My head felt heavy, I was alone in the darkness. my body felt cold like I was floating in ice water. I figured I either died or was in a deep, deep sleep. My mind seemed to just wander.
"So, you seem to have listened to an extent. Young hero things will only get harder. Being Ruthless will only get you so far, however, you seemed to have stumbled upon why I resurrected you. The demon king seeks to start a global-scale war. I can't allow This world to sink into war like that. Please make life extremely difficult for him." A familiar voice called out to me from the darkness.
"Why should I? Your world hasn't been kind to me whatsoever. Why should I be its hero?" I asked.
"Because only you can. They have turned their back on me. my power has been used up just getting you here." White light and a figure appeared.
"So, you are a goddess. Makes some sense now. Are you the one they had a state of in the village?" I felt overwhelmed.
"Yes, I am Tina The mother of this world," Tina replied placing her hand on my chest.
"What are you doing?" I asked as a searing pain shot through my body.
"Hmmm, your world would call it branding. it'll prove to others your will is my own. I can't do much else for you." She said putting her face to mine.
"Show me what you're truly capable of. Show no mercy as you cut your path knowing I have your back about it. Don't falter when things get tough. Help me I'll help you." She said smiling. Her golden eyes danced on a porcelain face. Golden hair fell into my face.
She grabbed my face and passionately kissed me
"Don't forget to also have fun. Despite being mine You will need others and I think you know what I mean by that." She cooed Flicking my head.
I shot awake; I was in my room in the castle. Octavia laid beside me; her face stained with tears of worry. I pulled the covers up to her chin and kissed her head. I got up and walked to my mirror. on my left pectoral was an intricate symbol that glowed.
"Well shit, looks like the demon king opened a can of whooping." I laughed.
"William you're ok!" I heard Octavia's voice behind me before she pounced on me.
She gripped me tightly. her face buried into my neck. Her sobs muffled.
"I am beyond fine my darling Octavia. However, we have some hard times ahead. Things might get crazy, and you might become the target of others because of me. Do you still wish to stay by my side? Even if I wish to have more by my side?" I asked.
"It wouldn't matter if the gods were against us or if you want thousands of women. I am yours!" Octavia replied.
"Then after we rest, we must go to war for the sake of this world. The demon king must fall." I said flopping on the bed.
Octavia rolled off my back to face me. She noticed the mark on my chest.
"You keep getting more and more interesting, even the goddess noticed you. Just who are you, my love?" she asked.
I avoided the answer by kissing her. Her eyes at first were shocked but then she ran her hands through my hair grabbing the back of my head. She seemed hungry for me, So I devoured her in the most carnal of ways. I'm pretty sure the whole castle woke up to the sounds we made.