
A Royal Favor

I woke up before the sun rose in the sky. I could hear the city coming to life. Octavia had wrapped her arms around mine and was sleeping peacefully. Her face looked peaceful, something she probably hasn't known for a long time. I decided if she was going to stalk me, she might as well follow me. Whatever came in the future I will handle it with pure force. I shook off her arm and stood up. She groaned and rolled over. I stood in the mirror. I looked different from my past life. I had been scarred up from surviving on the streets. My ruthlessness come in handy here, it was time to embrace the title monster. I took a look at my stats


level 3 stats point 0

strength 15+(6)

wisdom 17+(0)

agility 10+(0)

magic 8+(3)

Vitality 15+(0)

Charm 8+(10)


unarmed level 2

poison resistance level 1

Swordplay level 1

hindering vines level 2

Love of the vampire queen (max)

Iron wall (Strength at 20 points your skin is hard to puncture)

The second to last skill caught me off guard. I tapped it and read the description.

Love of the Vampire Queen- A high-ranked vampire has confessed to you. Allowing your charm to increase drastically. She will follow you into the very depths of the underworld. Undead will be hesitant to attack.

Turns out she was useful, I thought about what the person who sent me here had said about unlimited potential. I smiled. Rules of normal people no longer applied to me. if I wanted it, I just needed the strength to take it. I also noticed at twenty stat points I'm granted a buff, and that my body changes. After my strength hit twenty, I saw abs forming, my face was a bit more manly. A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. I walked over to the door and opened it, completely forgetting I was nude.

"Young master... oh my!" A maid exclaimed as her eyes fell below my waist.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Queen Serenity has asked for your presence, sir William. preferably dressed I assume." she giggled before rushing off.

I sighed. I had no time for embarrassment.

"Octavia wakes up you're coming with me. Get dressed please." I woke Octavia.

She grumbled and begrudgingly got dressed. we walked side by side to the Queen's chambers.

"Sir William, I had heard you went to bed alone so why was Octavia in your Chambers?" Serenity asked as I entered.

"Matters not whom I bed matters not if I slept with her or you if that's what you fancy since nothing sexual has happened yet," I replied shrugging off the question.

"Indeed, I shouldn't expect no less from the man who holds rules in little regard." She spat out angrily.

"Don't be jealous my queen, I can share if that's what you desire." Octavia cooed as she draped herself on me.

I sighed sitting down on a large, overstuffed chair.

"What can I do for you Serenity?" I asked.

"I have a favor I must ask of you. A village nearby has gone silent. No traders no anything coming in or out. You should be familiar since you came from that direction. It's the sister village to the one you saved so you can check on both. We need to make sure everyone is safe." Serenity said quietly.

"Are you testing me to see if I can be this kingdom's lapdog?" I asked glaring at her.

"No, no one else knows of this request. If there's something wrong, it will lead to another matter entirely. I am afraid certain nobility want to undermine me since I've taken the throne. I need someone who cares not for policies or traditional ways of going about things." She replied quietly.

"Thank you for your honesty. I will help you this time." I said standing up.

"Are you leaving now?" she asked.

"Yes, and Octavia is coming with me, I'll return as soon as I have results," I replied.

Serenity nodded and thanked me again. I grabbed Octavia and we prepared for our departure.

We rode in a carriage the queen prepared for us. Octavia had fallen back asleep, our carriage blacked out on the inside for Octavia's comfort. The sun wouldn't hurt her but, in her words,

"The sun's fucking annoying for my eyes. We, vampires, strive at night, all our senses are enhanced. During the day it's as if someone blindfolds us." She had explained.

I thought about the promise I had made to that girl. I hope I could keep that; breaking promises was a pet peeve of mine back in my old life. I had always kept my word, it's part of the reason I had died. I sighed; this world might be even more messed up than my original one. I decided a nap was in order as my eyes felt heavy. What only seemed like minutes before Octavia shook me awake. I groaned but then Shot awake.

The smell of copper filled the air.

"William something is very wrong," Octavia whispered.

She turned to me and stopped talking. I felt a wave of anger I couldn't explain as I pushed open the carriage door. Nothing had changed in the village other than the fires had been put out long ago. The gate hadn't been fixed however fixed on the walls were the villagers I had protected. Their throats had been cut. I stormed up to the churched and kicked down the double doors. at the statue sat the knights that had been left behind to protect them.

