It took us three days on foot to get to the village. Mornings were spent cooking and a few hours of training. As We passed through the countryside I couldn't help to think about how peaceful and beautiful this world was. Like A shallow surface beauty, underneath this makeup of trees and rivers was a rotting face of horror. The two teams went different routes, as we were to meet up in Cherum. I was still getting used to the heavyweight of my sword. It bounced off my hip with each step constantly reminding me it was ready for blood. The village itself was decently sized, large gates protected its entrance with several armed soldiers on its walls. The other team was waiting for us to enter. Two men and A large muscular woman. Her fiery red hair danced in the breeze. The two men scowled at me as if I had done something wrong. I sighed. This world's attitude to the naturally successful was still the same as my world.
"Your sir William, yes?" A soft voice came from the giant muscular woman.
"Yes, may I ask your name?" I replied eyeballing her.
"I am named Kiosha, and this is my team, Alec and Damion. We hope we can work well with you." Her dainty voice didn't match the rest of her.
We walked beyond the gates together. The rest of our team seemed to just avoid each other as Kiosha, and I spoke of battle plans. We were assigned the brunt of the defense. We were to hold the front gates at any cost. We met with the mayor. He led us to a large home near the center of the village. Cherum was a beautiful place marked with ugly. we passed by the starving and dying. Covered in rags and sickness. One caught my eye. A small child with cat ears huddled in a corner. I stopped and crouched next to her.
"You child what is your name?" I asked lifting her chin.
"My old master called me Nekomata." Her shaky voice answered.
"Dear mayor, take her and protect her. that will be my reward for this venture," I said standing up. The girl's eyes got wide in shock as Octavia took her hand.
"Don't worry darling Sir William is a kind man. Nothing bad will happen to you." Octavia was smitten. The child wrapped her hands around hers and smiled, a sense of relief on her face. The mayor looked concerned but nodded. Later that evening as we waited in our room, Octavia focused on scrubbing the girl clean and fixing her hair. She seemed happy.
"Neko why were you on the street?" I asked laying on the bed.
"My master said I was useless. I couldn't cook, I couldn't clean and I'm too young to keep him company, so he left me on the street." Her voice was sad.
"Well, I don't care if you can't cook, I can. I don't care if you can clean, we won't sit still long enough for it to matter. I don't even care if you're useless because now your one of my people." I replied ruffling her hair.
"Damn it William I just brushed her hair!" Octavia began fussing over her again.
"What should I call you?" Nekomata asked quietly.
"Whatever you're comfortable with," I replied with a shrug.
Nekomata's face lit up with a huge smile.
"Momma and papa then!" She giggled.
I smiled and nodded. Octavia screeched in happiness, as she wrapped her arms around Nekomata.
"We need to get some rest. I don't know when we will get to sleep when this begins." I said to them.
They nodded and jumped into bed. I smiled; this world could be beautiful.
We awoke to loud bells ringing throughout the city. People were panicking in the streets. Octavia and I rushed out, hurriedly putting our gear on and rushing to the front gate. Kiosha and her troop were already there waiting.
"What's going on?" I asked between huffs of catching my breath.
"Some scouts from the demon king's army showed up and made a ruckus." She said nonchalantly. Her eyes never left the woods in front of us. A large carriage was speeding towards us. A small band of goblins hanging from it, trying to get in. The horses whinnied in fear, The coachmen hanging on while trying to fight off the goblins. I turned to Octavia
"Impress me." I simply said.
As if I had lit a fire under her she moved with extreme speed. Her mouth twisted into a wicked smile as bat wings erupted from her back. Her nails grew to sharp daggers. The goblins noticed only before it was too late. One was immediately sliced into ribbons, spraying blood everywhere. another was lifted into the sky and just dropped. It screamed till the moment it hit the ground, turning into a bloody puddle mess. The others had already tried to jump off the carriage to escape. That time had passed. Her speed was unmatched, within seconds she had killed every goblin that had attacked. She fluttered and landed next to me. Her face contorted and large fangs bared.
