said with a chuckle.

"Oh, don't be so vanilla Sir William!" She exclaimed with a laugh.

She took my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. She pulled me close as we danced, the music flooding my ears and her perfume flooding my nose. Her cold hands gripped mine as if something was trying to rip her away. We danced for what seemed like an eternity, when we stopped, I noticed people were watching us.

"Your popularity is soaring Sir William. oh, I do say I forgot to introduce myself. I am Octavia. Countess of Daria, The nation of the undead. A pleasure to meet you." said Octavia with a small curtsey.

"Likewise, lady Octavia, the pleasure was all mine," I said with a bow.

"Announcing Queen Serenity! Long live the queen!"

Serenity walked in with guards in tow. Her stunning white-gold dress. The gold shone with every step she took. Her hair was in a braid over her shoulder.

"We are gathered here to celebrate a new hero amongst us. Several of you have already heard of the stunning exploits of Sir William and his circumstances. Let us enjoy the evening in his honor!" Serenity said raising a glass of wine.

everyone raised a glass. The night afterward was uneventful other than Octavia chasing me around from the shadows. I had never experienced a stalker so having one was extremely unsettling. I danced a few more times with random bachelorettes and talked to several nobles. towards the end of the night, however, it seemed the wine had gone to one noble's head.

"Why should we celebrate a commoner of no importance? How do we know the stories are true?" The man hiccupped as he talked about me to me.

"Sir go away. I hate hurting drunk people." I replied trying to move away from him.

The queen must have gotten word because she tried to rush over before the drunk did something unforgivable. Too late, I thought as the noble threw a bottle at my head.

"I did warn you!" I yelled.

I moved fast, grabbing the man by the neck. His utter shock made me smile as his feet kicked against my shin.

"Behold The punishment for trying to harm me!" I yelled squeezing.

The man struggled before a loud pop told me he was gone. His legs and arms went limp. I threw his body to the ground before me.

"Such a brute. Stop giving me reasons to love you, Sir William!" I heard Octavia's voice call out from the crowd.

"Not now Octavia, your highness I apologize for any trouble I have brought upon you," I said looking at her. she stood with her hands on her hips and sighed.

"Why can't you avoid trouble." she looked annoyed.

I shrugged.

"Everyone my retreat to their rooms so we can clean this issue up, enjoy the rest of the evening." A tall thin butler motioned to the maids. they grabbed the noble's body and carried him out. everyone began going to the rooms the queen had provided for them. I get to my room and flop on the bed. I hope I have a peaceful night's sleep, I thought as I drifted.

oh, how wrong was I.

I was startled awake. The smell of roses filled the air. That intense pressure I felt when Octavia was stalking me.

"Octavia can you just not be weird right now," I said out loud.

Octavia giggled from the darkness.

"As expected of my future husband. You are special." Octavia's red eyes pierced the dark. I turned to the bedstand and lit a candle. The room was empty, I sighed. Is this how this life's going to go? Weird crap keeps happening to me here. I sat the candle down and tried to go back to sleep. Just as I was about to pass out, I felt a pair of cold arms wrapped around me.

"Oh, you sleep shirtless, or is it nude?" Octavia's giggle filled the air.

" Oh, for crying out loud Octavia I was almost asleep. What do you want!" I exclaimed bolting up.

Once again, the room was empty. I groaned, flopping down. I blinked and saw Octavia floating above me.

"Shouldn't you be able to tell? For someone so great, you're extremely dense." Her eyes glinted in the dancing flames of the candle.

"Look your gorgeous, however, I'm not one to sleep with or commit after just meeting. Not to mention I would prefer to not have ties, Harder to be manipulated." I said looking at her.

"Well, that won't do. to live such a lonely existence, kind of pathetic if you ask me." she teased.

I stared at her, it was as if she was lonely, which for a vampire was to be expected. Not everyone understands the nature of vampires and they tend to be shunned in most communities. Their own country isn't any better since in this world vampires are at the top of the food chain. To live feared and alone in your people. kind of pathetic in its light. I smiled.

"You're not going to leave me alone, are you?" I asked with a sigh.

She suddenly dropped me and wrapped herself around me.

"No, I will stick to you no matter how hard you try to shake me off." she giggled burying her face into my neck.

"Don't you dare bite me, woman!" I exclaimed as I felt her sinking her fangs into my neck.

"Sorry force of habit." She giggled.

"You can stay but no funny business lady. I'm here to sleep and only sleep." I said glaring down at her.

She smiled and nodded. She curled up next to me and began sleeping.

I sighed; women are crazy.