"You had one job! one fucking job. How dare you lay harm on those I protected." I howled rushing towards them.

one was quick enough to draw his sword trying to bring it down on me. I Caught the blade barehanded.

"You fucked up now," I growled, pulling the man closer. I began swinging like a mad man. Each of my punches crushed bone underneath the metal. The knight spewed blood as I tossed him aside.

"Your next!" I howled pointing to the nearest knight.

I grabbed the fallen knight's sword and drove it deep into his chest. The other three tried to retreat. A pounding in my ears drove me forward. my punches connecting with armor and flesh. Within minutes the knights had fallen. Their armor dented and smashed beneath my powerful blows. I tried to catch my breath. My head felt foggy and unreal. A system notification popped up before my eyes.

5 Mid-tier Knights killed 500 exp Level up. I decided on three points to wisdom and two points to vitality. another notification showed up as my wisdom hit 20

Skill obtained Wiseman- Mana Regen is up 10% mama costs down 5% casting speed up 5%

I noticed Octavia standing in the church's doorway.

"William, are you ok? Your hands are bleeding?" She called out to me.

"Not my blood," I replied stumbling towards her. My body felt heavy as if functioning was near impossible. I looked down at my blood-covered hands. My rage had subsided but now I only felt guilt. I had left them here, to face their doom alone. I allowed that to happen. The voices in my head echoed loudly.

"Silence!" I boomed.

My voice bounced around the church.

"You are strong. Too bad you're on the side of the humans." a cocky female voice cooed at me.

"Be careful William it's a succubus!" Octavia's voice seemed so distant.

In front of me appeared a short woman with curled demon horns. Her scantily clad body pressed up against mine.

"What muscles do you hide mortal, what dark secrets do you hold. Your energy is different than those here. Just let me in and I can take away the pain." she said placing her hand on my cheek. I grabbed her hand.

"That's it gives in to the temptation." She whispered.

I flashed an evil grin.

"Who said I was giving in?" I whispered back.

Her face turned to panic as she tried to pull her hand away. My grip held fast.

"You're hurting me let go!" She yelled pounding her free fist against my chest.

"You made me break a promise," I growled crushing her hand in mine.

The pain of every bone-breaking in her hand dropped her to her knees. she began screaming, her howls filled the church.

"How dare you do this to me! How can you resist my charm? How do you power through my aphrodisiac?" She yelled confused at her current situation. I laughed and pulled her close wrapping my other arm around her waist.

"You need not know, the only thing you need to know is you crossed the wrong person. whoever backs you will know true fear, when they hear my name, they will curse yours. My very image will send chills down their spines, I shall become the thing that haunts your very dreams. No night shall be peaceful for I hunt you." I whispered.

I squeezed tighter and tighter with each word. She tried to fight back, she used everything she had left. she tried to stab me, but the dagger broke on my skin, she tried to bite me only to break her teeth. She began crying in frustration and fear as I cut off her ability to breathe properly.

"I grant you this death slow and painful. I will grant you eternal peace, may your next life allow you to remember how you wronged me and I ended you. " I growled as I felt her spine snap beneath my arms.

Her incoherent begging became nothing more than simple whines and sobs. I release her waist and grab her by her hair. Octavia stared at me in horror as I drug her outside.

"I shall provide this village one last service, one last justice. Your revenge has been seen through." I yelled to no one.

I grabbed the succubus's head between my two hands and squeezed. Her skull crushed beneath my fingers. She twitched a few more times before she died. I found a large part of the front gate and hung her from it. Octavia simply followed me without saying a word. her face blanks as she had seen who I truly was. They say the battlefield shows one's true nature, ruthlessness. What their heart holds. I sighed regaining control after my anger fueled rampage. I walked to the carriage and flopped face-first into the seat. Octavia sat across from me silently as can be.

"Do you fear me now?" I asked quietly.

She hesitated before answering

"Should I have a reason? Have I ever wronged you?" she replied.

"True," I spoke.

I looked out at the gate one last time. I noticed that girl wasn't there, however, I saw the old man. I sighed again. my head pounded with a headache from hell.

"I'm sorry," I spoke.

"Don't be darling," Octavia replied watching me with sadness in her eyes.

I directed the coachmen towards the second village and told him to be fast about it.