"I hope I'm not ugly to you now darling." She said quietly.
"Not at all my dear, you are amazing as always," I replied stroking her cheek.
Her face blushed as it reverted to normal. The carriage stopped feet in front of us.
"Thank you so much for your assistance! we bring urgent medical supplies to keep the troops in battle, a lot is coming I hope you guys are prepared." The coachman huffed as he tossed three bottles of red liquid.
"Healing potions will help turn the tide for us thank you." Kiosha thanked the coachman.
He tipped his hat and went in through the gates. Not too long after we saw red lights bobbing up and down in the distance.
"Well, boys and girls look like we might be facing some desperate odds," Kiosha said sighing as she stood from the stump she was sitting on.
I nodded and decided to put all my points into vitality. since it hit over thirty a pop-up from the system came up.
Ability iron wall upgraded to steel skin. All damage was reduced by half, all healing increased by fifteen percent.
Ability Stronghold unlocked, to hold fast is to show no fear. Your presence inspires others to hold fast until the last possible second. grants defense buffs to allies.
"We will prevail. We just need to work together." I said with a smile.
Kiosha looked at me with a grin and nodded. I had hardly noticed the massive kanabo club sitting beside her. she lifted it with ease as we all prepared for the fight ahead. Her boys looked nervous but ready, sweat dripping off them despite how cold it was tonight. Octavia was fidgety and kept clinging to me every few minutes. The lights kept getting closer and closer. The thunderous sound of drums began to echo throughout the air. Marching feet matched the drums. A few large hulking creatures came into view swinging big tree trunks around as clubs.
"Let's begin, shall we! Hindering vines!" I raised my hand and vines shot up the creature's bodies, squeezing and strangling each one. A howl came from the front lines as several goblins riding massive wolves shot forward. Octavia flew up into the sky and descended upon them. They tried to fight back in vain and soon nothing but red remained of them. Kiosha seemed shocked at our battle prowess. I readied my sword as The Frontline infantry came into view. I looked at the shambling undead with goblins and Viper wolves mixed in. Snarling faces came into view, I charged into the Frey swinging wildly. immediately three fell to my blade, a Viper wolf howled and jumped into my back. with my free hand, I grabbed it by the scruff and ran it through, throwing it to the ground. Goblins began to swarm me as I cut through the undead. They tried to stab me, but their blades and arrows bounced off. The vitality perks were paying off. I swung and swung killing as many as I could. I looked back and saw Kiosha smashing her club into a group of undead. completely obliterating them. Her men had charged in behind me swinging just as crazy as I had. They looked bruised and cut but they kept fighting. Within 30 minutes we were covered in blood. The battlefield was full of enemy corpses. A weird bugle sounded close by, and the monsters began to retreat. some trying to drag fallen comrades, we showed no mercy to the slow. Cutting as many as we could down before they escaped. Elisa was sending arrows as fast as she could knock them. We fell back to resupply and prepare for whatever came next. Kiosha was winded and her boys were cut up pretty bad. I tossed them my potion.
"We need you in top form gentlemen. This is going to be a long night." I said as they looked confused.
"What about you?" they asked.
"I'll be fine. I'm stronger than I look." I replied as Octavia landed. Her hands and jaw were covered in blood.
"We may have a problem." She said wiping her face.
"And that would be what?" I asked.
"There are at least a thousand or more troops waiting to attack. that was just a wave to test our defense." She explained.
"Well fuck. Looks like we have to dig deep then. Hey, one of you boys goes round up a few able bodies' men. we are going to try and set up some extra defenses." I waved one of Kiosha's men away. He nodded and ran back into the city.
"Someone needs to try and gather adventurers from the guild here. tell them a Blood rank is calling upon them." I said waving the other off. He nodded and ran off.
"Are we going to be, ok?" Octavia asked.
"I can't answer that, however as long as I hold the breath in these lungs I will fight. If I'm to die here it'll be with a sword in my hand." I replied.
Her eyes seemed worried, to be honest at this moment so was I?